Assignment: Baby. Lynne Marshall

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Assignment: Baby - Lynne Marshall

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      “I’m taking care of Sophie out of obligation, nothing more. I owe it to my sister and her baby to do a good job. That’s as far as it goes.”

      “You could have fooled me.”

      Looking agitated, Hunter took another quick drink. “How do you intend to be a mom and get your PhD at the same time?”

      Amanda looked aside and shook her head. “It’s not something I need to work out just now, but I’ve always said where there’s a will there’s a way. And kids feel the love no matter what, when it’s genuine.”

      “I didn’t feel that from my own parents.”

      She knew exactly what he meant. “But that doesn’t have to be the case with your own kids.”

      “Not going to have any, remember?”

      She wanted to dig her fingers into her hair and scream. Why couldn’t he see what a wonderful job he’d done taking care of Sophie?

       Praise for Lynne Marshall:

      ‘Lynne Marshall has written a wonderfully romantic tale about two wounded souls finding love when they least expect it. Featuring a lovable heroine, an absolutely gorgeous hero, a splendid cast of secondary characters, vivid medical scenarios, heartwarming romance, tender passion, and plenty of warmth, wit and charm, SINGLE DAD, NURSE BRIDE is terrific tale which will delight and entertain fans of Medical Romance everywhere!


      ‘Lynne Marshall’s latest Medical™ Romance is absolutely terrific! She peppers her narrative with plenty of authentic medical detail, steamy sexual tension, hot sex scenes and lots of humour and emotion. Her two characters, JT and Mallory, are richly developed and brought to life with plenty of aplomb and style. IN HIS ANGEL’S ARMS is a page-turning Medical Romance…captivating and romantic. IN HIS ANGEL’S ARMS is one book you just can’t miss!


      Lynne Marshall has been a Registered Nurse in a large California hospital for twenty-five years. She has now taken the leap to writing full time, but still volunteers at her local community hospital. After writing the book of her heart in 2000, she discovered the wonderful world of Medical™ Romance, where she feels the freedom to write the stories she loves. She is happily married, has two fantastic grown children, and a socially challenged rescued dog. Besides her passion for writing Medical™ Romance, she loves to travel and read. Thanks to the family dog, she takes long walks every day!

       Recent titles by the same author:



      Assignment: Baby


      Lynne Marshall

      This book is dedicated to the “Jack Howling” of my life—Sweet William. Here’s to twenty-five more years!


      AMANDA Dunlap prayed this wasn’t fate’s idea of a practical joke. It was the first day of her six-week statistical study on preventive cardiac care, which would comprise her first medical journal article. And there they were, the twenty carefully selected patients, each with three or four of the risk factors contributing to future heart disease—ticking time bombs, as her mentor had put it.

      The participants sat quietly conversing amongst themselves, thumbing through the Mending Hearts Club syllabus and class outline, waiting for the evening to begin.

      She glanced at her watch and a flutter of panic winged through her chest. After three months preparing every aspect of the curriculum for the pilot project, her bank account and her career were both on the line. If she achieved her patient goals, Los Angeles Mercy Hospital would use her health modification model for all three California Mercy hospitals, and her goal of a PhD in nursing would be waiting over the horizon. If she failed, she’d be stuck doing employee physicals and walk-in visits at the Serena Vista Clinic—and proving her parents right that she was reaching beyond her capabilities.

      Yesterday, just her luck, all plans had come to a screeching halt when her mentor had dropped out for personal health reasons. Without a doctor to lend his name to the already promised medical journal article, her proverbial nurse practitioner butt was in a sling.

      Thank heavens the Mercy Hospital medical director had found a replacement for their satellite clinic. Only one problem remained.

      Where was her hero?

      While destiny snickered, Amanda checked her watch again— seven-ten. Perhaps the replacement had gotten lost on the drive in or was wandering around trying to find the patient education classrooms? Whatever the reason for tardiness, she’d be forgiving, but she couldn’t wait a second longer. Having every minute of her two-hour introductory class mapped out, she owed it to the participants to keep her promise of starting and ending the sessions on time.

      “Good evening, I’m Amanda Dunlap,” she said, and waited for everyone to face forward and quiet down. “I’m so happy to see all of you here tonight.” She went on to explain the purpose of the class.

      A scuffle at the back of the room drew her attention from the faces in the front row. She glanced up in time to see the door swing open. An empty infant car seat was wedged to hold it open. Next a diaper bag was tossed into the back of the room, soon followed by a masculine thigh and shoulder pushing through.

      A gurgling baby faced outward in a special carrier strapped across a man’s chest, drawing Amanda’s immediate attention. The child wore bright pink overalls and a patterned top, with super-white mock sports shoes made especially for feet that didn’t yet walk.

      Amanda automatically grinned, and sweet warmth trickled throughout her body at the sight. Her substitute mentor was not only a hero but also a family man.

       During her brief marriage, after never having had a maternal thought in her life, she’d missed a period, thought she’d been pregnant, and discovered a secret even she’d never suspected. She wanted a baby. Her husband had been thrown into a tailspin when she’d brought up the possibility. When it had turned out she wasn’t pregnant, her heart had already changed forever.

      Now she didn’t know if she’d be able to have a baby of her own. She glanced at the bittersweet surprise popping through the door and gave a wan smile.

      Her eyes drifted upward to the bearer of the bright pink baby package, and her breath stuck in her throat. She froze, and grappled to maintain her composure as a chill ran up her spine.


      She hadn’t seen him in three years.

      Bracing herself at the lectern

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