Worth The Wait. Lori Foster

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Worth The Wait - Lori Foster

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style="font-size:15px;">      Smiling now, he set the first plate of pancakes and the bottle of syrup in front of her. “Juice, milk?”

      “Juice, thank you.”

      Hogan gave her a piercing look. “Keep thanking me and I’ll assume you’re delirious. You might find yourself back at the hospital.”

      She grinned, filled her mouth with a big bite of syrup-drenched, fluffy pancake and moaned. “So good.”

      Hogan said nothing.

      She looked up and found him staring at her intently. When she raised a brow, he shook his head and joined her at the table with his own plate of pancakes.

      In short order, without her having to ask, he told her about the day and how busy they’d been and how smoothly everything had run.

      Without her.

      Feeling glum, she asked, “What about your bike?”

      “Jason got it home for me.” He eyed her. “I’m taking your car again tomorrow.”

      The independent woman in her rebelled. “You just assume I’ll miss work again?”

      Reaching out, he fingered one long, damp curl at her temple. “Ratty-haired women with bloodshot eyes and chapped lips should give themselves time to recoup.”

      Instead of debating that, Violet asked, hopefully with enough indifference, “Are you staying over again?”

      Sounding supremely confident, he said, “Yes.”

      It was crazy. Beyond crazy. Bordering on dangerous. But Violet was thrilled. “Okay.” Hoping to coast past that, in case she’d given herself away and shown how much she wanted him to stay, she poked his shoulder. “Now tell me about Nathan and this other woman.”

      He did, in exaggerated detail.

      Once he’d finished, she said, “That doesn’t sound like Nathan.” Love struck? Nathan was so alpha, so very take-charge. Sure, he performed with Drunken Monkeys, but even then he remained, in every way, the sheriff—just a more lighthearted version. “He got that macho scar while part of a SWAT team, you know.”

      Hogan’s brow quirked at her “macho” comment, but it was true. Explaining to him, she said, “Nathan is as much a man as a man could be.”

      Now he frowned.

      “It’s a little overbearing,” she added and watched his frown fade.

      As if pledging the truth, Hogan lifted a hand. “Macho or not, his tongue was on the ground, I swear. And his eyes were glazed. He’s after her all right. But she didn’t even crack a smile for him.”

      “Or for you?”

      Hogan grinned. “I finagled a very perfunctory handshake from her, and a clear dismissal.”

      “Huh. I like her.”

      “I thought you might.” He waited while she yawned, then stood to get the dishes. “You ready to turn in?”

      Her heart started thumping hard enough to lay her low again. She slid from her chair, didn’t look at him and said, “After I brush my teeth. Be right back.”

      She wasn’t occupied for more than five minutes, and during that time she thought mostly about Hogan, him being so darned nice, so blasted domestic and caring.

      Sure enough, when she returned to the kitchen it was cleaned, everything put away. She didn’t see Hogan—then the front door opened and he stepped in with an overnight bag.

      While she watched, he stepped out of his shoes and put them by the door.

      “Not boots?” she asked, noticing that he wore athletic shoes tonight.

      “Only when I ride my bike.” Carrying the small bag, he headed down the hall. “I’m going to grab a shower and brush my teeth, too.” He disappeared into her bathroom.

      So he’d assumed she’d want him to stay again? She should just go to bed, go into her own bedroom and close the door. Maybe even lock it.

      She didn’t.

      She was on the couch, her feet curled up under her, when Hogan emerged. His hair was damp and he wore only shorts, nothing else, and he looked so damned good she breathed deeper and ended up coughing.

      “Have you taken your meds?”

      Shooting for defensive snippiness, she said, “Yes, Dad.”

      Pausing, Hogan grinned. “You know, if I didn’t have a seventeen-year-old son, I might find that game kinky, especially with you being such a brat who could probably use some discipline.” He shook his head. “But with Colt around, it’d just be too weird.”

      Heat rushed into her face. “I didn’t mean—”

      “I take it you want to visit for a while?” He checked that the front door was locked, then joined her on the couch. “I can manage to stay awake another hour if you can.”

      Violet stared at him, at his tanned chest with the inviting warmth, the crisp curling hair, and she fought herself.

      Either he read her expression, or he was just that good at knowing women, because he asked softly, “Would you rather just cuddle a bit?”

      She took a slow, shallow breath and admitted, “Maybe.” She felt like hell. Cuddling sounded even better than the bath and the pancakes.

      He didn’t tease her. In a voice pitched low and soft, he asked, “You want to stay here on the couch, or would you rather get in the bed? I promise to behave either way.”

      But could she behave? Even sitting a few feet away, a sizzle of awareness played over her skin. She looked at the couch cushions. The blasted couch was so short...

      Without waiting for an answer, Hogan stood. “Tell you what—why don’t I decide?” He scooped an arm under her legs and easily lifted her. “That way, you don’t have to debate yourself so long.”

      Giving in, she rested her head against his shoulder. “I might blame you for this later.”

      “I’m a big boy,” he said on his way down the hall. “I can take it.”

      Oh, she imagined he could take all kinds of things. More and more, she was the weak link, the one unable to stay strong.

      In the bedroom, he shoved the door shut with his heel and carried her toward the bed. At first, he just held her. Violet knew he was looking down at her, but she was too cowardly to meet his gaze.

      Not this close. Not with his mouth right there and a bed behind her.

      It was tempting enough, this easy display of his strength, the warmth of his body and how good he smelled, like soap and sunshine and man.

      Letting her ease down the length of his body, he put her on her feet. Casually, as if he’d done so a dozen

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