Greek Boss, Dream Proposal. Barbara McMahon

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Greek Boss, Dream Proposal - Barbara McMahon

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the day’s work. She didn’t want to give rise to gossip that could harm her chances of staying on board.

      “I usually start around six, swim a half hour, shower and dress to be ready to work at seven,” he said.

      “Early,” she murmured. It was already close to midnight.

      “It’s a routine that suits me well.”

      “So you swim mornings at the resort, as well?” she asked.

      “Weather permitting. Sometimes in the sea, sometimes in one of the pools.”

      She tucked that piece of information away. Maybe she’d get up early once in a while for a swim herself, instead of swimming in the pool at midnight after her work was finished each day.

      He studied her in the faint illumination of the anchor light. “How are you adjusting to being on the sea? You did say you weren’t seasick.”

      “It’s challenging to cook in such a small space, but the captain keeps the boat on an even plane so I don’t have spills or liquids sloshing over. Stefano keeps it clean once I’m finished preparing the meal. Actually, I’m enjoying myself.” She was surprised to say it, but it was true. She’d been so focused on trying to find her grandmother, she had overlooked how much she was enjoying the experience of working in this situation.

      “I’m glad,” he said.

      She glanced away, feeling the attraction that flared whenever he was near. She knew it was only a part of her visit to Greece in which she didn’t have to calculate ways to get to the island. Sooner or later Nikos would return to his family home. With any luck, she’d still be aboard when he did. She should make the most of this opportunity, but couldn’t think of a thing to say to ingratiate herself with him. She so wanted to get to the island—just for an afternoon. That’s all she’d need.

      “It’s late. I’ll see you at six,” Nikos said.

      “Good night,” Sara replied. She’d see him again in a few hours. They’d swim together and then she’d be back in the galley. Wait until Stacy heard.

      Sara had spent her time while preparing this evening’s meal imaging Nikos enjoying every bite. She’d also thought about when he’d offered to play guide and the anticipation she had felt. She hoped his guests enjoyed the food, as well. But the reality was she was cooking for him. Wasn’t the old adage something about the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach? She didn’t want to get to his heart—just his island.

      Sleep proved difficult. She knew she had to trust in luck to get her what she wanted. And so far her luck had been spotty. None in trying to contact Eleani Konstantinos, good luck in landing a job at the resort. No luck in finding a way to the Konstantinos’s island on her own. Amazing luck in getting a berth on the ship. Now could she hope that luck held? Or was there something she could do to press it?

      By six-fifteen the next morning Sara still didn’t have a swimsuit. She debated forgetting the entire idea and dressing in her regular resort uniform of khaki slacks and navy shirt with the resort’s logo on the left side then heading for the galley. In the light of dawn, maybe Nikos had a change of heart.

      The soft knock went almost unheard. She crossed to the door. Stefano grinned at her when she opened it, holding out a small box. “Compliments of Mr. Konstantinos. He said to meet him at the aft deck when you’re ready.”

      She took the box, thanked him and shut the door. The swimsuit was a brand-new one-piece in a lovely teal color. She pulled it on. It fit perfectly. Tying her hair back, she slipped on her robe, not having any other swimsuit cover-up, and headed for the aft deck, her heart pounding. Would the other crew members resent her swimming with the boss? Or was this a common practice that she was making more of than it warranted?

      Nikos stood by the back railing. He turned when he heard her and watched as she crossed the space in her bare feet. Without her working shoes, which gave some elevation, she was more conscious than ever of his height.

      Sara tried not to be intrigued by the broad shoulders and well-developed muscular chest. It was hard not to imagine herself drawn against him, feeling those muscles hold her close. She longed to trail her fingertips across his tanned skin, to feel the texture, the warmth and strength.

      Then the reality slapped her. He was someone she needed in order to accomplish her goal. That was it. Otherwise he lived the kind of lifestyle she was wary of. She should never forget that.

      “Ready?” he asked.

      “Yes.” The air was cool. Would the water also be? She slipped off her robe and walked to the railing, peering over. “Do we just jump in?” she asked. They were still eight feet or more above the water.

      “No.” He flipped open a section of railing, indicating ladder steps built into the boat. “We climb down to that swim board. It’s a platform to get on and off the ship.”

      It was not wide, maybe eighteen inches out, running the width of the ship. Nikos showed her how to use the ladder and in only a couple of moments they stood side by side on the platform.

      “Now,” he said, diving into the blue water.

      Sara took a breath and followed.

      It was heavenly. The water was cool but not cold. The faint pink still showing in the wispy clouds in the sky was the first thing she saw when she surfaced. Turning, she saw the boat not far away. Looking around, she saw nothing but sky and sea and ship.

      Nikos broke the surface a dozen yards ahead of her and began swimming away. Sara smiled at the pure sensual enjoyment of the moment and began to swim after him. She loved the water, and one of the perks of working at the resort was the swimming she could enjoy during her time off. Very different from her life in London.

      She was beginning to wonder if she should turn back when she saw Nikos had stopped and was treading water. Catching up with him, she grinned in delight.

      “This is fabulous. What are your guests doing still asleep? They should be out enjoying a swim.”

      Nikos stared at her for a moment, then glanced back at the yacht. “I think Senora Fregulia is not so fond of a swimsuit. Senor Fregulia is too focused on business, and getting her hair mussed is not Gina’s thing. The Onetas take their lead from the Fregulias. It is of no matter. I hope my guests are enjoying themselves, even if we do not share liking of the same activities.”

      “What about the crew? Surely some of them would like to swim.”

      “Occasionally when we are at anchor they do. Mostly not.” Nikos shrugged. He didn’t much care about the other crew members at this particular moment. He was enjoying the obvious pleasure Sara derived from the early-morning swim. She was open in sharing in her emotions. No guile. No flirtation. Was it the novelty that intrigued him? Or the mysterious chef herself who had come to work for him?

      She obviously liked her position and had given no hints she wanted more. She didn’t pester him with dozens of questions about his life, about his likes and dislikes. Sara took each moment as it came. She was enjoying the water and it showed. Definitely a novelty after the jaded women he usually met at receptions and parties.

      She wore her femininity unselfconsciously, moving with grace whether walking across the deck or touring the bridge. She was comfortable with who she was. Witness the

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