Poems in Two Volumes, Volume 2. William Wordsworth

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Poems in Two Volumes, Volume 2 - William Wordsworth

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double, Swan and Shadow!

        We will not see them; will not go,

        Today, nor yet tomorrow;

        Enough if in our hearts we know,

        There's such a place as Yarrow."

        "Be Yarrow Stream unseen, unknown!

        It must, or we shall rue it:

        We have a vision of our own;

        Ah! why should we undo it?

        The treasured dreams of times long past

        We'll keep them, winsome Marrow!

        For when we're there although 'tis fair

        'Twill be another Yarrow!"

        "If Care with freezing years should come,

        And wandering seem but folly,

        Should we be loth to stir from home,

        And yet be melancholy;

        Should life be dull, and spirits low,

        'Twill soothe us in our sorrow

        That earth has something yet to show,

        The bonny Holms of Yarrow!"



        Stay near me – do not take thy flight!

        A little longer stay in sight!

        Much converse do I find in Thee,

        Historian of my Infancy!

        Float near me; do not yet depart!

        Dead times revive in thee:

        Thou bring'st, gay Creature as thou art!

        A solemn image to my heart,

        My Father's Family!

        Oh! pleasant, pleasant were the days,

        The time, when in our childish plays

        My sister Emmeline and I

        Together chaced the Butterfly!

        A very hunter did I rush

        Upon the prey: – with leaps and springs

        I follow'd on from brake to bush;

        But She, God love her! feared to brush

        The dust from off its wings.


        The Sun has long been set:

        The Stars are out by twos and threes;

        The little Birds are piping yet

        Among the bushes and trees;

        There's a Cuckoo, and one or two thrushes;

        And a noise of wind that rushes,

        With a noise of water that gushes;

        And the Cuckoo's sovereign cry

        Fills all the hollow of the sky!

        Who would go "parading"

        In London, and "masquerading,"

        On such a night of June?

        With that beautiful soft half-moon,

        And all these innocent blisses,

        On such a night as this is!


        O Nightingale! thou surely art

        A Creature of a fiery heart —

        These notes of thine they pierce, and pierce;

        Tumultuous harmony and fierce!

        Thou sing'st as if the God of wine

        Had help'd thee to a Valentine;

        A song in mockery and despite

        Of shades, and dews, and silent Night,

        And steady bliss, and all the Loves

        Now sleeping in these peaceful groves!

        I heard a Stockdove sing or say

        His homely tale, this very day.

        His voice was buried among trees,

        Yet to be come at by the breeze:

        He did not cease; but coo'd – and coo'd;

        And somewhat pensively he woo'd:

        He sang of love with quiet blending,

        Slow to begin, and never ending;

        Of serious faith, and inward glee;

        That was the Song, the Song for me!


        My heart leaps up when I behold

              A Rainbow in the sky:

        So was it when my life began;

        So is it now I am a Man;

        So be it when I shall grow old,

              Or let me die!

        The Child is Father of the Man;

        And I could wish my days to be

        Bound each to each by natural piety.

5. WRITTEN IN MARCH,While resting on the Bridge at the Foot of Brother's Water

            The cook is crowing,

            The stream is flowing,

            The small birds twitter,

            The lake doth glitter,

        The green field sleeps in the sun;

            The oldest and youngest

            Are at work with the strongest;

            The cattle are grazing,

            Their heads never raising;

        There are forty feeding like one!

            Like an army defeated

            The Snow hath retreated,

            And now doth fare ill

            On the top of the bare hill;

        The Plough-boy is whooping – anon – anon:

            There's joy in the mountains;

            There's life in the fountains;

            Small clouds are sailing,

            Blue sky prevailing;

        The rain is over and gone!


        There is a Flower, the Lesser Celandine,

        That shrinks, like many more, from cold and rain;

        And, the first moment that the sun may shine,

        Bright as the sun itself, 'tis out again!

        When hailstones have been falling swarm on swarm,

        Or blasts the green field and the trees distress'd,

        Oft have I seen it muffled up from harm,

        In close self-shelter, like a Thing at rest.


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