Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible. Unknown

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Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible - Unknown

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Esdr 12:42 For of all the prophets thou only art left us, as a cluster of the vintage, and as a candle in a dark place, and as a haven or ship preserved from the tempest.

      2 Esdr 12:43 Are not the evils which are come to us sufficient?

      2 Esdr 12:44 If thou shalt forsake us, how much better had it been for us, if we also had been burned in the midst of Sion?

      2 Esdr 12:45 For we are not better than they that died there. And they wept with a loud voice. Then answered I them, and said,

      2 Esdr 12:46

      Be of good comfort, O Israel; and be not heavy, thou house of Jacob:

      2 Esdr 12:47 For the Highest hath you in remembrance, and the Mighty hath not forgotten you in temptation.

      2 Esdr 12:48 As for me, I have not forsaken you, neither am I departed from you: but am come into this place, to pray for the desolation of Sion, and that I might seek mercy for the low estate of your sanctuary.

      2 Esdr 12:49

      And now go your way home every man, and after these days will I come unto you.

      2 Esdr 12:50 So the people went their way into the city, like as I commanded them:

      2 Esdr 12:51 But I remained still in the field seven days, as the angel commanded me; and did eat only in those days of the flowers of the field, and had my meat of the herbs

      2 Esdr 13:1 And it came to pass after seven days, I dreamed a dream by night:

      2 Esdr 13:2 And, lo, there arose a wind from the sea, that it moved all the waves thereof.

      2 Esdr 13:3 And I beheld, and, lo, that man waxed strong with the thousands of heaven: and when he turned his countenance to look, all the things trembled that were seen under him.

      2 Esdr 13:4 And whensoever the voice went out of his mouth, all they burned that heard his voice, like as the earth faileth when it feeleth the fire.

      2 Esdr 13:5 And after this I beheld, and, lo, there was gathered together a multitude of men, out of number, from the four winds of the heaven, to subdue the man that came out of the sea

      2 Esdr 13:6 But I beheld, and, lo, he had graved himself a great mountain, and flew up upon it.

      2 Esdr 13:7 But I would have seen the region or place whereout the hill was graven, and I could not.

      2 Esdr 13:8 And after this I beheld, and, lo, all they which were gathered together to subdue him were sore afraid, and yet durst fight.

      2 Esdr 13:9 And, lo, as he saw the violence of the multitude that came, he neither lifted up his hand, nor held sword, nor any instrument of war:

      2 Esdr 13:10 But only I saw that he sent out of his mouth as it had been a blast of fire, and out of his lips a flaming breath, and out of his tongue he cast out sparks and tempests.

      2 Esdr 13:11 And they were all mixed together; the blast of fire, the flaming breath, and the great tempest; and fell with violence upon the multitude which was prepared to fight, and burned them up every one, so that upon a sudden of an innumerable multitude nothing was to be perceived, but only dust and smell of smoke: when I saw this I was afraid.

      2 Esdr 13:12 Afterward saw I the same man come down from the mountain, and call unto him another peaceable Multitude.

      2 Esdr 13:13 And there came much people unto him, whereof some were glad, some were sorry, and some of them were bound, and other some brought of them that were offered: then was I sick through great fear, and I awaked, and said,

      2 Esdr 13:14 Thou hast shewed thy servant these wonders from the beginning, and hast counted me worthy that thou shouldest receive my prayer:

      2 Esdr 13:15 Shew me now yet the interpretation of this dream.

      2 Esdr 13:16 For as I conceive in mine understanding, woe unto them that shall be left in those days and much more woe unto them that are not left behind!

      2 Esdr 13:17 For they that were not left were in heaviness.

      2 Esdr 13:18 Now understand I the things that are laid up in the latter days, which shall happen unto them, and to those that are left behind.

      2 Esdr 13:19 Therefore are they come into great perils and many necessities, like as these dreams declare.

      2 Esdr 13:20 Yet is it easier for him that is in danger to come into these things, than to pass away as a cloud out of the world, and not to see the things that happen in the last days. And he answered unto me, and said,

      2 Esdr 13:21 The interpretation of the vision shall I shew thee, and I will open unto thee the thing that thou hast required.

      2 Esdr 13:22 Whereas thou hast spoken of them that are left behind, this is the interpretation:

      2 Esdr 13:23 He that shall endure the peril in that time hath kept himself: they that be fallen into danger are such as have works, and faith toward the Almighty.

      2 Esdr 13:24 Know this therefore, that they which be left behind are more blessed than they that be dead.

      2 Esdr 13:25 This is the meaning of the vision: Whereas thou sawest a man coming up from the midst of the sea:

      2 Esdr 13:26 The same is he whom God the Highest hath kept a great season, which by his own self shall deliver his creature: and he shall order them that are left behind.

      2 Esdr 13:27 And whereas thou sawest, that out of his mouth there came as a blast of wind, and fire, and storm;

      2 Esdr 13:28 And that he held neither sword, nor any instrument of war, but that the rushing in of him destroyed the whole multitude that came to subdue him; this is the interpretation:

      2 Esdr 13:29 Behold, the days come, when the most High will begin to deliver them that are upon the earth.

      2 Esdr 13:30 And he shall come to the astonishment of them that dwell on the earth.

      2 Esdr 13:31 And one shall undertake to fight against another, one city against another, one place against another, one people against another, and one realm against another.

      2 Esdr 13:32 And the time shall be when these things shall come to pass, and the signs shall happen which I shewed thee before, and then shall my Son be declared, whom thou sawest as a man ascending.

      2 Esdr 13:33 And when all the people hear his voice, every man shall in their own land leave the battle they have one against another.

      2 Esdr 13:34 And an innumerable multitude shall be gathered together, as thou sawest them, willing to come, and to overcome him by fighting.

      2 Esdr 13:35 But he shall stand upon the top of the mount Sion.

      2 Esdr 13:36 And Sion shall come, and shall be shewed to all men, being prepared and builded, like as thou sawest the hill graven without hands.

      2 Esdr 13:37 And this my Son shall rebuke the wicked inventions of those nations, which for their wicked life are fallen into the tempest;

      2 Esdr 13:38 And shall lay before them their evil thoughts, and the torments wherewith they shall begin to be tormented, which are like unto a flame: and he shall destroy them without labour by the law which is like unto me.


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