Hired Bride. Jackie Merritt

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Hired Bride - Jackie  Merritt

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guess true love rarely runs smoothly. Isn’t that what the poets say?”

      “Something to that effect. I’m going to go back in and say good-night to Dad and Lily. I’ll only be a minute. Don’t move.” Zane was on his feet and gone in a flash.

      He’s a kind, considerate man with extremely good manners. Gwen sighed, wishing she could pinpoint at least one flaw in Zane’s character or personality. Then she pondered his reputation with women and decided that could be a flaw.

      But it could also be an advantage, depending on which gender was analyzing it. Men undoubtedly admired Zane’s prowess with the opposite sex, while women…? Darn, Gwen thought uneasily, women probably admired it too. At least they might until he left them with a broken heart.

      You’re becoming much too interested in Zane Fortune’s love life. Think of something else!

      Gwen tried to follow that sensible advice, and was considering next week’s work schedule in a relatively relaxed position, with her eyes shut, when she heard footsteps. Thinking that Zane had returned, she opened her eyes. Maria Cassidy was standing in front of her.

      For some reason a chill went up Gwen’s spine, but she said calmly, “Hello, Maria. Are you enjoying the reception?”

      “It’s just another excuse for the Fortunes to flaunt their wealth,” Maria said with a bitter twist of her lips. Without invitation she plopped down in the chair Zane had used. “How’d you meet Zane?”

      Gwen was so uncomfortable with this peculiar young woman that she wished Zane would hurry up and get back.

      “Through my work,” she said slowly, though she had no intention of explaining details to Maria.

      “I hope you know that he has a lot of girlfriends. It would be really stupid of you to think you’re the only woman in his life,” Maria said with a malevolent little smile.

      What maliciousness! Gwen thought, shrinking internally from Maria and wishing again that Zane would return. How on earth did Lily, who was a lady in every sense of the word, have a daughter like Maria? Especially when Lily’s other daughter, Hannah, was so much like her mother. What had gone wrong with Maria?

      “I know Zane has women friends,” Gwen said cautiously.

      Maria let out a snort. “Friends, my eye. Obviously you didn’t get my meaning. Maybe you are stupid!”

      Gwen was suddenly furious. How dare this vulgar, mean-minded woman speak to her like this? Forgetting that Zane was due back at any moment, she got to her feet.

      How she managed to speak at normal pitch when she was so steaming mad Gwen would never know, but she said quite calmly, “I’m going to say good-night, Maria,” and she walked off. When she heard Maria giggling behind her, she walked faster. That awful young woman had deliberately antagonized her and was now laughing about it!

      When Gwen reached the house, she stopped before going in and looked back at the tent. Zane must have been held up, she thought, not at all upset by it. As long as he didn’t care that she had deserted the party, he could stay up all night. She went into the house and then made her way to her assigned bedroom.

      There was a lamp burning, and someone had turned down the bed. The room looked cozy and comfortable. Gwen took off her jacket and skirt and hung them in the closet. The rest of her things went into a bag she’d brought along for used clothing, and finally she pulled her short, silky nightgown over her head. Barefoot and yawning, she went into the bathroom, where she brushed her teeth and removed the pins holding her fancy hair style together. She was giving her long hair a good brushing when someone rapped on the bedroom door.

      “Just a moment,” she called. She ran for the matching robe she’d left in the bureau drawer, then slipped it on and hurried to open the door. It was Zane, of course. She’d expected it would be. “Sorry I left without talking to you,” she said quickly. “But Maria Cassidy cornered me and was saying some terrible things. I really couldn’t sit there any longer without losing my temper and batting her one. What is wrong with that woman?”

      “What was she saying?” Zane was much more interested in how pretty Gwen looked with her hair down and wearing a lavender silky robe than he was in anything Maria might have said, but he realized that he would discuss any topic to keep this luscious lady talking to him.

      Gwen cocked a somewhat cynical eyebrow. “Are you sure you want to know?”

      Zane caught on and frowned. “She talked about me? Why on earth would Maria talk about me?”

      “I have no idea why Maria would do anything. She strikes me as being a pickle short of a full barrel, Zane.”

      Zane looked around. “We shouldn’t be talking in the hall. Some people might be trying to sleep. Could I come in for a few minutes?”

      Gwen hesitated, but gave in quickly with a nonchalant shrug. “Sure, why not?”

      Zane stepped into the room and quietly closed the door behind him. “Getting back to Maria, Lily has been worried about her.”

      “I would imagine she has.” Gwen set the hairbrush on the bureau. “Maria seems to have some sort of animosity toward your family. I find that curious, when her mother is engaged to your father.”

      “It is curious.” Zane grinned. “But then I never promised that you wouldn’t meet a few odd ducks today. Probably every big family has ’em.”

      Gwen smiled. “I’m sure you’re right.” She was certain that Zane was heading for the door when he started walking, and that he would say good-night at any moment. She was stunned when he was suddenly standing about two inches away from her. Her eyes widened when he began toying with her hair, brushing it back from her cheek and winding a curl around his forefinger.

      “Wha-what are you doing?” She knew that she sounded breathless, but was it any wonder, when her heart was pounding so hard?

      “Something I’ve wanted to do all day.” Zane cupped her face with both of his hands and pressed his lips to hers.

      Gwen’s entire system went wild with erotic little stirrings. She felt as though her insides were melting and blending together as his mouth possessed and teased hers. It had been too long since she’d been kissed, especially in the way Zane was kissing her, and she honestly did not have the strength of will to push him away.

      He smelled heavenly. Oh, yes, she had noticed the incredible scent he wore, besides being aware of his extraordinary good looks, throughout the whole day. Was there a woman alive who wouldn’t want to be kissed by Zane Fortune?

      But a kiss was one thing and his hands under her nightgown was something else. Gasping for air, Gwen backed up a step. “You’re going too far,” she said hoarsely.

      Zane didn’t argue. “You’re right. I only intended to kiss you. I guess I didn’t expect to feel such fireworks.”

      Gwen saw how flushed his face was and knew that his high color was not caused by embarrassment. He was aroused!

      Well, so was she. So much for all that gibberish she’d thought about eluding his ‘Conquest’ lists. All Zane had had to do was touch her with that special light in his eyes and she’d turned into molten jelly!


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