The 3 Apple a Day GI Diet: The Amazing Superfood for Fast-track Weight Loss. Tammi Flynn

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The 3 Apple a Day GI Diet: The Amazing Superfood for Fast-track Weight Loss - Tammi Flynn

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you ever wondered why men seem to lose weight at the drop of a hat and women seem to have more of a struggle? Or why building muscle seems to come naturally to guys but takes longer for us gals? Does “you are what you eat” ring a bell?

      In my 20 years of experience in the health and fitness industry, I have observed that men and women have different preferences, which may influence how they lose body fat. When it comes to food preferences, for example, men tend to choose protein over carbohydrates. In terms of exercise, they go for the weight training every time—with as little cardiovascular training as possible.

      My women clients, on the other hand, prefer carbohydrates over protein, and they choose walking for weight loss (cardiovascular training) instead of weight training.

      Are you connecting the dots?

      Muscle, fat, and metabolism

      Because of their higher muscle mass, men tend to burn 10 to 20 per cent more calories than do women (who have higher levels of body fat). Think about this: 1 pound of muscle tissue burns 40 to 60 calories per day whereas 1 pound of fat tissue burns a measly 2 calories per day. No wonder these guys lose weight so easily. Their higher muscle mass endows them with a higher metabolic rate. But ladies, you can change all that by adding some muscle mass through weight training!

      Use it or lose it!

      As you age, if you do not use your muscles, you’ll lose them. The muscle tissue shrinks, resulting in lower metabolism and an inability to burn calories. Starting around age 25, you lose about 1 per cent of muscle every year, which results in a reduction of metabolism. So let’s do the maths.

      • Try to see the big picture. Having a balanced eating and exercise plan will help you become a fit, self-confident, full-of-life person.

      • The 3-Apple-a-Day GI Diet is a balance of lean proteins, low-GI and high-fibre carbohydrates, and essential fats.

      • Eat three apples per day, one before each major meal.

      • Apples are full of fibre—4 to 5 grams each—and fibre has been shown to be effective in weight loss.

      • Being overfat, not just overweight, brings a higher risk of obesity-related diseases.

      • Avoid the scales for measuring your fitness progress. Use the tape measure instead.

      • Genetics has only a small influence on becoming overfat. You have 70 per cent control.

      • Muscle tissue burns more calories than does fat tissue.

      • Weight training builds muscle tissue.

      By the age of 35, you will have lost approximately 5 pounds of muscle. For each pound of muscle lost, you lose the ability to burn 40 to 60 calories per day. So 5 pounds of muscle times 40 to 60 calories per day equals 200 to 300 calories less that your body is able to burn per day. By the age of 50, you may have lost 25 pounds of muscle, reducing your calorie-burning ability by 1,000 calories. You may begin to notice that you eat less, but you are getting fatter. Although this may be somewhat exaggerated, I think you get the point.

      But all is not lost. Weight training increases muscle mass, which increases your ability to burn calories. It’s possible to minimize, even reverse, some of the damage from inactivity—if you start now!

      If your goal is permanent fat loss, weight training is the answer, and it is a vital part of the 3-Apple-a-Day GI Diet (see Part IV on exercise).


       CHAPTER 4

       You Have the Power!

      If your eating habits have been less than healthy, you have the power to make the change! Every step you take to improve your health will get you closer to adding life into your years. The foods you choose, along with your activity level, will determine whether you become fat or not. The most notable causes of being overfat or obese are lack of proper diet and lack of physical activity. Thank goodness these are things you can change. If you can visualize it, you can become it!

      Being an obese, out-of-control Type 2 diabetic, I talked with my doctor, who said he could no longer help me, I had to help myself. Then I heard the words “train like an athlete”. So I started practising being an athlete—started a food and exercise journal, joined the gym, bought athletic clothes so I could look like an athlete, and after work and days off I would change into my athletic clothes to feel like an athlete. So who cares if I looked like the Pillsbury Doughboy®? In my mind I was an athlete.

      —Donald Housden, age 55, lost 33 pounds,

      and is now an athlete

      Getting and staying motivated

      How do you get motivated and stay motivated? Motivation comes from within. Webster’s Dictionary defines “motivation” as “a mental force to induce an act or purpose”. “Inspiration” is any influence that inspires thought or action. What inspires you?

      I have found that my clients are inspired by money, family, and other people’s successes. In the beginning, you may be motivated to win (through a bet) or to look like someone else (if they can do it, so can I), or you may believe that if you can make a change it will help inspire your family to change. But what will really keep you progressing towards your goal is how good you’ll feel as the changes add up.

      Some people are naturally self-motivated and others need a little extra help from outside influences. Here are a few ideas that may inspire you to get started:

      • Try a walkathon.

      • Train for a marathon.

      • Shape up for your class reunion.

      • Work out with your significant other.

      • Decide to improve your family’s eating habits.

      • Aim to fit into your smallest clothes size.

      • Read the success stories in Part V.

      TIP: Find something or someone that inspires you. Health clubs can be inspirational because you’re surrounded by people with a common interest—getting healthy!

      Are timelines a good thing?

      Does focusing on a short period of time, such as 12 weeks instead of a lifetime, prove unsuccessful for permanent fat loss? It all depends on whether you are enjoying the experience of getting fit or struggling throughout the entire process. You may be highly motivated when you first start a new diet or exercise program, but maybe your motivation dissipates over time if you cannot see or feel results.

      Most people who start the 3-Apple-a-Day GI Diet adjust over the first few weeks and are excited by how good they feel. For some, it’s more difficult, especially if they’ve never exercised or been aware of their eating habits. On the other hand, if they finish the 12 weeks, they are thrilled with their

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