Alec Forbes of Howglen. George MacDonald

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Alec Forbes of Howglen - George MacDonald

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minnie (mother) in her cot,

      And speir aboot her Johnnie.

      But as alang the hill she gaed,

      Through snaw und slush and weet,

      She stoppit wi' a chokin' cry—

      'Twas Johnnie at her feet.

      His heid was smoored aneath the snaw,

      But his breist was maistly bare;

      And 'twixt his breist and his richt han',

      He claisp't a lock o' hair.

      'Twas gowden hair: she kent it weel.

      Alack, the sobs and sighs!

      The warm win' blew, the laverock flew,

      But Johnnie wadna rise.

      The spring cam ower the wastlin (westward) hill,

      And the frost it fled awa';

      And the green grass luikit smilin' up,

      Nane the waur for a' the snaw.

      And saft it grew on Johnnie's grave,

      Whaur deep the sunshine lay;

      But, lang or that, on Elsie's heid

      The gowden hair was gray.

      George Macwha, who was at work in the other end of the shop when she began, had drawn near, chisel in hand, and joined the listeners.

      "Weel dune, Annie!" exclaimed he, as soon as she had finished -feeling very shy and awkward, now that her experiment had been made. But she had not long to wait for the result.

      "Say't ower again, Annie," said Alec, after a moment's pause.

      Could she have wished for more?

      She did say it over again.

      "Eh, Annie! that's rale bonnie. Whaur did ye get it?" he asked.

      "In an auld buikie o' my father's," answered she.

      "Is there ony mair in't like it?"

      "Ay, lots."

      "Jist learn anither, will ye, afore the morn's nicht?"

      "I'll do that, Alec."

      "Dinna ye like it, Curly?" asked Alec, for Curly had said nothing.

      "Ay, fegs! (faith)" was Curly's emphatic and uncritical reply.

      Annie therefore learned and repeated a few more, which, if not received with equal satisfaction, yet gave sufficient pleasure to the listeners. They often, however, returned to the first, demanding it over and over again, till at length they knew it as well as she.

      Hut a check was given for a while to these forenight meetings.


      A rapid thaw set in, and up through the vanishing whiteness dawned the dark colours of the wintry landscape. For a day or two the soft wet snow lay mixed with water over all the road. After that came mire and dirt. But it was still so far off spring, that nobody cared to be reminded of it yet. So when, after the snow had vanished, a hard black frost set in, it was welcomed by the schoolboys at least, whatever the old people and the poor people, and especially those who were both old and poor, may have thought of the change. Under the binding power of this frost, the surface of the slow-flowing Glamour and of the swifter Wan-Water, were once more chilled and stiffened to ice, which every day grew thicker and stronger. And now, there being no coverlet of snow upon it, the boys came out in troops, in their iron-shod shoes and their clumsy skates, to skim along those floors of delight that the winter had laid for them. To the fishes the ice was a warm blanket cast over them to keep them from the frost. But they must have been dismayed at the dim rush of so many huge forms above them, as if another river with other and awful fishes had buried theirs. Alec and Willie left their boat—almost for a time forgot it—repaired their skates, joined their school-fellows, and shot along the solid water with the banks flying past them. It was strange to see the banks thus from the middle surface of the water. All was strange about them; and the delight of the strangeness increased the delight of the motion, and sent the blood through their veins swift as their flight along the frozen rivers.

      For many afternoons and into the early nights, Alec and Curly held on the joyful sport, and Annie was for the time left lonely. But she was neither disconsolate nor idle. The boat was a sure pledge for them. To the boat and her they must return. She went to the shop still, now and then, to see George Macwha, who, of an age beyond the seduction of ice and skates, kept on steadily at his work. To him she would repeat a ballad or two, at his request, and then go home to increase her stock. This was now a work of some difficulty, for her provision of candles was exhausted, and she had no money with which to buy more. The last candle had come to a tragical end. For, hearing steps approaching her room one morning, before she had put it away in its usual safety in her box, she hastily poked it into one of the holes in the floor and forgot it. When she sought it at night, it was gone. Her first dread was that she had been found out; but hearing nothing of it, she concluded at last that her enemies the rottans had carried it off and devoured it.

      "Deil choke them upo' the wick o' 't!" exclaimed Curly, when she told him the next day, seeking a partner in her grief.

      But a greater difficulty had to be encountered. It was not long before she had exhausted her book, from which she had chosen the right poems by insight, wonderfully avoiding by instinct the unsuitable, without knowing why, and repelled by the mere tone.

      She thought day and night where additional pabulum might be procured, and at last came to the resolution of applying to Mr Cowie the clergyman. Without consulting any one, she knocked on an afternoon at Mr Cowie's door.

      "Cud I see the minister?" she said to the maid.

      "I dinna ken. What do you want?" was the maid's reply.

      But Annie was Scotch too, and perhaps perceived that she would have but a small chance of being admitted into the minister's presence if she communicated the object of her request to the servant. So she only replied,

      "I want to see himsel', gin ye please."

      "Weel, come in, and I'll tell him. What's yer name?"

      "Annie Anderson"

      "Whaur do ye bide?"

      "At Mr Bruce's, i' the Wast Wynd."

      The maid went, and presently returning with the message that she was to "gang up the stair," conducted her to the study where the minister sat—a room, to Annie's amazement, filled with books from the top to the bottom of every wall. Mr Cowie held out his hand to her, and said,

      "Well, my little maiden, what do you want?"

      "Please, sir, wad ye len' me a sang-buik?"

      "A psalm-book?" said the minister, hesitatingly, supposing he had not heard aright, and yet doubting if this could be the correction of his auricular blunder.

      "Na, sir; I hae a psalm-buik at hame. It's a sang-buik that I want the len' o'."

      Now the minister was one of an old school—a very worthy kind-hearted man, with nothing of what has been called religious experience. But he knew what some of his Lord's words meant, and amongst them certain words about little children. He had a feeling likewise, of more instinctive origin, that to be kind to little children was an important branch of his office. So he drew Annie close to him, as he

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