The 24 Hour Diet: Lose up to 4lbs in a Day. Joanna Hall

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The 24 Hour Diet: Lose up to 4lbs in a Day - Joanna  Hall

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       Do you like to see quick results?

      5 4 3 2 1

       Do you find it hard to keep up your diet motivation?

      5 4 3 2 1

       Do you regularly put on a few pounds at the weekend?

      5 4 3 2 1

       Do you have a special date or event you are trying to lose weight for?

      5 4 3 2 1

       Have you overindulged recently?

      5 4 3 2 1

       Are you prepared to put in a little effort to get yourself organized?

      5 4 3 2 1

       Have you hit a plateau with your weight-loss efforts?

      5 4 3 2 1

       Would you like to wake up tomorrow slimmer?

      5 4 3 2 1

       Do you find it hard to start your new healthier eating and exercise plan?

      5 4 3 2 1

       Do you have the time to get the necessary things together before you start the 24 Hour Diet?

      5 4 3 2 1

       Do you have a relatively quiet day in which you can do your 24 Hour Diet?

      5 4 3 2 1

       Are you struggling to lose those last few pounds or inches?

      5 4 3 2 1

      So how did you score?

      If you scored between 60–45:

      You are definitely ready! Your head is in the right place and the 24 Hour Diet can give you the kick start you need, whether it’s to get you started, get you back on track or just help you lose those last few pounds. You have the ability to get organized and collect the things you need. Being thoroughly prepared will make the whole process run smoothly and effectively for you – you’ll get better results. Start with the 24 Hour Diet on page 3 and then you can always progress onto the Three-day Cleanse.

      If you scored 44 – 21:

      Steady Eddy – you are nearly ready. You want to do the 24 Hour Diet and it will definitely reap results for you, but if you are short of time or getting organized is going to be a little difficult, don’t let that be your barrier to get started. Starting straight with the 24 Hour Diet may not be quite the right approach for you at the moment, so instead I suggest you start with the Three-day Cleanse on page 31 and then progress onto the 24 Hour Diet. You’ll still get great results, it will ease you into the programme, and sometimes these results can be even better. Alternatively, sit down with your diary, or with a friend who is going to help you, and plan and commit to an exact day when you are going to do your 24 Hour Diet. Don’t worry if it is not tomorrow or the next day – it’s much better that you get organized, and then you can really reap the benefits.

      If you scored less than 20:

      Let’s take it steady, and you will be ready. Building up to the 24 Hour Diet is probably your best approach – you’ll be preparing yourself as you go along as well as making positive improvements to your diet and starting on the road to successful long-term weight loss. So give yourself a pat on the back and commit yourself to taking it steady. I suggest your best approach is to start off by playing by the rules. You’ll find these in Part 2 of the book on page 48. You’ll find a whole variety of programmes to suit you that help you gradually apply all the rules you need to be healthier, trimmer, fitter and more energetic. Plus, you get to choose the programme that best suits you and your needs. Remember, this will depend on your personality, your available time and what you want to achieve and by when. Then, when you are ready, you will be able to do the 24 Hour Diet in a time frame that works for you. Go on, turn to that page now and make a start.

      We all have times when we need fast weight-loss results. There might be a special occasion on the horizon, and that dress or waistband is just too tight. Or perhaps your weight-loss efforts have reached a plateau, and you just can’t seem to shift those stubborn pounds. Others may need to get rid of a few extra pounds that have crept on after Christmas, a holiday or an excessive weekend. Or maybe you just want to take the first steps to weight loss and you need a kick-start with the weight coming off fast.

      These initial motivations are all part of human nature, and there’s nothing wrong with that. If vanity – wanting to look and feel better – is the primary driver for you to take action, well good on you. The 24 Hour Diet can help you do just that. Whatever your reason, your efforts will be rewarded: you’ll lose weight and inches and feel better. What really excites me is that for the vast majority of people who’ve tried it, the diet has been a great kick-start to their long-term weight-loss efforts. With just 24 hours of effort your body will look and feel better.

      The 24 Hour Diet is suitable for everybody. However, it’s best to check with your GP first if you are pregnant, breast-feeding or on prescribed medication.

      As well as helping you lose a little weight and a few inches, the 24 Hour Diet can actually help energize your body too. A long, hard winter or a really heavy stint at work can leave you feeling lethargic and wanting to lighten up on all levels. A full detox can be a grim chore. But you don’t have to go through such extreme measures to feel lighter and brighter. A simple cleansing programme can increase your vitality, bolster your immune system and leave you with healthy habits to live by all year long.

      Detoxing is a perfectly natural process. In fact, your body detoxifies itself as it goes about its business. Think of it as a well-organized sanitation system: the lymphatic, respiratory and urinary systems, gastrointestinal tract and skin work in combination and, ideally, in harmony to neutralize and eliminate potentially harmful outside substances such as pesticides, food additives and airborne allergens. From inside the body there are free radicals and metabolic wastes to deal with. For example, the hydrochloric acid in our stomach kills bacteria; our colon readies wastes for expulsion; our skin secretes toxins via sweat; and the tiny vessels that make up our lymphatic system act like garbage trucks shuttling fluids, fats and waste throughout the body, channelling them to our liver. The liver is often described as the key to life as it constantly filters and purifies the blood, and decides which substances the body needs and which it doesn’t.

      All this activity begins at the microscopic level of our cells and with a tiny protein molecule called

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