Hollywood House Call. Jules Bennett

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Hollywood House Call - Jules Bennett

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dainty, warm hand on his arm really shouldn’t turn him on, but he’d been intrigued by her for a while now.

      “Good,” she said, smiling wider. “It’s nice to know I have people I can count on.”

      She leaned over and gave him an innocent, simple peck on his cheek, but as she pulled back, her face remained within a breath of his and she locked eyes with him again. He froze and was surprised when she placed a softer kiss on his lips, hesitating as if waiting for approval.

      “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “Was that unprofessional?”

      “Not as much as this.”

      He cupped the side of her face and claimed her lips.


      Callie knew on some level this was wrong—that would be the professional level.

      But on a personal, feminine level, kissing Noah Foster was so, so perfectly right. There was no way she could not respond to such a blatant advance.

      His thumbs trailed along her jawline as he shifted and changed the angle. Mercy, this man could kiss her lips and she felt it all the way down to her toes…not to mention all the important spots in between.

      Callie grabbed hold of his biceps as the glorious assault on her mouth continued. This attraction wasn’t new on his side or he wouldn’t be devouring her mouth in such a way that had her limbs trembling and her thighs clenching.

      But before she could bask in the fact this was the best kiss she’d ever experienced, Noah pulled back.

      “God, Callie,” he all but growled. “I’m—”

      “No.” She shook her head, putting a bit of distance between them so she could look in his eyes. “Don’t say you’re sorry.”

      His eyes searched hers, that warm gaze dropping to her lips before coming back up. “I wasn’t. I was going to say I don’t know what came over me, but that would be a lie. I’ve wanted to do that for some time.”

      The revelation wasn’t surprising, but she was a little taken aback that he admitted it. Which brought to mind the all-important question: Why hadn’t they locked lips before now? Had she known he had such…talents, she would’ve taken charge months ago.

      Okay, well, maybe she would’ve held back since he was her boss, but she definitely would’ve fantasized about it more.

      “So have I,” she admitted.

      The corners of Noah’s sexy, and she could now add tasty, mouth lifted. “But you work for me.”

      “So now what?” she asked. God, that sounded lame. “I mean, I don’t have to quit, do I?”

      “Do you want to quit?”

      Callie quirked a brow. “Don’t answer my question with a question.”

      “Just trying to figure my way around this… .”

      She grinned. “By this, you mean the fact that I want you?”

      He studied her face. “Yes.”

      Callie’s hands slipped from his thick arms. “I won’t lie about my feelings, Noah. If that makes you uncomfortable…”

      “I’m not uncomfortable,” he told her. “I won’t deny the sexual tension between us.”

      The chubby girl who still lived deep inside her couldn’t believe this was happening. The new Callie, the one who took charge of her life and made things happen, knew this was a moment she’d remember forever.

      Noah Foster, one of the sexiest men she’d ever met, was admitting he was sexually attracted to her.

      “I don’t do relationships, but I can’t deny the chemistry is strong here. I’ve never been in this situation before, and I’m trying to keep this simple.”

      Intrigued, and a little surprised that he inadvertently admitted that she had the upper hand here, Callie grinned.

      “And what situation is that?” she asked. “Making out in your car with an employee?”

      With a sigh, Noah turned in his seat, laughed and shook his head. “You’re not going to make this easy, are you?”

      “What’s that?”

      Throwing her a glance and a wicked sideways smile, he said, “Oh, now you’re going to answer a question with a question.”


      “How about we go on a date and see where this leads?” he asked. “Since the attraction is mutual, I don’t see why we couldn’t.”

      Callie’s belly quivered. She had no doubt that if they went out they’d probably continue where they left off with that kiss. Because a kiss that held those kinds of promises was just a stepping-stone straight to the bedroom. The possibilities thrilled and aroused her, but she also had to be realistic. She didn’t want to cause any awkward moments in the office. Though right now she was feeling anything but awkward.

      “Tell you what.” She shifted sideways and smiled. “When I start filming, I’ll go on that date, but not before I quit my job. Deal?”

      His eyes roamed over her face, pausing on her lips, then back up to her eyes. “I already told you I can’t do a relationship, anyway, so it doesn’t matter when to me. I’d rather see you outside the office now, but that’s because I’m not a patient man.”

      She laughed. “Boy, you really lay on the charm, huh?”

      He shrugged. “I won’t lie. I worry about you getting mixed up in this Hollywood scene so fast.” He blew out a sigh, not wanting to scare her. “I know it’s not my place, but…”

      “I’ll be fine, Noah,” she assured him. “This is what I’ve always dreamed about. There’s no need to worry.”

      He looked out the windshield and off into the distance. “You have no idea,” he murmured.

      He’d initially worried about exploring his attraction to Callie because he was her boss, but if he kept her close, maybe then he could also keep her safe. He knew he couldn’t save everyone. He hadn’t been able to save Malinda, but he damn well couldn’t watch another woman get hurt if he could prevent her downfall. If he could only save one woman, he wanted it to be Callie.

      Callie gathered her things, including that heinous monkey, and tugged at the door handle. “I better get going. Thanks again for everything.”

      Before she exited the car, she leaned in and kissed him. Not a friendly peck, but a soft, open-lipped kiss right near the corner of his mouth.

      Oh, yeah, it was going to be a long, long wait for that film to start shooting next month.

      Noah paced, checked his watch and paced back the other way. He not only had to get this shoot over with, he needed to run by the assisted-living facility

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