Keeping Her Safe. Myrna Mackenzie

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Keeping Her Safe - Myrna Mackenzie

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a person who lived by facts and evidence. But he shook his head. “The experts have gone over them thoroughly. There’s no way of telling who sent them or even if the person who mailed them was working alone.”

      “I know. It seems hard to believe that a man accused of murder and under constant guard would be able to sneak messages out.”

      “He’s been allowed visitors. Maybe he didn’t write the messages.”

      “Yes. It could be someone on the outside,” she said. “An accomplice of his.” Vincent thought he saw her tremble, but she didn’t allow her voice to break. She didn’t show any other sign of being nervous.

      He sat forward suddenly and leaned nearer, moving into her space, her soft floral scent filling his senses. “I don’t mean to be immodest, Natalie, but I make a point of being good at what I do. No one—absolutely no one—is going to get to you without going straight through me.”

      Finally she smiled, her pretty pink lips curving upward in a way that made his breath hitch in his chest. “You’re a little cocky, Vincent.”

      “It goes with the territory. A bodyguard has to be willing to go through walls and step on a few toes to make sure his client is safe.”

      She glanced down at her toes.

      “Not yours,” he said, grinning slightly.

      “Don’t be so sure,” she said. “My parents and my brothers thought I was a hellion. They’ve spent years trying to get me to behave, and even though they’re normally sane, calm people, they’ve been known to go to extremes in their quest to keep up with me.”

      “Is that a warning, Natalie?”

      “It’s a sad truth, Vincent. I have been told that I’m unmanageable. Consider yourself warned. Now, do you have everything that you need to know?”

      “I know enough to get started.”

      “Good.” She rose to her feet. “Because I have an appointment.”

      He nodded and stood. “All right, let’s go.”

      Those green eyes suddenly flashed dark. “You told me that you would be discreet, but where I’m going…well, you just can’t.”

      He gave her a slow, lazy smile. “Watch me, Natalie. Your welfare is on my head now. Where you go, I follow.”

      “I’m not going anywhere important. Nowhere anyone else would be interested. Just to a neighbor’s house.”

      “Well, then, let’s go meet the neighbors,” he drawled.

      She blinked. “What am I going to tell them about you? How am I going to explain you away?”

      Vincent placed both palms on the table and leaned closer. “You’re the reporter. You know how to relate a story. Tell them the facts…or make something up. Tell them I’m your lover, for all I care. But understand this, Natalie. Your safety is my concern, and I am not letting you out of my sight.”

      She blinked and frowned.

      “It’s for your own good,” he promised.

      She frowned harder. “I know. I hate that. I hate that it’s for my own good. It would be so much easier to argue about it if it weren’t. All right, come on, lover boy.”

      With that, Natalie turned and headed for the door. Vincent had watched any number of women’s backs over the years. Most of the women had been infatuated with the thought of having a man following them around, their own personal paid protector. But Natalie McCabe was royally pissed off. In spite of admitting to the necessity of having him here, she didn’t want her neighbors to meet him.

      What was that about?

      Already his new client was a total pain in the ass who was going to make his job hell. Too bad she had a sweet, slender body and pretty eyes that were hard to ignore.

      She was merely a client, and that was all she could be. He couldn’t wait for this assignment to be over.


      Natalie had been living in this apartment complex for several years. She was one of the youngest people in the building. Most of the inhabitants were well into their senior years. Yet, she had never felt self-conscious or out of place until she walked down the hall with Vincent two paces behind her.

      The man was just so hard to ignore. His aftershave drifted to her, and she could almost feel his warmth at her back. She was so incredibly aware of his presence that her own breathing kicked up a bit.

      Damn the man. Why couldn’t he be a bit less noticeable? But she knew it was her own fault. For some reason, she was having trouble blocking Vincent Fortune from her mind. No doubt she’d simply been rattled by those threatening notes and the fact that she had to have a bodyguard at all. Well, that was about to stop. She had important work to do, Natalie told herself as she rapped on an apartment door near the back of the first floor.

      Long seconds passed. Natalie turned to look at Vincent.

      “Mrs. Morgensen uses a walker. It takes a while. You can go if you like.”

      He grinned. “Nice try, Natalie, but I’ve got nothing but time. I’m all yours.”

      Natalie suddenly felt warm. Surely that wasn’t a blush creeping up her cheeks. She never blushed.

      Gritting her teeth, she forced a big smile and turned to him. “That’s very generous, Vincent, but I’m not sure I’m equipped to handle all of you.”

      To her delight, Vincent looked as if he was going to choke, although she wasn’t quite sure whether it was with shock or laughter. And since the door opened at that moment, she couldn’t ask.

      “Natalie? I’m so glad you could come.” Mrs. Morgensen’s voice quavered a bit, but her eyes were bright and shiny. She glanced past Natalie. “Oh, you brought your young man.”

      “No, I— He’s not my—” Natalie began to say, but she needn’t have bothered.

      “Vincent Fortune. I’m delighted to meet you, Mrs. Morgensen,” Vincent said, stepping forward and touching the elderly woman’s hand.

      The lady smiled and looked at Natalie. “Good choice, Natalie. He’s a looker.”

      Natalie blinked. She refused to look at Vincent, and she didn’t answer. After all, what could she say? If she told Mrs. Morgensen that Vincent was her bodyguard, she would have some explaining to do. She might frighten the woman, and that just wasn’t acceptable. Moreover, Mrs. Morgensen might no longer feel comfortable telling her story to Natalie, and without her story and those of her other neighbors, Natalie had no hope of digging deeper and getting the information she needed to reveal the misdeeds of Starson Investments.

      “He’s very pretty,” Natalie agreed, which was a total lie. Vincent was masculine, sexy, handsome in a decidedly rugged way. Pretty was a word that no one would ever apply to the man. “Adorable, actually.”

      She couldn’t resist turning to Vincent, who looked as if

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