Manners and Conduct in School and Out. Unknown

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Manners and Conduct in School and Out - Unknown

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Care for your finger-nails, your face, your hair, in your room at home, not before mirrors on your locker doors, or in any other public place. After making your toilet as well as you can, forget it.

      12) Boys, it is not necessary to help the girls mount the stairs in school unless they are blind or crippled.

      13) Girls, it is better not to twine your arms about one another in the corridors and on the stairs; also, not to kiss one another tenderly if you separate for a few moments. Love your friends dearly; but be sensible, not sentimental.

      14) Boys, observe that the moment a woman or a girl enters a passenger elevator, gentlemen there remove their hats,—unless conditions prevent.


      In words, as fashions, the same rule will hold,

      Alike fantastic if too new or old:

      Be not the first by whom the new are tried,

      Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.


      1) When you enter your classroom, as well as when you leave it, glance towards your teacher and, if she is looking, bow pleasantly.

      2) Say, "Yes, Miss Brown"; not merely "Yes," if you know the name of the one addressed. If you do not know her name, let your tone and manner indicate so fully your feeling of respect that the omission of the name will not be noted. Say "Yes, Sir," to men. And remember,—

      Hearts, like doors, will ope with ease

      To very, very little keys;

      And don't forget that two of these

      Are: "Thank you, sir," and "If you please."

      3) When sitting, push back as far as you can in the chair and lean forward from your hips, keeping your spine straight, not curved. The way you sit or walk or stand shows culture or lack of it.

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