The Kipling Reader. Rudyard Kipling

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The Kipling Reader - Rudyard Kipling

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just the least bit in the world tucked up,' said Jim to himself, 'but he can do two men's work yet.' Then he was aware that Mrs. Jim was telegraphing to him, and according to the domestic code the message ran: 'A clear case. Look at them!'

      He looked and listened. All that William was saying was: 'What can you expect of a country where they call a bhistee [a water-carrier] a tunni-cutch?' and all that Scott answered was: 'I shall be precious glad to get back to the Club. Save me a dance at the Christmas ball, won't you?'

      'It's a far cry from here to the Lawrence Hall,' said Jim. 'Better turn in early, Scott. It's paddy-carts to-morrow; you'll begin loading at five.'

      'Aren't you going to give Mr. Scott one day's rest?'

      'Wish I could, Lizzie. 'Fraid I can't. As long as he can stand up we must use him.'

      'Well, I've had one Europe evening, at least … By Jove, I'd nearly forgotten! What do I do about those babies of mine?'

      'Leave them here,' said William – 'we are in charge of that – and as many goats as you can spare. I must learn how to milk now.'

      'If you care to get up early enough to-morrow I'll show you. I have to milk, you see; and, by the way, half of em have beads and things round their necks. You must be careful not to take 'em off, in case the mothers turn up.'

      'You forget I've had some experience here.'

      'I hope to goodness you won't overdo.' Scott's voice was unguarded.

      'I'll take care of her,' said Mrs. Jim, telegraphing hundred-word messages as she carried William off, while Jim gave Scott his orders for the coming campaign. It was very late – nearly nine o'clock.

      'Jim, you're a brute,' said his wife, that night; and the Head of the

      Famine chuckled.

      'Not a bit of it, dear I remember doing the first Jandiala Settlement for the sake of a girl in a crinoline; and she was slender, Lizzie. I've never done as good a piece of work since. He'll work like a demon.'

      'But you might have given him one day.'

      'And let things come to a head now? No, dear; it's their happiest time.'

      'I don't believe either of the dears know what's the matter with them. Isn't it beautiful? Isn't it lovely?'

      'Getting up at three to learn to milk, bless her heart! Ye gods, why must we grow old and fat?'

      'She's a darling. She has done more work under me – '

      'Under you! The day after she came she was in charge and you were her subordinate, and you've stayed there ever since. She manages you almost as well as you manage me.'

      'She doesn't, and that's why I love her. She's as direct as a man-as her brother.'

      'Her brother's weaker than she is. He's always coming to me for orders; but he's honest, and a glutton for work. I confess I'm rather fond of William, and if I had a daughter – '

      The talk ended there. Far away in the Derajat was a child's grave more than twenty years old, and neither Jim nor his wife spoke of it any more.

      'All the same, you're responsible,' Jim added, after a moment's silence.

      'Bless 'em,' said Mrs. Jim, sleepily.

      Before the stars paled, Scott, who slept in an empty cart, waked and went about his work in silence; it seemed at that hour unkind to rouse Faiz Ullah and the interpreter. His head being close to the ground, he did not hear William till she stood over him in the dingy old riding-habit, her eyes still heavy with sleep, a cup of tea and a piece of toast in her hands. There was a baby on the ground, squirming on a piece of blanket, and a six-year-old child peered over Scott's shoulder.

      'Hai, you little rip,' said Scott, 'how the deuce do you expect to get your rations if you aren't quiet?'

      A cool white hand steadied the brat, who forthwith choked as the milk gurgled into his mouth.

      'Mornin',' said the milker. 'You've no notion how these little fellows can wriggle.'

      'Oh, yes, I have.' She whispered, because the world was asleep. 'Only

      I feed them with a spoon or a rag. Yours are fatter than mine…

      And you've been doing this day after day, twice a day?' The voice was almost lost.

      'Yes; it was absurd. Now you try,' he said, giving place to the girl.

      'Look out! A goat's not a cow.'

      The goat protested against the amateur, and there was a scuffle, in which Scott snatched up the baby. Then it was all to do over again, and William laughed softly and merrily. She managed, however, to feed two babies, and a third.

      'Don't the little beggars take it well!' said Scott. 'I trained 'em.'

      They were very busy and interested, when, lo! it was broad daylight, and before they knew, the camp was awake, and they kneeled among the goats, surprised by the day, both flushed to the temples. Yet all the round world rolling up out of the darkness might have heard and seen all that had passed between them.

      'Oh,' said William, unsteadily, snatching up the tea and toast, 'I had this made for you. It's stone-cold now. I thought you mightn't have anything ready so early. Better not drink it. It's – it's stone-cold.'

      'That's awfully kind of you. It's just right. It's awfully good of you, really. I'll leave my kids and goats with you and Mrs. Jim; and, of course, any one in camp can show you about the milking.'

      'Of course,' said William; and she grew pinker and pinker and statelier and more stately, as she strode back to her tent, fanning herself vigorously with the saucer.

      There were shrill lamentations through the camp when the elder children saw their nurse move off without them. Faiz Ullah unbent so far as to jest with the policemen, and Scott turned purple with shame because Hawkins, already in the saddle, roared.

      A child escaped from the care of Mrs. Jim, and, running like a rabbit, clung to Scott's boot, William pursuing with long, easy strides.

      'I will not go – I will not go!' shrieked the child, twining his feet round Scott's ankle. 'They will kill me here. I do not know these people.'

      'I say,' said Scott, in broken Tamil, 'I say, she will do you no harm. Go with her and be well fed.'

      'Come!' said William, panting, with a wrathful glance at Scott, who stood helpless and, as it were, hamstrung.

      'Go back,' said Scott quickly to William. 'I'll send the little chap over in a minute.'

      The tone of authority had its effect, but in a way Scott did not exactly intend. The boy loosened his grasp, and said with gravity, 'I did not know the woman was thine. I will go.' Then he cried to his companions, a mob of three-, four-, and five-year-olds waiting on the success of his venture ere they stampeded: 'Go back and eat. It is our man's woman. She will obey his orders.'

      Jim collapsed where he sat; Faiz Ullah and the two policemen grinned; and Scott's orders to the cartmen flew like hail.

      'That is the custom of the Sahibs when truth is told in their presence,' said Faiz Ullah. 'The time comes that I must seek

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