5 Voices. Cockram Steve

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5 Voices - Cockram Steve

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remie Kubicek

      5 Voices

5 VoicesHow to Communicate Effectively with Everyone You LeadJeremie KubicekSteve Cockram

      Cover design: Wiley

      Copyright © 2016 by Pub House, LLC. All rights reserved.

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

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       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

      Names: Kubicek, Jeremie, author. | Cockram, Steve.

      Title: 5 voices: find your voice, build your team and change your world / JeremieKubicek, Steve Cockram.

      Other titles: Five voices

      Description: Hoboken: Wiley, 2016. | Includes index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2015037507 | ISBN 9781119111092 (hardback) ISBN 9781119111108 (ebk) | ISBN 978111911111-5 (ebk)

      Subjects: LCSH: Leadership. | Self-actualization (Psychology) | BISAC: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Leadership. | SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General.

      Classification: LCC HD57.7 .K81543 2016 | DDC 658.4/092-dc23 LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2015037507


We dedicate this book to all of the GiANTs who have sacrificed much, worked diligently and served the many leaders from around the world. This book is a testament to your diligence and we couldn't be more excited to partner with you to help people know themselves so they can better lead themselves. You are world changers!


      Many people have run the gauntlet of personality tests and have come away feeling labeled as a color or a set of letters or some animal, without proper understanding of how personality wiring is mixed with historical experiences and personal choices. The truth is that we are amazingly complex people, much more so than a simple online test can show us.

      All people should be able to contribute freely using their authentic, natural voices without being marginalized or maligned. Not the voice they feel they ought to or should use but the one that truly reflects who they really are. But this rarely happens. In this book, we attempt to help you do two distinctly powerful things: discover your voice and communicate more effectively.

      And so, we have simplified the complicated personality process by creating the 5 Voices – the Pioneer, Connector, Guardian, Creative, and Nurturer – to help you understand who you are and what it sounds like to be on the other side of your voice. We will help you explore your natural wiring along with your historical upbringing and how your personal choices affect the way you behave today. The 5 Voices gives you room to understand your voice order and explore how each different voice contributes to what people actually hear and experience. The intentional change that happens first in you will impact all those around you, whether you are a leader or simply a busy adult who wants to improve your influence and effectiveness.

      In this book, we attempt to help you do three distinctly powerful things: discover your voice, build your team and change your world.

      Listen to Steve Cockram describing how he created the 5 Voices and the intent behind it:

      As an immature Pioneer, I had no idea what it was like to be on the other side of me. Many years ago, friends of mine, Michael and Lily Newman, encouraged me to qualify in MBTI [Myers-Briggs] and Firo-B, and that began a journey of self-discovery and profound change in my own life. But while I found that I could help others grow as well, there was a twofold frustration.

      First, what I was teaching was transformational for all those who engaged with it but they couldn't do it themselves. They always needed a “guru” like me to make sense of their reality. While there were financial and egotistical benefits to me in this, I always wondered whether it was possible to take the profound insights of 16 different personality wirings and repackage them in a way that kept their power but made them accessible to ordinary people, to make them simple enough to be scalable. 5 Voices was the outcome of that process, a desire to make the complex simple so that others could truly know themselves to lead themselves.

      Second, I married my amazing wife Helen who turned out to be my complete opposite in every dimension of personality and wiring. Over the past 23 years we have learned to celebrate our diversity and differences but it hasn't always been easy. The 5 Voices has given us a vocabulary and language to truly understand and appreciate each other. My desire is to change the world by helping people understand each other and communicate more effectively. I truly believe there is huge, latent potential in every team and organization that remains untapped. Unleashing the full wisdom and power of the 5 Voices has the potential to change many people's worlds.

      If you want to see what it looks like after someone has gone through the 5 Voices process, then read how Colonel Bill DiMarco, U.S. Air Force, describes it:

      It's been an almost three-year journey now. As a military leader, I have always been fascinated with all leadership assessments, but the 5 Voices have clarified so much for both the teams I serve with and more importantly, for me.

      As a Pioneer/Creative, I have always believed the status quo exists simply to be smashed. Permission is really not the issue. We can always ask for forgiveness. A strong

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