Rose Elliot’s New Complete Vegetarian. Rose Elliot

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Rose Elliot’s New Complete Vegetarian - Rose  Elliot

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      Garlic bruschetta v

      Rub both sides of the grilled or toasted bread with the cut surface of a garlic clove.

      Herb bruschetta v

      Use rosemary (or other herb) bread to make the bruschetta; or, if you’re using a plain baguette, sprinkle each piece on both sides with a good pinch of crushed rosemary or dried thyme. Cook as described.

      Barbecue bruschetta v

      Bruschette are great cooked over the barbecue: lay the bread on the grid, cook until crisp and striped with black, then turn the slices over and cook the other side. Have toppings and garnishes laid out ready for people to help themselves.

      Crostini v

      These are really just smaller, thinner versions of bruschetta with more delicate toppings. Use the slimmest baguette you can find. I usually cut this straight, into circles, rather than diagonally.

      Toppings for bruschetta and crostini

      Remember that people will be eating these with their fingers, so make sure that the toppings aren’t too runny, and that there is something on top of the base for the pieces to stick to, so they don’t fall off.

      Butter bean dip v or drained cannellini beans mashed with garlic and vinaigrette and garnished with black olives.

      Tapenade v, bought or homemade garnished with flat-leaf parsley.

      Hummus v, bought or homemade, cooked asparagus tips and sesame seeds.

      Aubergine and sesame pâté v or baba ganoush garnished with black olives.

      Smooth goat’s cheese topped with red onion marmalade.

      Mashed blue cheese, cubes of beetroot and sprigs of dill.

      Cooked chestnuts (canned or vacuum-packed) mashed to a coarse paste with butter, garlic, lemon juice and salt and pepper, then topped with caperberries.

      Finely chopped tomato and torn basil leaves v mixed with olive oil, crushed garlic, salt and pepper.

      Garlic and herb cream cheese with chargrilled artichoke hearts (from the deli or a jar).

      Lentil and mushroom pâté v topped with grilled red and yellow pepper strips and thyme leaves.

      Hummus, bought or homemade, rocket, small cubes of feta cheese, sun-blush (semi-dried) tomatoes and a few pine nuts.

      Sandwiches and wraps

      Avocado salad v

      This is nice on lightly toasted Granary or walnut bread. Mash a medium avocado, adding a squeeze of lemon juice to preserve the colour, and salt and pepper to taste. Spread it over the bread. Add any salad leaves or fresh herbs you fancy – tender lettuce, fresh coriander, rocket, chopped spring onions – and press the slices of bread together gently but firmly.

      Brie and peach chutney

      Make this as described for stilton and cranberry for a lighter, more summery sandwich. It’s good made in a baguette which has had some of the middle scooped out.

      Falafels in pitta v

      Fill a pitta bread with chopped lettuce, add some whole or sliced falafels and any other salad you fancy, such as sliced cucumber, spring onion, tomatoes and a few sprigs of coriander. Drizzle with a tablespoonful of tahini that you’ve mixed with water and a dash of lemon juice until smooth and creamy, or with tzatziki, yoghurt dip or mayonnaise thinned with water.

      Goat’s cheese and red onion

      This is made with the smooth, creamy goat’s cheese that looks like cream cheese. Spread it on your bread – whatever type you fancy (I like raisin and rosemary) top with some very thin slices of red onion, and press the slices together.

      Greek salad in pitta bread

      Make a Greek salad as described on page 90, or just quickly put together some chopped cucumber, tomato and onion, with some feta cheese, a squeeze of lemon juice, a few black olives, a drop or two of olive oil, and pile into a pitta pocket. So good!

      Grilled Mediterranean vegetables and pesto v

      Slice a selection of vegetables, such as courgette, aubergine, red onion and red pepper, into bite-sized pieces, brush with olive oil and put under the grill for about 10 minutes on each side or until tender and lightly browned, or save some from a previous meal. Mix with pesto and pile into a scooped-out baguette or roll them up in a wrap. You could also add some chickpeas, cubes of feta or some bought or homemade hummus, to increase the protein content.

      Hummus, coriander and black olive v

      You can use pitta bread for this, or slices of whatever type of bread you like. The most important thing is to put in a generous filling of creamy bought or homemade hummus with sliced, pitted olives and some chopped fresh coriander.

      Mexican wrap v

      Use leftover refried red beans, if you have them; otherwise fry an onion in olive oil for 10 minutes, then mash into it the drained contents of a 400g can of red kidney beans, a chopped tomato and chilli powder to taste. Spread onto a tortilla wrap, top with any of the following: chopped avocado or guacamole, vegan or dairy soured cream, grated vegan or dairy cheese and chopped coriander. Roll up neatly, making sure everything is enclosed.


      On the

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