The Best Kind of Trouble. Lauren Dane

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The Best Kind of Trouble - Lauren  Dane

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      “What’s not to like?” she managed to say but felt like her tongue was three sizes too big for her mouth.

      Maybe one of the reasons he was a lead singer was that he was really good with his mouth. Like stellar fantastic. He’d been good before, but clearly, he’d been practicing on a few women in the interim.

      He teased her until her thigh muscles trembled. There was something so delicious about the way he held her thighs wide, the strength in his forearms as he held her open and down at the same time, the slight callus to his fingers—forbidden and dark and oh, so good.

      He changed his pace. Slow, with licks with the flat of his tongue, fast, hard flicks with the tip of his tongue against her clit. He drove her to the edge, and then he pulled back over and over until she was a trembly, sweaty mess.

      “If you don’t let me come, I’m going to take over and do it myself!”

      He pulled back, nipping the inside of her thigh. “I’d love to see that. But right now, your orgasm is in my hands, and you’ll get it when I want you to have it.”

      She opened and closed her mouth a few times, trying to muster up outrage, but it never came.

      He waited, brow raised. “Nothing to say? Good.”

      He bent and got back to work. But this time he didn’t tease her. He kept a relentless rhythm that sent her spiraling into climax so hard, she saw stars.

      When she managed to open her eyes, she found him resting his chin on her thigh, smiling.

      “Someone learned more than a few new chords out on the road.”

      He burst out laughing.

      “Just when I think I’ve got you figured out.”

      He got to his knees, and his hands went to his top button on his jeans. She sighed happily. “Finally.”

      “I’m sensing a theme here. You’re impatient when there’s something you want in view.”

      “Have you looked in the mirror?”

      He stood, slowly dragging the zipper down, each click of the teeth nearly a drumbeat in her head.

      “I have to laugh at that comment when you’re spread out on my couch like the most luscious piece of cake a man ever saw.”

      He was a ruthless flatterer.

      “Doughnut may be more apt.”

      He laughed again as he pushed his jeans down his legs, along with shorts.

      “I see you wore underwear today.”

      “I do from time to time. How did you know I didn’t?”

      His cock tapped his belly, it was so hard. The belly was hard, too. She sighed her pleasure at the sight of him. “You and I went naked swimming just a few days ago. A gal notices things like that.”

      He was tall. Hale and hearty. She cocked her head, taking him in. Flat, hard muscle covered his body. It was a testament to living on a ranch she supposed, but damn, he looked good. Both of his nipples were pierced; silver bars running through each. He had a number of tattoos, far more than he’d had before.

      “Wait.” She got to her feet, wildly flattered by the way he looked at her.

      “I’d rather leap on you.” He leaned in and took a deep breath at her neck, kissing her there.

      “You looked at my ink, I want to look at yours. Then you can leap. Though I’d really like to get this—” she grabbed his cock, squeezing it “—in my mouth first.”

      He groaned. “Hurry up, then.”

      She looked at the owl, wings stretched across his back and the muscles of his shoulders. There were subtle shadings of red and green here and there on its feathers. Masculine and yet, still focused on the inherent beauty of flight and the feathers. “This is fantastic work.”

      “Thanks. It’s relatively new. A friend of my sister-in-law runs a tattoo shop in Seattle. He’s a freaking genius.”

      On his right biceps, he had a tattoo of a wing; there was another on the left. “What bird is this?”

      “Peregrine falcon.”

      “Birds, huh?”

      On his hips he had musical notes. “First gold record, Try Me. On the left is first double platinum, Ride.”

      “I love that one.”

      “You listen to our music?”

      “Hard not to. You’re sort of a big deal. And you’re good.”

      He had a labyrinth on his right thigh.

      “It’s one I walked at a really hard time in my life. Whenever things get bad or overwhelming, I just look down.”

      He got to her and she was past freaking out over it. His charisma scared her without a doubt. But she was charmed, and she wanted more.

      She kissed his shoulder, and he slid an arm around her waist and pulled her close.

      “I have condoms right there in that little table. I think you should grab one and then ride me. Right here. Right now.”

      She raised a brow as she looked at the table he indicated.

      “I just put them there earlier today because I live in hope. It’s not my fuck-company table or anything.”

      It was exactly the right thing to say. She pushed him back to sit on the couch before grabbing a condom. But she didn’t use it right then.

      “First things first.” She put the pillow between his feet and he grinned.

      “Oh, that. Well, I’m not going to argue with a really good idea.”

      She got to her knees, and he had to count to fifty to keep from blowing just from the sight of it. She licked up his thigh, her gaze locked on his, and he gulped at the carnality in it. She knew exactly what she was doing, which made it even hotter.

      This was a woman who owned what she wanted.

      This was the woman he’d been with years before.

      Then she licked up the line of his cock, and he huffed out a breath, giving in to his desire to get his hands in her hair. He loved the cool softness of it against his skin. That her mouth was currently on his cock certainly didn’t make it worse.

      She teased him, taking her time. He’d been so eager to get inside her, he’d been in a blind rush. But this...this allowed him to wallow in the pleasure of the entire experience. She was doing to him what he’d done to her.

      Her taste had been so freaking good; the sounds she made had been so hot, he hadn’t wanted it to end. But it was the way her pupils had swallowed the color in her eyes when he’d told her he was in charge

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