Secret Fantasy. Carly Phillips

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Secret Fantasy - Carly Phillips

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changed but the sense of liberation he saw both in her face and her more expressive mannerisms. Her hands flew in the air as she spoke to Merrilee. Her eyes glittered with surprise and awe as she took in whatever the older woman was saying.

      She no longer resembled the conservative fiancée of Stuart Barnes or the biddable daughter of Senator Stanton. This woman had spark and intensity. Excitement burned inside of her.

      She’d undergone a transformation since her almost-wedding and the reasons why intrigued him as much as the story itself.

      Which said a lot for a man in search of the proof that would clear his name.

      He wondered what it said about the outcome of his fantasy.


      SECRET FANTASY. As her sister’s students would say, “Well, duh.” Juliette should have known by the name of the resort this wasn’t just any island retreat. Better yet, she should have known when Gillian had elicited the promise that Juliette let loose that her twin was up to no good. And setting Juliette up for a week of decadence and sin—which was what being paired up with a sexy stranger would amount to—was definitely no good.

      Or was it? Juliette gnawed on her lower lip, recognizing an opportunity to make up for all she’d missed by taking the safe and expected route all her life.

      “Obviously you didn’t sign on for this. If you decide to leave, I’ll give you a full refund.” Merrilee Schaefer-Weston shook her head and laughed. “Or should I say I’ll give your sister a full refund? I must say this is a first for Fantasies, Inc.” She reached out and touched Juliette’s arm. “But, please, at least stay overnight as my guest. Perhaps the magic of the island will sway you.”

      Juliette glanced at the older but still beautiful owner of the complex. “Magic?” she asked wryly.

      Merrilee’s eyes danced with delight. “What else would you call a week away from prying eyes? A week solely for yourself, where no one will know what you say or do?”

      “Except my fantasy man.” Juliette shivered at the prospect of herself and an unknown stranger together for an entire erotic vacation. No Stuart, no scandal…

      No reporters.

      “I’ll stay the week.” Just like that she made her decision.

      If Merrilee was surprised, she didn’t show it. “Wonderful! You won’t regret it.”

      Juliette hoped not. Because such spontaneity wasn’t in her nature. But where had her preplanned, good-girl behavior gotten her? Used and jilted, in a manner of speaking. No one would believe normally conservative Juliette Stanton, a woman who thought out any and every move beforehand, would act on impulse. But as Merrilee said and her sister had ensured, Juliette now had that chance.

      “Give me a moment and I’ll see that you get checked in.” Merrilee left her standing in the center of the lobby, an eclectic combination of lush tropical plants and ornate marble floor and pillars. A true island retreat.

      She inclined her head and glanced to her left. A tingle of awareness took hold as she realized she was being watched—studied intently by an intriguing man with dark glasses and even darker hair. A well-toned man in swim trunks and nothing more. She swallowed hard.

      He lifted his glasses and met her gaze. Her body grew hot from the inside out in a feminine way that had nothing to do with the humidity surrounding her.

      “You’re all set.” Merrilee’s voice surprised her. “We’ve got a secluded section of cottages that I’m sure you’ll find to your liking.”

      Juliette regretfully withdrew her gaze from the stranger’s compelling one. “I’m certain I’ll love it and appreciate you keeping me away from prying eyes.” She glanced back again, but he was gone. Disappointment, keen and lingering, settled inside her.

      “Not to worry. I have a hunch you’ll see him again,” Merrilee said lightly.

      “See who?”

      Juliette knew she was playing dumb and Merrilee laughed. “Let me show you to the cottage. Your bags will follow shortly.”

      She accompanied the other woman out the open French doors and down a winding path, lined with green foliage and pink flowers Juliette couldn’t name but loved on sight. As she passed the pool and various restaurants, her gaze searched restlessly for him.

      Well, she thought, her sister believed she needed to get a life. Apparently she was about to find one.


      AFTER A SHORT NAP and quick unpacking, Juliette changed and headed for the beach, stopping on the way to take in the view. Straight ahead, she glimpsed white sand and endless miles of blue water that stretched to the horizon, meeting an azure sky accented by puffy, white clouds. To her left, she found lush floral gardens and, to her right, a huge free-form pool with a cascading waterfall in its center.

      “A veritable Garden of Eden,” she murmured.

      “Makes you think man was a fool for ever leaving.”

      The deep, masculine voice rumbled in her ear and she knew instinctively who stood beside her. Her heartbeat tripled and excitement churned her insides. “If I remember correctly, man didn’t go by choice. He was banished.”

      “For tasting the forbidden fruit.” At his words, a shiver of awareness took hold. She had to look.

      And if he’d been sexy from afar, up close he was devastating. Without sunglasses, his eyes were a dynamic shade of blue, his features ruggedly handsome. Unlike her ex-fiancé’s fair, all-American looks, this man was a rogue—from his dark hair, tanned skin and razor stubble, down to his baggy yet still sexy swim trunks.

      Her fantasy come to life. In her dreams, this was the kind of man who came to her in the dead of night. The one who’d sweep her off her feet and make her the center of his world. No other agenda in sight.

      He extended his hand. “Doug. And you are?”

      “Pleased to meet you,” she said with a hesitant smile. Being bold didn’t come easily. “I’m Juliette.” No last name attached, just as he hadn’t offered his.

      She placed her hand in his warm palm. The flare of heat was instant and intense. From the flicker of awareness in his eyes, he felt it too.

      Startled by the strength of the attraction, she tried to withdraw but he held on tight. “Nice to meet you, Juliette.”

      His thumb brushed the pulse point on her wrist briefly before he let go. A rush of pleasure took hold, wrapping around her heart and warming her in ways she hadn’t experienced in too long, if ever.

      But she liked what she was feeling. Each tingling sensation in her body, every shimmer of awareness in her brain, she enjoyed. After the pain and heartache of the last few weeks, she realized she desperately needed to feel sexy and desirable. She craved the lavish attention that would assure her she wasn’t second best. This man could provide that proof and be her much-needed diversion.

      But one real and nagging fear remained. Although she’d escaped to this island, Juliette couldn’t be certain she’d left the press behind.

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