Thriller 2: Stories You Just Can't Put Down. Литагент HarperCollins USD

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Thriller 2: Stories You Just Can't Put Down - Литагент HarperCollins USD

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government permits for health care operations have been obtained with respect to it. Further, no licensed rehabilitation professionals are employed by the company, which is owned by a Caribbean subsidiary of IAS. Employees are U.S. and other non-Italian nationals with backgrounds not in medical science but in military and security services.

      The operation was conducted without any knowledge on the part of the Italian government and the Italian ambassador to the United States has stated he will demand a full explanation as to why the illegal operation was conducted on Italian soil. Officials from the Polizia di Stato and the Mini-stero della Giustizia likewise have promised a full investigation.

      There is no direct connection between the U.S. government and the facility outside of Rome. But over the course of the past week, this reporter conducted extensive surveillance of the rehabilitation facility and observed the presence of a man identified as former Colonel James Peterson, the president of IAS. He is regularly seen in the company of high-ranking Pentagon, CIA and White House officials in the Washington, D.C., area.

      Peterson’s satellite phone began ringing.

      He supposed the slim man from Washington was calling.

      Or maybe his boss.

      Or maybe the White House.

      Caller ID does not work on encrypted phones.

      His jaw quivering, Peterson ignored the phone. He pressed ahead in the article.

      The discovery of the IAS facility in Rome came about on a tip last week from Humanity Now, a human rights group based in North Africa and long opposed to the use of torture and black sites. The group reported that an Algerian journalist was to be kidnapped in Algiers and transported to a black site somewhere in Europe.

      At the same time the human rights organization gave this reporter the name of a number of individuals suspected of being black site interrogators. By examining public records and various travel documents, it was determined that several of these specialists—two U.S. military officers and a mercenary soldier based in Africa—traveled to Rome not long after the journalist’s abduction in Algiers.

      Reporters were able to follow the interrogators to the rehabilitation facility, which was then determined to be owned by IAS.

      Slumping in his chair, Peterson ignored the phone. He gave a grim laugh, closing his eyes.

      The whole thing, the whole story about terrorists, about the weapon, about Bennabi…it was a setup. Yes, there was an “enemy,” but it was merely the human rights group, which had conspired with the professor to expose the black site operation to the press—and the world.

      Peterson understood perfectly: Humanity Now had probably been tracking the main interrogators IAS used—Andrew, Claire, Akhem and others—for months, if not years. The group and Bennabi, a human rights activist, had planted the story about the weapon themselves to engineer his kidnapping, then alerted that reporter for the New York newspaper, who leapt after the story of a lifetime.

      Bennabi was merely bait…and I went right for it. Of course, he remained silent the whole time. That was his job. To draw as many interrogators here as he could and give the reporter a chance to follow them, discover the facility and find out who was behind it.

      Oh, this was bad…this was terrible. It was the kind of scandal that could bring down governments.

      It would certainly end his career. And many others’.

      It might very likely end the process of black sites altogether, or at least set them back years.

      He thought about calling together the staff and telling them to destroy all the incriminating papers and to flee.

      But why bother? he reflected. It was too late now.

      Peterson decided there was nothing to do but accept his fate. Though he did call the guards and tell them to arrange to have Jacques Bennabi transferred back home. The enemy had won. And, in an odd way, Peterson respected that.

      “And make sure he arrives unharmed.”


      Peterson sat back, hearing in his thoughts the words of the slim man from Washington.

       The weapon…It can do quote “significant” damage…

      Except that there was no weapon. It was all a fake.

      Yet, with another sour laugh, Peterson decided this wasn’t exactly true.

      There was indeed a weapon. It wasn’t nuclear or chemical or explosive but in the end was far more effective than any of those and would indeed do significant damage.

      Reflecting on his prisoner’s refusal to speak during his captivity, reflecting, too, on the devastating paragraphs of the reporter’s article, the colonel concluded: the weapon was silence.

      The weapon was words.

      Chapter Three

      Blake Crouch

      Blake started writing stories in elementary school to scare his little brother at bedtime. He has since perfected the craft of creating intense and insulated worlds in which unspeakable evil can exist. A photograph Blake took of a deserted road on the high desert plain in Wyoming was the inspiration for his first book, Desert Places. The horrifying villain in that novel is shaped from the terrors Blake thought might be waiting for him in that unforgiving landscape.

      Blake’s story for this collection, “Remaking,” is influenced by landscape in much the same way. Tragic events unfold in a snowy, sleepy Colorado town. From the first scene, in which a man sits alone in the cold, watching a father and son in a diner, you know something is about to go horribly wrong. With a sickening sense of isolation magnified by the blanketing snow, you’ll find your fingers getting numb from gripping the pages as you turn them inexorably toward the final scene.

      Chapter Four


      Mitchell stared at the page in the notebook, covered in his messy scrawl, but he wasn’t reading. He’d seen them walk into the coffeehouse fifteen minutes prior, the man short, pudgy and smooth-shaven, the boy perhaps five or six and wearing a long-sleeved OshKosh B’Gosh—red with blue stripes.

      Now they sat two tables away.

      The boy said, “I’m hungry.”

      “We’ll get something in a little while.”

      “How long is a little while?”

      “Until I say.”

      “When are you gonna—”

      “Joel, do you mind?”

      The little boy’s head dropped and the man stopped typing and looked up from his laptop.

      “I’m sorry. Tell you what. Give me five minutes so I can finish this e-mail, and we’ll go eat breakfast.”

      Mitchell sipped his espresso, snow falling beyond the storefront windows into this mountain

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