The Killing Grounds: an explosive and gripping thriller for fans of James Patterson. Jack Ford

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The Killing Grounds: an explosive and gripping thriller for fans of James Patterson - Jack  Ford

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Bemba laughed, tapping the man on his arm. ‘Quite. But do not trouble yourself my friend, for their time amongst us is at a close. My mission is to subjugate sorcerers, and those who wish to block my path. I realize the only way to overcome the darkness is by the blood of the suffering, and with your help, I will pick them off one by one.’

      ‘Goddamn it…! Goddamn it…! Is this how it’s going to be?’ John Woods swept the phone off the Resolute desk in the Oval Office, taking with it the gold rimmed white china cup half filled with bad tasting coffee. Landed on the cream foot-rug left over from the Obama administration.

      ‘I thought Senator Walmsley was on board?’

      ‘He was.’

      Woods, ignoring his tension headache, stared at Edward ‘Teddy’ Adleman, his chief of staff and a trusted friend who’d been part of the last administration.

      ‘Then if he was,’ replied Woods, ‘why the hell isn’t he now? He knows we were going to give him what he wanted on the main immigration bill, as well as on some of the smaller points. Jesus, short of blood, I’m giving him everything he asked for. Now all of a sudden he’s backing out on our reforms.’

      ‘Mr. President, it’s not just Senator Walmsley.’

      ‘What are the numbers now?’

      ‘Nothing’s changed since yesterday.’

      ‘Bullshit. Shall I tell you exactly what’s changed since yesterday…? Around about three hundred people in this country including kids have been shot in murders or assaults, suicides and suicide attempts, as well shooting accidents, all since we had our last conversation. So don’t give me the line about nothing having changed, Teddy… Now give me the numbers.’

      ‘Okay like we discussed yesterday two thirds of Republicans are aiming to block, as well as a number of moderate democrats. We gotta face it: there’s no way we’re going to gather up enough bipartisan support on these new measures.’

      ‘Jesus Christ, what is wrong with these people?’

      Adleman, a tall, dignified Afro-American, shook his head solemnly. ‘Come on, John, you know how it is.’

      ‘I do, but every day I keep having hope that someone up on Capitol Hill will eventually decide to do the right goddamn thing. That they’ll wake up and realize they have a responsibility to the country. What about any of the senators who backed health care? Have you tried them? There must be some of them who are open to negotiation on this?’

      ‘You got to face it John, they’re not happy with you. You got a hostile senate and you know what you’re offering on immigration won’t even tempt them to read the new gun control proposals. They’re not interested. A lot of people see your immigration policies as too liberal. They want less immigrants, not more. You’re not going to be able to bargain for these gun reform unless you completely change your ethos on the Immigration and Naturalization Act. Right now we have one of the biggest divides in this country that’s been seen for a long time.’

      Woods shook his head. ‘I won’t accept there’s nothing that can be done.’

      ‘It might be different if we were talking about Homeland issues, but the way things are you haven’t really got anything to give them. Nothing that they want. They’re not going to budge. And the pressure they’re getting from the NRA, along with other pro-gun groups… Well, I’d say that’s the main reason you’re not going to get the votes. You know as well as I do there’s a climate of fear in this country, people want to hold on to what they know and that includes the second amendment… John, I’m sorry but you know these groups spend millions of dollars on campaign contributions, particularly during the election cycle, as well as millions of dollars on lobbying. And every time there’s a shooting tragedy…’

      Woods interrupted. Annoyance bouncing on his words. ‘That’s every day, don’t forget that. Every day there’s a shooting tragedy, not just the ones that are in the press, Teddy.’

      ‘Apologies, Mr. President, I should’ve worded that better. The problem we’ve got is when we call for stricter controls what happens, as you know, are the pro-gun groups rally their members to fight against new restrictions. They spread fear and uncertainty and donations go up. There are a hell of a lot of senators falling out of these groups’ pockets. The gun groups have bankrolled their campaigns. They’ve got a vice-like grip on half of Capitol Hill.’

      Frustrated, Woods said, ‘Yeah, I know all that, but Walmsley knew all this and he was okay about it before. What’s changed?’

      ‘Pressure, John. That’s what’s changed. He’s even got a few anonymous threats. Those senators don’t have the balls when it comes to standing up to special interest groups. They get intimidated and as a consequence our reforms get undermined.’

      ‘Oh come on, don’t give me that Teddy. You say this every time.’

      ‘You know how high passions run on gun control. This goes right to the heart of our constitution. As a nation, we want to preserve that.’

      ‘And what about preserving lives? And the American people tend to agree. What did the last polls come in at? 85 percent backed our reforms?’

      ‘Oh come on, we haven’t believed what polls have said in a long time. And anyway, even if they were right, you could have a hundred polls saying we got a hundred percent backing. That’s not the problem, Mr. President, and you know that. The problem is the overwhelming sense coming down from Capitol Hill is that you’re trying to overstep your legal authority on these reforms. Plus, the gun control campaign we’ve been running hasn’t helped. Seems like a lot of the Republican senators feel like we’ve demonized them along with the pro-gun groups. It’s a mess. They think the social media campaigns we’ve run have made them look like the criminals. No-one’s going to like that, especially when it looks like it comes from the White House.’

      ‘I don’t get how the hell they can talk about us and our campaign? Have you seen what the lobbyists are doing? They’re blatantly spreading lies about our reforms. Making out that it’ll be a kind of Big Brother atmosphere for gun owners. You talk about a climate of fear? Jesus, nobody’s trying to take away the second amendment here, we’re just trying to stop our children being killed.’

      ‘I know, but when it’s time to vote, they’re going to vote against, and they’ll say they’re just protecting the rule of law and the constitution.’

      ‘Bullshit! I’m trying to protect the American people and they know it, it’s an excuse. This issue totally exemplifies the dysfunctional nature of Congress. Every goddamn time restrictions are proposed, the pro-gun groups tells everyone it’ll make no difference to the number of shootings and massacres and the perpetrator would’ve committed these crimes anyway… But try telling that to the families who’ve lost loved ones. Senator Walmsley needs to get his head out of his ass and see what’s really important.’

      Woods stopped to take a deep breath. It took all of his resolve not to put the Smith and Watson Georgian-style chair through one of the eleven foot high oval windows. Though in truth, he knew he might have a tough time trying – bullet resistant glass had a way of stopping things.

      His temper and this job, sometimes they just didn’t match. Hell, it didn’t even get close. Damn problem was

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