Fear Of Love. Carole Mortimer

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Fear Of Love - Carole  Mortimer

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he believes himself to be in love with you that things got out of hand. At his age you don’t have a lot of control, when you get old and ancient like me it takes a little more than a beautiful face and a youthful body to turn you on. And he’s very sorry it happened, he did nothing but apologise all the way back to his home. He’s suffering, Alex, if that makes you feel any better.’

      ‘It doesn’t.’

      ‘I realise he’s frightened you,’ Dominic said gravely. ‘And I realise that what I witnessed tonight had never happened before. You were really upset about it.’

      ‘It was awful!’ She couldn’t meet his eyes.

      ‘Oh, surely not awful, Alex? After all, if the two of you were married, as you’d wanted to be, you would be on a much more intimate footing.’

      ‘Yes, I know, but it—it wouldn’t be the same!’

      ‘Of course it would,’ he contradicted. ‘Exactly the same. Do you love Roger?’

      ‘You know I do,’ she said resentfully.

      ‘And you’ve never been tempted to go to bed with him?’

      She blushed scarlet. ‘Never.’

      ‘Then you don’t love him,’ he stated calmly, reaching for the doorhandle.

      ‘How can you say that?’ She stood up. ‘How can you possibly know how I feel about him? You couldn’t tell that on such short acquaintance.’

      Dominic opened the door. ‘I wouldn’t even need to see him to tell you how you feel about him, the fact that you don’t want to sleep with him is enough.’

      ‘I didn’t say—–’

      ‘You said you’ve never been tempted to, which amounts to the same thing. It’s almost time for dinner, I’ll see you later.’ He stopped his exit, reaching in his trousers pocket. ‘You might as well have your key to the house—after what you’ve just told me I don’t think I have any reason to suspect you of meeting Young there.’

      ‘You—–’ she began.

      ‘I’ll see you at dinner, Alex.’

      ‘I don’t think I want any.’

      Dominic shrugged. ‘Please yourself.’

      Her breakfast was doubly welcome the next morning after she had stubbornly refused to go down for dinner the evening before. But at least Dominic wasn’t there to witness the enormous meal she ate—that would have been too humiliating.

      Gail already looked rested when she visited her that afternoon, a healthy blush to her cheeks. Alexandra put the flowers she had bought her sister on the locker beside the bed, and bent to kiss her cheek. ‘You look wonderful.’

      Gail blushed. ‘Possibly because Trevor has just left.’

      Alexandra laughed. ‘I see. Say no more. Well, I want you to know that everything is all right back at the house. I went over there yesterday.’

      Gail sighed her relief. ‘I suddenly thought of the mess I’d left everything in just as I was falling asleep last night. Of course when I told Trevor he said not to worry about it. Typical male! He doesn’t seem to realise that you can’t just suddenly up and leave a house.’

      ‘Well, now you don’t have to worry about it, it’s all been taken care of.’

      ‘How are you settling down, living with Dominic?’ Gail looked at her interestedly.

      Alexandra flushed with feeling. ‘Don’t put it like that, Gail,’ she said abruptly. ‘I’m only a guest in his house, a guest he would rather not see too much of.’

      ‘That wasn’t what he said this morning.’

      ‘This morning?’ she looked sharply at her sister. ‘He’s already been to see you?’

      ‘Mm, he came in about eleven. He brought the roses. Didn’t he tell you he’d been here?’

      Alexandra avoided her eyes. ‘I—I haven’t seen him today.’

      Gail raised her eyebrows. ‘You didn’t have lunch together?’

      ‘Nor breakfast either. Dominic’s very busy,’ she added hastily. ‘He has his work to do. He has to go up to London Wednesday and Thursday.’

      ‘Oh yes. He stays overnight, doesn’t he?’

      So he could be with his mistress for the night! ‘Yes. They’re lovely flowers that he brought you.’ Alexandra changed the subject.

      ‘They come from the garden at his house. It’s a lovely house, isn’t it?’

      ‘Very nice. I could quite get used to being waited on,’ she teased.

      ‘Don’t get too used to it,’ Gail laughed. ‘There’ll be plenty to do once I get home with the baby. I wish it could be soon,’ she added wistfully. ‘I’m getting a little tired of being this size.’

      ‘That’s why you’re in here, so that you can rest.’

      ‘Mm, but the baby isn’t resting, he’s more active than ever.’

      ‘You’re sure it’s a he, then?’ Alexandra teased.

      Her sister laughed. ‘It had better be, or Trevor and Dominic will never forgive me! They both want it to be a boy.’

      ‘Surely it has nothing to do with Dominic,’ Alexandra said sharply.

      ‘He will be its uncle,’ Gail pointed out gently.

      Alexandra gave a harsh laugh. ‘Well, I’ll be its aunty, but I haven’t put in a claim for a girl.’

      ‘Would you like it to be a girl?’

      ‘I don’t mind what it is.’

      ‘Neither do I. And Dominic will love the baby no matter what it is, we all will. We’re just fed up waiting.’

      A nurse put her head round the side of the door. ‘Time for your nap, Mrs Tempest,’ she said with a smile.

      ‘Can’t my sister stay a little while longer?’ Gail asked pleadingly.

      ‘I’m afraid not. You’ve had far too many visitors today already, and I’m sure Dr Tempest will be in again later.’ The nurse disappeared again.

      Alexandra stood up. ‘The nurse is right, Gail—you must rest.’

      ‘I’m not an invalid, and I feel such a fraud taking up this bed.’

      ‘You’ll do as you’re told,’ her husband told her sternly as he came into the room. ‘Hello, love,’ he greeted Alexandra. ‘How’s my big brother treating you?’

      ‘Oh, fine,’ she answered shortly. ‘How

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