Glass Collection: Storm Glass / Sea Glass / Spy Glass. Maria V. Snyder

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Glass Collection: Storm Glass / Sea Glass / Spy Glass - Maria V. Snyder

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still dragging you along on missions and endangering your life?” I guessed.

      “That, too. But she’s the one who gets all the attention. I was at the Warper Battle and helped defeat the Daviian Vermin, but does anyone remember that? No! They remember Yelena diving into the fire, sacrificing herself to defeat the Fire Warper.”

      “You have to admit, that was pretty big,” Ulrick said.

      Leif grumbled halfheartedly. “Well, I have a scar.” He showed us a four-inch healed slash along his forearm.

      “We know the significant role you played in the battle,” I said. “Don’t forget you’ve already caught one person’s attention and admiration. And she’s a hard one to impress.”

      “True.” Leif beamed. “Only three more days until I see her again.”

      Ulrick ahhed in understanding as he made the connection. “Mara.”

      I waited for his jealousy or for a longing and wistful look. My sister had not only been gifted with beauty, but she was a sweetheart, too. Kindness, concern for others and intelligence, she had it all.

      His demeanor remained pleasant. “Lucky man. Every guy in Booruby has a crush on her.”

      “Including you?” I asked, unable to stop myself.

      “I was in school with her, but she had no interest in any of us.” He considered. “I probably did have a crush for her back then, but not now.” Ulrick watched me.

      “Good,” Leif said into the lengthening silence. “Cause I’d hate to sic my sister on you. She’s a better fighter than me.”

      We laughed.

      “And I bet she lets you know it, too,” Ulrick said. Then his smile faded. “My younger sister crafts magnificent sculptures from glass. Sitian Councillors were commissioning pieces from Gressa before she was fifteen. She has her own shop in Moon Clan lands now. But it was hard to be proud of her when she flaunted it every chance she got. Especially when my own pieces fell far short of our mother’s expectations.”

      “I understand that feeling. My glass animals looked crude in comparison to my sister Tula’s. She had a finer hand.”

      “But look at you now.” Ulrick gestured. “Tula’s animals might be sought by collectors, and Mara sought for her beauty, but you’re a famous glass magician. Your name is said after Yelena’s when people discuss the Warper Battle, no offense, Leif.”

      “None taken,” Leif said.

      “Opal, your animals provide a service to all of Sitia. You’re important.” Ulrick raked a hand through his hair. “When my younger sister was born, she was the baby of the family. Everyone doted on her and I was ignored unless I managed to annoy one of my siblings or my parents.” His lips formed a rueful smile. “At least I was good at being a pest.”

      I rubbed my neck, thinking of his surprise attack. “You’re still good,” I teased.

      He cried out in mock indignation and pushed me gently on the shoulder.

      “Don’t knock the power of a pest,” Leif said. “Persistence and stubbornness can be useful in many situations.”

      “Opal, why didn’t you send me a message? Two guests! What will I feed them?”

      “Mother,” I said, trying to suppress my irritation. We had just arrived from five days on the road and I was saddle sore and tired. “You always have enough food to feed half of Booruby. They don’t need any special meals.”

      My mother fussed about the kitchen, muttering over her supplies. “Go upstairs and move Mara’s things to your room. We can use her room for Leif and this … Ulrick, is it? Cesca’s son?” Mother shot me a questioning glance.

      I nodded.

      “Why doesn’t he stay with his family?”

      “They had a disagreement over his decision to come to the Citadel,” I said.

      “And he’s been working with you at the Magician’s Keep?” Her eyebrows hovered at midforehead.

      I sighed at the unspoken question. “Yes. He’s a colleague. We’re building a glass shop for the Keep.”

      “He’s a nice-looking boy from a reputable family.” She scanned my rumpled travel clothes. “Perhaps Mara could lend you one of her pretty dresses for dinner tonight.”

      Ignoring the implication, I climbed the steps to arrange the rooms and stopped in shock at the threshold. Tula’s grief flag was gone. The shelf above her bed was empty. Her glass animals and various treasures gone. I held on to the doorjamb, feeling light-headed. Footsteps sounded behind me, and I swallowed the emotional rock lodged in my throat.

      “I forgot to tell you,” my mother said. “We decided it was time. I saved Tula’s fox for you. I know how much you liked it.” She pointed to my bed stand.

      I picked it up—all that was left of my sister. “It’s been almost five years. Why now?”

      “Both you and Mara are older now. You will be graduating this year. I’m hoping Leif will become a member of our family and perhaps you—”

      “Mother,” I warned.

      “Well, I can hope, can’t I? Besides every time you visit you have a friend with you, so we needed a guest room.” She sighed. “It was time to stop clutching the old days and embrace the new. And I’m hoping one day this house will be filled with grandchildren.” She held up a hand. “Don’t ‘mother’ me. I’ll say what I want when I want. Now get moving, I’m sure the boys will want to get washed up before dinner.”

      I replaced the fox on my table. My mother had a point about Tula’s flag and, while we may embrace the new, we won’t ever forget.

      “… Opal decided to try to use a bellows to pump air into the molten glass. She made a huge bubble. It was so thin it cooled too fast and burst. Looked like snow,” Mother said.

      The dinner table erupted with laughter and I wished to disappear. Why couldn’t they pick on Mara or my brother, Ahir? Because their mistakes weren’t as funny and they didn’t try everything they could imagine to put a bubble into glass and produce disastrous results. They just had to blow air into the pipe. Jealous? Who me?

      Ulrick was enjoying himself so I tried to keep my sense of humor. At least my family paid attention to me. It would be worse to sit here while everyone ignored me. I suffered through the stories and didn’t die of embarrassment. When dinner was over, I helped clean up and then escaped outside, needing a moment alone.

      I sucked in the crisp night air. A half-moon hovered in the sky, casting a mist of light. I scanned the grounds around my home. A cat stalked a field mouse behind the glass factory, but otherwise all was quiet.

      I hadn’t told my parents about Sir and Tricky’s abduction. But since the night of the wild dog attack, no other incidents had happened on the road. I felt safe here. The kitchen door opened. Leif and Mara headed toward the factory, hand in hand. I checked on the horses, and pulled a few things

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