The Best Man's Baby. Darcy Maguire

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The Best Man's Baby - Darcy  Maguire

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as quickly as humanly possible and get back to focusing on his work.

      He stood abruptly, almost skittling his chair. Skye was surrounded by unanswered questions and he had every intention of getting all the answers, by whatever means possible.

      Whether he liked the answers or not.


      ‘SKYE, you have a phone call on line one from John, line two from the Macdonalds, and line three from the Donovans—a new query.’

      Skye smoothed back the wisps of hair that had escaped her coiffure and sighed deeply. The phone had been ringing half the morning and most of the afternoon since she’d run into Nick. If she’d had to cope with bookings and follow-ups to caterers, florists, churches, reception centres and all the rest as well, she’d have gone mad.

      ‘Tell John I’ll call him back later.’ Skye was glad she was too busy for that call. She’d have to explain why she had left a message on his answering machine cancelling their date. ‘The way things are going, much later. Ask the Macdonalds if you can help them. Tell them I’ll ring them back otherwise. I’ll take the new query.’

      ‘Okay,’ Maggie chimed.

      Skye punched the phone for line three. She looked at her watch again. Almost five. Only a few more minutes and things would slow down. She could finish the day’s work and run home.

      She needed to take a hot shower, scream into her pillow and sort out what on earth she was going to do about Nick Coburn.

      She answered the Donovans’ queries easily. She’d done this enough times to know all the answers to all the questions couples came up with when they wanted to hire a wedding planner. She wished her life were as easy.

      ‘Skye, I’m heading home. Anything else you need me to do for you before I go?’ Maggie swung her head around the door.

      ‘No, I’m fine. Just itching to get home.’

      ‘Yeah, it must be really weird for you to be here so late.’ Maggie hooked her bag over her shoulder, wiping her nose with a tissue. ‘You’re usually gone by two.’

      ‘Can’t be helped. With Mum sick—’ She looked at the work still in front of her, her stomach leaden. She hated being this late home.

      ‘We should send her flowers.’

      Skye nodded. ‘She’d like that. Remind me tomorrow, can you?’

      ‘Sure. Night, Skye.’

      ‘Night, Maggie.’ She was a great asset and an enthusiastic young woman who was eager to help with all aspects of the business.

      The work was tedious. She felt every minute passing like a deep thud in her chest. If only Tara could dig up another planner from somewhere to lighten the load, she could get back to the routine that worked best for her.

      At six she couldn’t take it any more. She tidied her desk, grabbed her coat and purse and flicked off the light. The rest could wait until morning. She had responsibilities that were more important than work.

      Skye moved through the darkened offices. The quietness of the place at night was almost surreal after the hectic bustle of the day.

      She rarely got to hear the silence. Not for years. She had her hands totally and utterly full at home.

      She poked her head around the door of Tara’s office and smiled. Empty. There were days when Maggie swore Tara spent the entire night working. These days, with the new guy in her life, her sister was lucky to get in to work on time.

      She flicked off the last light and let herself out, locking the door securely behind her. She sighed. She hadn’t locked up in years either. So much had changed in her life…

      ‘You didn’t show up.’

      Skye swung around, her heart leaping in her chest.

      Nick stood behind her, looming like a brick wall, dark suit, dark coat and a very dark look.

      ‘I know,’ she managed breathlessly.

      He came close, looking down into her face, his jaw set firm. ‘Would you like to give me an explanation?’

      ‘Would you mind if I caught my breath? You startled me.’ She touched her chest, trying to still the pounding of her heart. It was just the scare. Nothing else. ‘This isn’t the day and age to be jumping out at women late at night.’

      ‘You have nothing to be frightened of from me.’ His voice lowered dangerously.

      She doubted that! She swung away from him and strode towards the car park, thankful that the street-lights were all intact. It was a good neighbourhood—she just didn’t like taking chances.

      His footsteps were heavy behind her.

      ‘Really? Nothing to be frightened of from you?’ she tossed over her shoulder. ‘I can’t imagine that you’ve grown up that much.’

      ‘You’d be surprised.’

      She darted him a quick glance. Surprised at how little he’d grown? Sure, he’d filled out some more and his face looked a little less fresh, but he was the same Nick Coburn she’d known. She was sure of it.

      ‘I’m fine to get to my car on my own,’ she snapped, lifting her chin and lengthening her stride.

      He came up beside her. ‘I’m sorry if I gave you the impression that I drove all the way out here to escort you to the car park. I’m here for answers.’

      Skye faltered. Did he know? She shook her head, urging her legs to walk straight to her Mitsubishi sedan. She pressed the auto entry pad, watching the light inside go on, illuminating the back seat.

      Damn. She froze, her cheeks heating and her pulse raging through her body. Damn, damn, damn.

      Nick caught her arm and turned her to face him. ‘Skye?’

      She looked up into his strong face, his jaw sporting a slight shadow, his hair mussed a little as though he’d been working on a difficult case.

      ‘Okay. Okay.’ Skye stared at his chest. ‘If you’d waited around for me to respond to your invitation in the first place you would have discovered that I’m flat out.’

      ‘You were working?’

      ‘Yes. Working. Flat out busy and couldn’t spare a minute—disasters…you know.’ Skye looked at the ground, where his shoes met the pavement, unable to look into his face on the off-chance that he’d see the lie in her eyes.

      ‘You could have called,’ he stated casually.

      She looked up at him. ‘Where? I know nothing about you.’

      Nick stood in front of her, boldly intimidating, the soft light from the street-lights casting shadows across his face. ‘You know I work at Stevens and King. You could have called there.’


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