What's Mine's Mine — Volume 3. George MacDonald

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What's Mine's Mine — Volume 3 - George MacDonald

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not Christina and Ian. Neither of these knew the feelings of the other.

      Without a word they rose, put on their hats, left the house, and took the road toward the valley.

      About half-way to the root of the ridge, they came in sight of the ruined castle; Mercy stopped with a little cry.

      "Look! Chrissy!" she said, pointing.

      On the corner next them, close by the pepper-pot turret, sat the two men, in what seemed to loving eyes a dangerous position, but to the mountaineers themselves a comfortable coin of vantage. The girls thought, "They are looking out for us!" but Ian was there only because Alister was there.

      The men waved their bonnets. Christina responded with her handkerchief. The men disappeared from their perch, and were with the ladies before they reached the ridge. There was no embarrassment on either side, though a few cheeks were rosier than usual. To the chief, Mercy was far beyond his memory of her. Not her face only, but her every movement bore witness to a deeper pleasure, a greater freedom in life than before.

      "Why were you in such a dangerous place?" asked Christina.

      "We were looking out for you," answered Alister. "From there we could see you the moment you came out."

      "Why didn't you come and meet us then?"

      "Because we wanted to watch you coming."

      "Spies!—I hope, Mercy, we were behaving ourselves properly! I had no idea we were watched!"

      "We thought you had quarrelled; neither said a word to the other."

      Mercy looked up; Christina looked down.

      "Could you hear us at that height?" asked Mercy.

      "How could we when there was not a word to hear!"

      "How did you know we were silent?"

      "We might have known by the way you walked," replied Alister. "But if you had spoken we should have heard, for sound travels far among the mountains!"

      "Then I think it was a shame!" said Christina. "How could you tell that we might not object to your hearing us?"

      "We never thought of that!" said Alister. "I am very sorry. We shall certainly not be guilty again!"

      "What men you are for taking everything in downright earnest!" cried Christina; "—as if we could have anything to say we should wish YOU not to hear?"

      She pat a little emphasis on the YOU, hut not much. Alister heard it as if Mercy had said it, and smiled a pleased smile.

      "It will be a glad day for the world," he said, "when secrecy is over, and every man may speak out the thing that is in him, without danger of offence!"

      In her turn, Christina heard the words as if spoken with reference to Ian though not by him, and took them to hint at the difficulty of saying what was in his heart. She had such an idea of her superiority because of her father's wealth and fancied position, that she at once concluded Ian dreaded rejection with scorn, for it was not even as if he were the chief. However poor, Alister was at least the head of a family, and might set SIR before, and BARONET after his name—not that her father would think that much of a dignity!—but no younger son of whatever rank, would be good enough for her in her father's eyes! At the same time she had a choice as well as her father, and he should find she too had a will of her own!

      "But was it not a dangerous place to be in?" she said.

      "It is a little crumbly!" confessed Ian. "—That reminds me, Alister, we must have a bout at the old walls before long!—Ever since Alister was ten years old," he went on in explanation to Christina, "he and I have been patching and pointing at the old hulk—the stranded ship of our poor fortunes. I showed you, did I not, the ship in our coat of arms—the galley at least, in which, they say, we arrived at the island?"

      "Yes, I remember.—But you don't mean you do mason's work as well as everything else?" exclaimed Christina.

      "Come; we will show you," said the chief.

      "What do you do it for?"

      The brothers exchanged glances.

      "Would you count it sufficient reason," returned Ian, "that we desired to preserve its testimony to the former status of our family?"

      A pang of pleasure shot through the heart of Christina. Passion is potent to twist in its favour whatever can possibly be so twisted. Here was an indubitable indication of his thoughts! He must make the most of himself, set what he could against the overwhelming advantages on her side! In the eyes of a man of the world like her father, an old name was nothing beside new money! still an old castle was always an old castle! and that he cared about it for her sake made it to her at least worth something!

      Ere she could give an answer, Ian went on.

      "But in truth," he said, "we have always had a vague hope of its resurrection. The dream of our boyhood was to rebuild the castle. Every year it has grown more hopeless, and keeps receding. But we have come to see how little it matters, and content ourselves with keeping up, for old love's sake, what is left of the ruin."

      "How do you get up on the walls?" asked Mercy.

      "Ah, that is a secret!" said Ian.

      "Do tell us," pleaded Christina.

      "If you want very much to know,—" answered Ian, a little doubtfully.

      "I do, I do!"

      "Then I suppose we must tell you!"

      Yet more confirmation to the passion-prejudiced ears of Christina!

      "There is a stair," Ian went on, "of which no one but our two selves knows anything. Such stairs are common in old houses—far commoner than people in towns have a notion of. But there would not have been much of it left by this time, if we hadn't taken care of it. We were little fellows when we began, and it needed much contrivance, for we were not able to unseat the remnants of the broken steps, and replace them with new ones."

      "Do show it us," begged Christina.

      "We will keep it," said Alister, "for some warm twilight. Morning is not for ruins. Yon mountain-side is calling to us. Will you come, Mercy?"

      "Oh yes!" cried Christina; "that will be much better! Come, Mercy!

      You are up to a climb, I am sure!"

      "I ought to be, after such a long rest."

      "You may have forgotten how to climb!" said Alister.

      "I dreamed too much of the hills for that! And always the noise of London was changed into the rush of waters."

      They had dropped a little behind the other pair.

      "Did you always climb your dream-hills alone?" asked Alister.

      She answered him with just a lift of her big dark eyes.

      They walked slowly down the

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