Coming on Strong. Tawny Weber

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Coming on Strong - Tawny Weber

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the teeth. Then her eyes went round as Sierra unwrapped another and popped it into her mouth.

      Best friends since they were fourteen, the two women knew each other inside out. Belle had never considered anyone else to go into business with. Guilt trickled down her spine. And now she was stressing her friend into a sugar coma.

      “I didn’t blow it,” Belle defended. At least, she didn’t think she did. “I might have gotten a bit carried away, but a little flirting won’t affect the deal. He loved my spiel. He was impressed with our ideas. Whether we get it or we don’t will depend on whether he’s open to the sexual angle or not. For the resort,” she quickly added.

      Sierra chewed up another hard candy without replying. She gave Belle a long, considering look, then unwrapped another piece.

      The look was a familiar one. She’d worn it when she’d talked Belle into taking a chance on their business. She wore it when she told a client their request was over-the-top crazy. She always wore it when she told Belle her outfit sucked or her ideas were lame. It was her truth-at-all-costs look.

      Belle hated that look.

      For the good of her own ears and Sierra’s dental bill, Belle reached over and scooped up the remaining candy.

      “Belle, you barely knew this guy and you were willing to toss aside your principles and beliefs. For what? A piece of ass.”

      “I’m not some dumb tramp,” Belle snapped back. “I might have been distracted during that meeting, but I’ll be damned if I gave away a single principle and I sure as hell didn’t ignore my beliefs.”

      Whatever that was supposed to mean, she fumed. God, if she didn’t hate confrontation so much, she’d yell at her friend. Tell her to quit being so negative, so mistrusting. Instead she sucked in a deep, calming breath and reminded herself that this was just Sierra’s way.

      “I meant six years ago, when you agreed to marry the guy just so you could get in his pants,” Sierra corrected with a roll of her eyes. “You weren’t interested in happy-ever-after back then. But you gave in despite your better judgment. And look how that turned out.”

      Belle winced. She’d rather not think about it. “Please, do you think Mitch would be crazy enough to propose to me again? All he wanted was a leg up the ladder, and he doesn’t need that any longer.”

      “You don’t say anything about whether you’d be crazy enough to accept a proposal,” Sierra pointed out.

      “I didn’t think I had to state the obvious. I gave up believing in fairy tales or happy-ever-after. I’m hot for the guy, okay? That’s it. I know better than to risk anything other than a little time and some sexy lingerie.”

      “I hope so. I really, really hope so,” Sierra said, her words dripping with doubt. “Because your history says otherwise.”

      A chime snagged her attention and Sierra glanced at the laptop. She clicked the mouse a couple times and heaved a sigh. Belle’s stomach dropped to her toes at the look on her partner’s face.

      “Okay, here’s the deal,” the sleek brunette said in her nononsense tone. “If we get this contract, I need you to make me a promise.”

      Belle eyed the computer, her fingers itching to grab it and see what message had prompted Sierra’s ultimatum.

      “What’s the promise?” Belle hedged. She wasn’t about to agree to anything crazy, like keeping her hands off Mitch. Yes, she might lose a few brain cells around him. But she was an intelligent woman, she had extras.

      Replaying those excuses through her head, Belle heaved a sigh and privately admitted they were bullshit. This job was huge, and not only to Eventfully Yours. If she pulled it off, made friendly—but not that friendly—with Mitch, there was a good chance he’d help her dad.

      Belle thought back to the call she’d had that morning from her father’s secretary. Her dad was stressed again, and even though he was supposed to be home recovering from his heart attack, he’d spent the last four days running to the office trying to find some way out of the mess he was in. Between a series of bad investments, the real-estate crash and a sucky economy, Forsham Hotels was sinking fast. A wave of helpless frustration washed over her. She had to do something, anything, to get Mitch to talk to her dad.

      Maybe Twisted Knickers lingerie carried chastity belts.

      Sierra took a deep breath. Belle was nodding before her friend could even issue the request. Fine, no sex.

      “As soon as you can, hell, the first day if possible, you haul Mitch Carter into the nearest closet and have wild monkey sex with him,” Sierra commanded. “Have as much sex as possible. Do it as many times in as many ways as you can. Get it all out of your system. Do it on the ceiling if you have to. Use toys and kinky leather getups.”

      Belle’s jaw dropped. She shook her head, sure her hearing was faulty.

      “For the good of Eventfully Yours, for the good of your thought processes and, most of all, for the good of my sanity, I’m begging you—” Sierra placed both palms on the desk and leaned forward, her face intense “—do him. Immediately.”

      It took all Belle’s strength to lift her chin off her chest. Sierra was a dyed-in-the-wool cynic, but she’d never been this…well, pragmatic about deliberately seducing someone.

      Belle kind of liked it. Even if it was insane.

      “You’re kidding, right? I thought you were worried about my poor judgment with Mitch?”

      “I’m worried about your judgment when your head is clouded with unrequited lust,” Sierra shot back. “Once you’ve screwed his brains out a few times you’ll be fine.”


      “I’ve read studies that list all the ways sexual frustration hinders a person. This exact situation wasn’t on the list, but I’m sure it qualifies. Once the sexual curiosity is sated, you’ll be your normal, savvy self and kick butt with this deal.”

      “So this is for the good of our business?” Belle’s tummy did a wicked somersault.

      Shouldn’t she feel excited instead of nervous? Sierra was the voice of reason, so her encouragement made the whole idea seem…well, weird.

      “Sure,” Sierra returned with a shrug.

      “We got the deal?” Belle pointed to the computer and whatever message Sierra was hiding.

      “We’ve got a shot at the deal. He wants a meeting to discuss it.” She spun the laptop around so Belle could read the message from Mitch’s assistant. Lunch meeting, tomorrow afternoon. Come prepared to negotiate.

      Excitement buzzed through Belle’s system like electricity. Her stomach tumbled, nerves and anticipation warning her to eat ahead of time. Yes. This was her chance, her shot at everything she wanted. She’d show him the fine art of negotiation…her way.

      Belle gave a wicked laugh of delight. “Never let it be said I’m not willing to give my all for the cause.”

      While she didn’t quite share Sierra’s anxiety that she’d blow the deal or do something stupid, she wasn’t about

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