Robert Falconer. George MacDonald

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Robert Falconer - George MacDonald

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of a woman like my friend’s grandmother. ‘Stately stept she butt the hoose’ to Betty. She felt strangely soft at the heart, Robert not being yet proved a reprobate; but she was not therefore prepared to drop one atom of the dignity of her relation to her servant.

      ‘Betty,’ she said, ‘ye hae made a mistak.’

      ‘What’s that, mem?’ returned Betty.

      ‘It wasna a lass ava; it was that crater Shargar.’

      ‘Ye said it was a lass yersel’ first, mem.’

      ‘Ye ken weel eneuch that I’m short sichtit, an’ hae been frae the day o’ my birth.’

      ‘I’m no auld eneuch to min’ upo’ that, mem,’ returned Betty revengefully, but in an undertone, as if she did not intend her mistress to hear. And although she heard well enough, her mistress adopted the subterfuge. ‘But I’ll sweir the crater I saw was in cwytes (petticoats).’

      ‘Sweir not at all, Betty. Ye hae made a mistak ony gait.’

      ‘Wha says that, mem?’


      ‘Aweel, gin he be tellin’ the trowth—’

      ‘Daur ye mint (insinuate) to me that a son o’ mine wad tell onything but the trowth?’

      ‘Na, na, mem. But gin that wasna a quean, ye canna deny but she luikit unco like ane, and no a blate (bashful) ane eyther.’

      ‘Gin he was a loon, he wadna luik like a blate lass, ony gait, Betty. And there ye’re wrang.’

      ‘Weel, weel, mem, hae ‘t yer ain gait,’ muttered Betty.

      ‘I wull hae ‘t my ain gait,’ retorted her mistress, ‘because it’s the richt gait, Betty. An’ noo ye maun jist gang up the stair, an’ get the place cleant oot an’ put in order.’

      ‘I wull do that, mem.’

      ‘Ay wull ye. An’ luik weel aboot, Betty, you that can see sae weel, in case there suld be ony cattle aboot; for he’s nane o’ the cleanest, yon dame!’

      ‘I wull do that, mem.’

      ‘An’ gang direckly, afore he comes back.’

      ‘Wha comes back?’

      ‘Robert, of course.’

      ‘What for that?’

      ‘’Cause he’s comin’ wi’ ‘im.’

      ‘What he ‘s comin’ wi’ ‘im?’

      ‘Ca’ ‘t she, gin ye like. It’s Shargar.’

      ‘Wha says that?’ exclaimed Betty, sniffing and starting at once.

      ‘I say that. An’ ye gang an’ du what I tell ye, this minute.’

      Betty obeyed instantly; for the tone in which the last words were spoken was one she was not accustomed to dispute. She only muttered as she went, ‘It ‘ll a’ come upo’ me as usual.’

      Betty’s job was long ended before Robert returned. Never dreaming that Shargar could have gone back to the old haunt, he had looked for him everywhere before that occurred to him as a last chance. Nor would he have found him even then, for he would not have thought of his being inside the deserted house, had not Shargar heard his footsteps in the street.

      He started up from his stool saying, ‘That’s Bob!’ but was not sure enough to go to the door: he might be mistaken; it might be the landlord! He heard the feet stop and did not move; but when he heard them begin to go away again, he rushed to the door, and bawled on the chance at the top of his voice, ‘Bob! Bob!’

      ‘Eh! ye crater!’ said Robert, ‘ir ye there efter a’?

      ‘Eh! Bob,’ exclaimed Shargar, and burst into tears. ‘I thocht ye wad come efter me.’

      ‘Of coorse,’ answered Robert, coolly. ‘Come awa’ hame.’

      ‘Whaur til?’ asked Shargar in dismay.

      ‘Hame to yer ain bed at my grannie’s.’

      ‘Na, na,’ said Shargar, hurriedly, retreating within the door of the hovel. ‘Na, na, Bob, lad, I s’ no du that. She’s an awfu’ wuman, that grannie o’ yours. I canna think hoo ye can bide wi’ her. I’m weel oot o’ her grups, I can tell ye.’

      It required a good deal of persuasion, but at last Robert prevailed upon Shargar to return. For was not Robert his tower of strength? And if Robert was not frightened at his grannie, or at Betty, why should he be? At length they entered Mrs. Falconer’s parlour, Robert dragging in Shargar after him, having failed altogether in encouraging him to enter after a more dignified fashion.

      It must be remembered that although Shargar was still kilted, he was not the less trowsered, such as the trowsers were. It makes my heart ache to think of those trowsers—not believing trowsers essential to blessedness either, but knowing the superiority of the old Roman costume of the kilt.

      No sooner had Mrs. Falconer cast her eyes upon him than she could not but be convinced of the truth of Robert’s averment.

      ‘Here he is, grannie; and gin ye bena saitisfeed yet—’

      ‘Haud yer tongue, laddie. Ye hae gi’en me nae cause to doobt yer word.’

      Indeed, during Robert’s absence, his grandmother had had leisure to perceive of what an absurd folly she had been guilty. She had also had time to make up her mind as to her duty with regard to Shargar; and the more she thought about it, the more she admired the conduct of her grandson, and the better she saw that it would be right to follow his example. No doubt she was the more inclined to this benevolence that she had as it were received her grandson back from the jaws of death.

      When the two lads entered, from her arm-chair Mrs. Falconer examined Shargar from head to foot with the eye of a queen on her throne, and a countenance immovable in stern gentleness, till Shargar would gladly have sunk into the shelter of the voluminous kilt from the gaze of those quiet hazel eyes.

      At length she spoke:

      ‘Robert, tak him awa’.’

      ‘Whaur’ll I tak him till, grannie?’

      ‘Tak him up to the garret. Betty ‘ill ha’ ta’en a tub o’ het water up there ‘gen this time, and ye maun see that he washes himsel’ frae heid to fut, or he s’ no bide an ‘oor i’ my hoose. Gang awa’ an’ see till ‘t this minute.’

      But she detained them yet awhile with various directions in regard of cleansing, for the carrying out of which Robert was only too glad to give his word. She dismissed them at last, and Shargar by and by found himself in bed, clean, and, for the first time in his life, between a pair of linen sheets—not altogether to his satisfaction, for mere order and comfort were substituted for adventure and success.

      But greater trials awaited him. In the morning he was visited by Brodie, the tailor, and Elshender, the shoemaker, both of whom he held in awe as his superiors in the social scale, and by them handled and measured from head to feet, the

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