The Homeric Hymns. Lang Andrew

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The Homeric Hymns - Lang Andrew

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pilgrims to Eleusis bathe in the sea, each with the pig which he was about to sacrifice. The highest religious hopes, the meanest magical mummeries are blended in this religion. That one element is earlier than the other we cannot say with much certainty. The ritual aspect, as concerned with the happy future of the soul, does not appear in Iliad or Odyssey, where the Mysteries are not named. But the silence of Homer is never a safe argument in favour of his ignorance, any more than the absence of allusion to tobacco in Shakspeare is a proof that tobacco was, in his age, unknown.

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      Baumeister, p. 94, and note on Hymn to Hermes, 51, citing Antigonus Carystius. See, too, Gemoll, Die Homerischen Hymnen, p. 105.


      Journal of Hellenic Society, vol. xiv. pp. 1-29. Mr. Verrall’s whole paper ought to be read, as a summary cannot be adequate.


      Henderson, “The Casket Letters,” p. 67.


      Baumeister, “Hymni Homerici,” 1860, p. 108 et seq.


      Die Homerischen Hymnen


Baumeister, p. 94, and note on Hymn to Hermes, 51, citing Antigonus Carystius. See, too, Gemoll, Die Homerischen Hymnen, p. 105.


Journal of Hellenic Society, vol. xiv. pp. 1-29. Mr. Verrall’s whole paper ought to be read, as a summary cannot be adequate.


Henderson, “The Casket Letters,” p. 67.


Baumeister, “Hymni Homerici,” 1860, p. 108 et seq.


Die Homerischen Hymnen, p. 116 (1886).


Journal Anthrop. Inst., Feb. 1892, p. 290.


(Op. cit., p. 296.) See “Are Savage Gods Borrowed from Missionaries?” (Nineteenth Century, January 1899).


Hartland, “Folk-Lore,” ix. 4, 312; x. I, p. 51.


Winslow, 1622.


For authorities, see Mr Howitt in the Journal of the Anthropological Institute, and my “Making of Religion.” Also Folk Lore, December-March, 1898-99.


Manning, “Notes on the Aborigines of New Holland.” Read before Royal Society of New South Wales, 1882. Notes taken down in 1845. Compare Mrs. Langloh Parker, More Australian Legendary Tales, “The Legend of the Flowers.”


Spencer and Gillen, “Natives of Central Australia,” p. 651, s. v.


For the use of Hermes’s tortoise-shell as a musical instrument without strings, in early Anahuac, see Prof. Morse, in Appleton’s Popular Science Monthly, March 1899.




“Golden Bough,” i. 279. Mannhardt, Antike-Wald-und Feldkulte, p. 274.


Howitt, Journal Anthtop. Inst., xvi. p. 54.


The Kurnai hold this belief.


Brough Smyth, vol. i. p. 426


Journal Anthrop. Inst., xvi. pp. 330-331.

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