The Complete 2-Day Fasting Diet: Delicious; Easy To Make; 140 New Low-Calorie Recipes From The Bestselling Author Of The 5:2 Bikini Diet. Jacqueline Whitehart

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The Complete 2-Day Fasting Diet: Delicious; Easy To Make; 140 New Low-Calorie Recipes From The Bestselling Author Of The 5:2 Bikini Diet - Jacqueline  Whitehart

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      6 Small cup of hot Bovril made with 1 level tsp Bovril

      7 Three cherry tomatoes

      8 Sparkling water with ice and lemon

      9 Two strawberries

      10 Low-cal jelly


      You can download and print this planner from

WEIGHT BEFORE(step on the scales the evening before your diet day)
Day completed without problems? YES/NO How difficult was it? (Score out of 10)
WEIGHT AFTER(step on the scales the evening before your diet day)

      The absolutely amazing thing about the 2-Day Diet is that you only have to be on a diet for two days. Yet to get the best results you need to make healthy choices every day of the week. There is plenty of good news for your healthy days:

      • Treats are allowed.

      • You should not count calories.

      • Do not feel guilty if you eat something naughty.

      Change your attitude to food and you will make positive lifestyle changes.

      • Be aware of what you eat

      • Choose three healthy balanced meals

      • Eat less snacks

      • Limit your food intake

      By following these simple guidelines you will notice improvements in your well-being as well as your waistline.

      Look for your weak spots. Is it the office treats table? Boozy drinks after work? Junk food snacking? Evening cravings? Find what you think is your worst offence and make a conscious effort to curb this every day of the week. I think one of the best ways is to set yourself a specific goal and reward.

      Eat well

      Eating well on your five healthy days doesn’t need to be hard. Try and cook real food every day of the week. Choose simple recipes that are balanced and low in fat. Try not to snack too much. Most importantly, banish the junk food as much as you can.

      Top tips!

      • Remember to eat three meals a day with not too many snacks.

      • Cook food such as soups and stews and freeze in one or two person portions.

      • Make a 7-day plan to incorporate your diet days and healthy days.

      • Use the simple recipes in this book for healthy days too. Just add some extra carbohydrates such as rice and potatoes.

      • Prepare food in advance if you can.

      • Take a salad or last night’s leftovers in a lunchbox, rather than buying sandwiches for lunch.

      Ten ways to be good AND have fun

      1 Have set alcohol-free days every week.

      2 Remove all biscuits from the house but vow to make your own at the weekend.

      3 Go crisp-free.

      4 Allow yourself a ‘treat’ on a Friday if you have been good all week.

      5 Give yourself a time and/or drinks limit when you go out.

      6 Read the ingredients and calories of any junk food before you eat it.

      7 Switch from beer to spirits with a diet mixer.

      8 Walk or cycle instead of taking the car.

      9 Go to the greengrocer instead of the supermarket and be inspired to make something simple and different.

      10 Make a home-made takeaway, such as Chicken tikka masala or Chinese chicken stir-fry.

      Here is a sample weekly planner, showing both diet days and normal days. Diet days are Monday and Thursday. The season is Spring.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Other Cals
Mon Diet day 1 slice Fruity bran loaf 156 cals Spicy sweet potato soup 125 cals Cajun fried chicken and small salad 253 cals 1 med (100g/3½oz) banana (MEN only) 95 cals 498 (593 men)

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