A Professional Engagement. Darcy Maguire

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A Professional Engagement - Darcy  Maguire

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Kasey fanned herself with her hand. ‘But I think I need a drink. Are you coming, Rick?’

      ‘In one minute,’ Rick offered, smiling at his girlfriend and then turning to Tara, as though he was dealing with nothing more significant than tying a loose shoe-lace, or swatting a fly or squashing a bug.

      Kasey shrugged and sauntered towards the bar.

      A tense silence enveloped them.

      She stared at Patrick’s mouth, pressed thin, her breath solidifying in her throat. She didn’t want to be the bug! No matter how tall, dark or rich he was.


      PATRICK closed the space between them. ‘What are you doing here?’ he whispered harshly.

      Tara dragged in a deep breath, her mind scrambling, his spicy scent invading her senses, the power he was exuding dangerously intense. ‘I was invited.’


      Tara sighed. ‘Mr Steel insisted that I give you one more chance. I think he was hoping that maybe you’d thought about what I said earlier and have changed your mind.’

      Rick shook his head. ‘You could have warned me you’d be popping up all over the place.’

      ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t—’ She looked at the ceiling. ‘I didn’t get a lot of notice myself. I’m sorry.’

      ‘Another one of the old man’s great ideas?’

      ‘Yes…I’m sorry to intrude, Mr Keene. There was no intention to put you on the spot with Miss Steel.’ She tried to keep her voice as impartial as she wanted to feel. ‘I didn’t expect—’

      ‘Call me Rick.’

      She stiffened. ‘Pardon?’

      ‘I said call me Rick. I can’t stand all this Mr Keene stuff. You make me feel like my father.’

      ‘Fine, Rick,’ she said, trying it out. It felt great. It suited him. ‘Rick’ suited his wild ties and colourful shirts like the one he wore now. A silver tie against a royal purple shirt with a black dinner suit. ‘I wouldn’t want to make you feel old.’

      ‘That reminds me, you said I was old when we first met.’ His voice was deep and low, his green eyes intent on her.

      She couldn’t help but smile. At least something she’d said had registered. ‘Yes, I did. Sorry.’

      He moved closer to her. ‘Are you going to explain yourself or are you going to drive me mad wondering what in hell you meant?’

      She shrugged, standing her ground. ‘I meant just what I said. I hadn’t expected you to be so old.’

      He rubbed his jaw, straightening to his full height. ‘You think I’m old?’

      ‘No. I don’t, in general.’ She hesitated, looking up into his handsome face. He seemed perfect. ‘It’s just that I hadn’t expected Miss Steel to be marrying someone like you, that’s all.’

      Rick crossed his arms over his chest, looking down into her face, his eyes narrowed. ‘And why is that?’

      ‘There must be at least ten years between you two and, from what I’ve read of her, she doesn’t usually go for the mature, older type.’

      Rick opened his mouth and closed it. ‘Well, she did.’

      Tara nodded, her insides twisting. ‘Yes, she did.’ She lifted her chin and met his gaze. ‘There’s no point in asking you why you go for her…’

      ‘Really, because you know that I won’t answer you?’

      ‘No.’ She couldn’t help but smile. ‘Because she’s a beautiful young rich heiress.’

      He frowned. ‘And which part do you think I’m particularly interested in?’

      She bit her lip. Damn. What had possessed her to just blurt out what was on her mind? Her mind fluttered. ‘Kasey as a beautiful person?’

      Rick’s eyes glittered.

      She swallowed hard. Would he accept her diplomatic save or push her on the matter? The last thing she wanted to do was admit she was jealous of the girl.

      ‘What are you two talking about?’ Kasey shoved a drink towards Rick. ‘You two look so cosy—you’d better be careful or someone will think you two came together.’ Kasey shot Rick an accusing glare.

      Tara lifted her chin, her blood cooling. ‘Not at all. Just passing the time with small talk.’ Damn, she’d totally forgotten where she was and what she was meant to be doing!

      She stepped backwards.

      Kasey draped herself around Rick and laughed softly. ‘Of course, Rick only has eyes for me. Don’t you, honey?’

      He looked down at her, sighing deeply. ‘Absolutely.’

      Tara turned away. Her solitary existence ripped through her, leaving a deep and hollow ache in her chest.

      She watched the other guests in the room happily chatting, her hands clenched tightly in front of her. Should she escape now, or see this through?

      What did Kasey think of her being so chummy with her boyfriend? She was meant to be a professional after all. She glanced at the heiress.

      The woman seemed oblivious to the situation, cooing over Rick as though nothing had happened. Either she was too clever to challenge what she’d seen, or too blinded by love.

      Tara prayed for the latter. The last thing she wanted was a rich and influential socialite assassinating Came-lot’s reputation because she couldn’t keep her eyes off her boyfriend and her mind on work.

      Thomas Steel tapped Tara on the shoulder. ‘Would you do me the honour of allowing me to introduce you around?’

      ‘Of course,’ she blurted. Saved. She’d pretend Rick Keene didn’t exist and concentrate on Thomas Steel. Then Kasey would have no concerns about her and Rick, and Camelot would live happily ever after.

      Tara looped her arm through Mr Steel’s. ‘Nice meeting you both,’ she offered the couple.

      Mr Steel led her into the crowd, leaning close to her. ‘What do you think?’

      Tara looked at the man. ‘About what?’

      ‘About Patrick Keene…and my daughter.’

      She swallowed, resisting the urge to look back at them and take one last look at Rick Keene. ‘A lovely couple.’

      ‘Right.’ He stroked his chin as though he’d once had a beard. ‘He’s…he’s a…fine man.’

      ‘Yes. Seems to be.’ If not a little too arrogant, handsome and self assured for her liking. ‘He knows his

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