Assignment: Marriage. Jackie Merritt

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Assignment: Marriage - Jackie  Merritt

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Pine Mountains. Behind them were the Monitor Range, the Toquima Range and the Shoshones. It looked to her like they were only about forty miles out of Ely. That was good, because she needed to find a rest room.

      Laying the atlas on the seat between them, she said her piece. “I need to stop at the first gas station or restaurant we come to.”

      He shot her an annoyed look. “Already?”

      “Would you like a detailed explanation?” she asked with saccharine sweetness. “Or may I keep the personal aspects of my life private?”

      “Keep any damned thing you want private. Do you hear me asking questions about your personal ‘aspects’?”

      “Well, thank you very much, Mr. Congeniality,” she. said with heavy sarcasm.

      “You’re not the greatest traveling companion, either, lady.”

      Anger rose in Nicole like steam billowing from a vat of boiling water. What she wouldn’t like to tell this overbearing jerk! Clamping her lips shut to stop herself, she turned her face to the side window.

      Tuck’s stomach was tight with resentment. Joe had pulled a fast one on him. She’s a nice woman. You’ll like her. Yeah, right. If Nicole Currie was nice, he was the tooth fairy. So far on this trip she’d wallowed in self-pity, bitten his head off several times, and argued against every one of his instructions. “Orders,” she called them. Why, oh, why, had he fallen for that “cushy job” line of Crawford’s? Right now he could be peacefully driving along by himself, going somewhere to be alone and think his own problems through. Instead he had this…this emotional female on his hands.

      He had put on his dark sunglasses for driving, and out of the corner of his eye he took a look at his passenger. Without that resentful expression on her face she would be prettier than average. He liked her short hairstyle, which was unusual as he normally preferred long hair on women. But the cut fit Nicole’s features. Like himself, she had put on a clean top with last night’s jeans. Today she was wearing a sleeveless red knit shirt with a V-neck. There was a delicate gold chain around her creamy throat and small gold earrings in her ears. She had put on makeup, too. Not a lot, he would swear, just a little blusher and some lipstick. Also, she must have used a few dabs of that same perfume he’d noticed last night, because the scent was faintly in the air.

      His gaze returned to the road and stayed there. She might be pretty and she might smell good, but they were not going to be friends. Acquaintances, eventually, probably, but he wasn’t looking for a female friend, particularly in this situation.

      “There’s a truck stop ahead,” Nicole stated.

      “I see it.”

      Tuck studied the traffic around the truck stop and his heart skipped a beat. The white sports car that had passed him last night was at a gas pump. He scanned the area for its driver and decided the person must be inside the building.

      Wheeling into the truck stop, he parked next to the restaurant. Leaving the engine idling, he turned in the seat. “I’m going in to check things out. You wait here.”

      Nicole’s eyes widened. “But I need…”

      “I said, wait here. If everything’s all right, you can go in.”

      She drew an exasperated breath, which Tuck didn’t hear as he was already out of the car and heading for the building.

      At the counter there was a line of people—two men and three women—waiting to pay for their purchases. Tuck hung back and looked them over, as one by one they paid for gas or miscellaneous items and walked out.

      A long-legged blonde wearing white shorts and a tight yellow T-shirt got into the sports car, gunned the engine and took off.

      Tuck went outside and back to his car. “Okay, you can get out now,” he said, sliding behind the wheel.

      “Thank you very much,” Nicole said waspishly, opening her door and hurrying into the building.

      Lighting a cigarette, Tuck rolled down his window and thought about that sports car. Its driver being a woman meant nothing. In fact, it would be pretty smart of Lowicki to send a woman to tail him and Nicole, but that would mean that Lowicki. had somehow learned of the department’s plans to protect Nicole outside of Nevada, which only a handful of cops were supposed to know.

      Seeing that car twice was probably only coincidence, Tuck thought, though the scowl on his face wouldn’t quite go away. Tossing his cigarette out the window, he grabbed the atlas to study the Nevada map. The logical route north from Ely was Highway 93, which was his planned route. But what was best, to take 93 or to cut west on 50 and then take another road north? His scowl deepened. At this rate they’d never get out of Nevada, let alone reach northern Idaho.

      Nicole came out and hopped into the car. She had a paper bag with her. Tuck looked at it questioningly.

      His expression rubbed her wrong. “It’s just some snacks,” she said defensively.

      “So what did we really stop for?” he asked coldly. “The rest room or snacks?”

      “Both,” she snapped, although buying some chips and soft drinks hadn’t occurred to her until she’d come out of the rest room.

      It wasn’t until they were several miles out of Ely that she noticed the Highway 50 sign. Frowning, she checked the map and asked, “Why are going west again? Highway 93 goes directly north.”

      “Just playing it safe,” Tuck said.

      “Wait a minute. We’re zigzagging the state. I thought we’d stay on 95 and you changed directions at Tonopah. Now you’re doing it again. Has something happened I’m not aware of to make you waste so much time?”

      “In a hurry to get to Idaho?”

      “No, I’m not in a hurry,” she said sharply. “But I have a right to know what’s going on.”

      Tuck heaved a long-suffering sigh. He didn’t want to frighten her, but naturally she’d be curious about his time-consuming route.

      “All right, I’ll tell you what’s going on. I’ve seen the same car twice, once last night before reaching Tonopah and today it was parked at the truck stop, getting gas.”

      Nicole gaped at him. “Are you saying that someone is following us?”

      “The possibility is extremely remote. I just don’t want to take any chances. We’re going to cut north on 278.”

      Nicole looked at the map and located 278. “That road connects with Interstate 80. What are you going to do after that, go east or west?”

      “If everything looks okay, I’ll probably go east and pick up 225 north at Elko, which will take us through the Duck Valley Indian Reservation into Idaho.”

      Studying the north-south dimension data on the Nevada and Idaho maps, she sighed. “When we reach the reservation, we’ll only be halfway to Coeur d’Alene.”

      “About that, yes.”

      “And we still have hundreds of miles to travel in Nevada.”


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