A Sea Nomad. Prose/проза. Firuz Mustafa

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A Sea Nomad. Prose/проза - Firuz Mustafa

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brunch some of those flowers. The water drops from the bright petals of the flowers splashed water on Shahla’a face and throat. Because of some reasons those cold drops had scorched Shahla’s face like heat. When Shahla woke up, she was astonished while wiping the drops of rain dropping on her face through the open window; my God, those drops of rain were as hot as the drops she had dreamed of; the drops were hot. It appeared that the warmth of the “air-kisses” of Tuqay had been soaked into those cold drops. Shahla raised herself in the bed, closed the window; through the glass of the window a beautiful girl was looking at her. The feeling of admiration inside of her heart increased drop after drop and turned into hot water; she could hardly know herself.! She was already brought up. As if during those moments, an outsider was watching her. Nevertheless, she was sleeping in her bed lonely as before. The cheeks of the girl blushed.

      Still the girl was under the influence of her strange dream. Still she could feel the scent of the flowers she had dreamed of. “I wonder, has anything happened with Tuqay? “Shahla was frightened while thinking about fearful events. But she could pull herself together.

      Mother knew that one of those who missed Tuqay was the neighbor girl. Mother could feel it from her pure eyes, like the water of spring, from her anxiety of her trembling voice:

      – See, the eagle returned.

      Shahla who had raised her head, said those words.

      Really, it was the eagle. The eagle drew a circle in the air and perched on the pool. The fish reached out its head and looked at the eagle. The dog also came nearer to them. Shahla paid attention to the acts of the “friends”.


      – As if they are having a “talk”, – she said in surprise.

      Mother smiled sorrowfully:

      – Yes, you are right, they are having a “talk”

      Just at that time an event took place that made both mother and Shahla dumb struck.

      Firstly, the dog rushed towards the gate like an arrow let from a bow and disappeared. Then, Yaqut as if heaved the silent water of the pool like a sword and jumped up. The fish as if was frozen in the air, then it directed to downwards and plunged to the bottom of the pool. That strange act of the fish was repeated for some time.

      The girl shrugged her shoulders and watched the floundering fish:

      – What is the matter with it? – she asked.


      – Maybe it grieves for Tuqay too, – she answered sadly.

      It appeared that the fish wasn’t going to be silent. It either jumped up and down, or floundered in the water, or struck itself against the cold walls of the pool. The eagle which was watching the fish spread its wings and flew, as if it drew some circles above the pool; the eagle snatched the silvery fish quickly and screamed taking it to its talon.

      Within a moment the eagle disappeared.

      Mother and Shahla were astonished; At last Shahla, who had come to herself, said:

      – Surely, the eagle will tear the fish…

      Mother whose eyes were still staring at the sky, as if speaking to herself:

      – No, it can’t be, – she said and then she added. – Because they are close friends.

      – If it is thus, why did they leave?

      – I am also surprised at them. To tell the truth, recently when Tuqay wasn’t at home, I used to spend my time with them; I used to consider Tuqay to be near by. But they… I wonder, are they disloyal like this? Maybe they left because Tuqay isn’t at home. It is a pity… But I believed them, and accustomed to them. It appears that I am mistaken. Hi, my daughter, now even the people aren’t devoted. Why do we call these “mute” animals to be disloyal. … Shahla, my daughter, maybe anything has happened? … Maybe my son is lost in the storm in the sea? Maybe my son came across a seal? Maybe… Maybe…

      Though Shahla heartened mother, it was in vain; soon the tears of the woman were “washing” her faded cheeks. Shahla felt that mother was upset not only because of the reason of Tuqay’s being late in the sea journey but also

      “disloyalty” of the “friends “of Tuqay:– the dog, the fish and the eagle; their sudden disappearance made mother upset.

      Really, what had happened to the “friends”? Why did they suddenly leave the native hearth?.. Maybe they used the chance of Tuqay’s being late and wanted to leave? Because they had also their own homes; the home of the fish is the sea, the home of the dog is a forest, the home of the eagle is the sky.

      Mother was lost in the thoughts. But Shahla still was consoling mother.


      A sudden storm caught the old fisherman and Tuqay in the middle of the sea. Within a twinkle the weather got dark. The heavy waves were shaking their light boat like a leaf. After some time inside of the boat there was a small pond of water. Tuqay was holding the paddle with both hands tightly and wanted to direct the boat which was shaking in the waves, towards the seashore. The old fisherman tried to empty the water with an iron mug. But it appeared that the efforts of both of them were useless. Because the waves were pulling the boat into the depth of the sea. From one side the water which had filled the boat was increasing instead of getting decreased.

      The salty, severe waves were striking their faces like slap.

      As if the hoarse voice of the old fisherman was coming from the other world.

      – Tuqay, Tuqay! Hold the paddle tightly!

      The begging voice of the old fisherman who was counting his benefit from the next fishing before the storm began and at times shouting at Tuqay and giving him an order (” turn the boat to the left”, “speed up”, “give the handle of the paddle to me when you reach the net”) was becoming weaker little by little like a wounded bird struck by the strong wind. Though Tuqay didn’t like that unkind, cruel and greedy man he felt pity on him. But what could he do? Would the storm demonstrating its power to all around, listen to his begging? The heavy waves were coming towards them as dreadful landslides of the unapproachable mountains giving a roar.

      Little by little the groan of the old fisherman wasn’t heard any more.

      Now there was seen neither the shore nor the sky. As if the water whirlpool which had brought misfortune together with it, was rotating all around, even the sky, like the huge stone of a mill.

      A strong and sudden attack of one of the next heavy waves threw the old fisherman into the raging sea.

      Within a moment the old fisherman disappeared; as if there wasn’t such kind of a man in the world.

      Though Tuqay lost himself, he reached out his hand towards one side of the boat; the paddle in the hand of the old fisherman had also disappeared together with him. It appeared that there was no hope to escape from that mill of hell.

      Really, was all in the past? Before his eyes enlivened instinctively a dreadful view; in the lap of the water an alone boat turned, a paddle, and lifeless dead body which can be feed for the fishes… No, he

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