Savage Interlude. Carole Mortimer

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Savage Interlude - Carole  Mortimer

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      ‘So I did,’ he taunted. ‘But you didn’t honestly believe I would, did you? Let’s go,’ he continued. ‘I promise not to look while you change.’


      KATE hung back, glaring at him indignantly. ‘I know you won’t look while I change, because I’m not changing anywhere near you. I’m not going anywhere near your apartment either. I’m not completely naïve!’

      Damien Savage looked down his haughty nose at her. ‘And I’m not going to suddenly leap on you as soon as the door is closed behind us. I have more finesse than that.’

      ‘I can imagine,’ Kate returned dryly.

      ‘I’m sure you can, little girls like you often have vivid imaginations. Don’t be such a coward, Kate!’ he snapped. ‘What harm can it do you to come up with me, take a shower, change, and then go on to a party?’

      Put like that it sounded quite innocent, but how could she be sure it would be with a man of his reputation? ‘I—I’m not sure,’ she looked at him uncertainly.

      Damien was no longer looking at her but had turned his attention to the man who had left the apartment building at their arrival. ‘Good evening, Barry,’ he greeted the man, handing over his car keys. ‘I’ll be needing it again about eight-thirty.’

      ‘Right, Mr Savage,’ the younger man smiled.

      Damien Savage raised a taunting eyebrow at Kate as she still sat inside the car. ‘Ready?’ he asked softly.

      He left her no choice but to follow him, which she did with ill grace. She fumed silently all the way up in the lift, hardly aware of her surroundings, except to note absently that they were plush and obviously the height of luxury. She would still have liked to refuse to come up here with this man but had baulked at causing a scene in front of the other man. As he had known she would!

      The lift doors opened directly into the penthouse apartment and Damien Savage stepped out into the luxurious interior, waiting only fleetingly for Kate to follow him. He led the way silently into the lounge, moving forward to switch on the stereo before turning to face her.

      The music that pervaded the room was soothingly melodious and not jarringly obvious as most music seemed to be nowadays. In fact the whole room was decorated for comfort and not for fashion, and it instantly found favour in Kate’s eyes. A three-piece suite in deep brown leather stood before the mock fireplace, a deep-pile cream carpet adding to the warmth and relaxation of the room, an antique mahogany dresser and stereo unit completed the furnishings.

      Damien Savage was watching the play of emotions across her expressive face. ‘I take it my home meets with your approval?’

      ‘It’s—it’s very nice,’ she replied awkwardly.

      ‘But not what you expected,’ he guessed shrewdly.


      ‘You’ll have to go to James and his friends if you want the ultra-modern decor they seem to find attractive. Personally, I think it’s hideous and totally unrelaxing.’

      ‘So do I.’

      ‘You agree?’ he looked surprised.

      ‘Certainly. You didn’t expect that, did you?’

      ‘No,’ he answered honestly. ‘But I like women who can surprise me.’

      The faintly intimate tone to his words reminded her of her reasons for being here. ‘Your likes and dislikes in women don’t interest me,’ she said sharply. ‘Nothing about you interests me.’

      ‘I’ll do my best to change that,’ he promised deeply, his green eyes caressing.

      Her lips turned back in a sneer. ‘I shouldn’t bother. I doubt my opinion of you will alter with better acquaintance.’

      ‘You never know,’ he taunted. ‘I’ve been told that I can be quite charming on occasion.’

      ‘I won’t ask what occasion,’ she said bitchily.

      He chuckled at the disapproval in her face. ‘Perhaps you’re right. Would you like me to show you your room?’

      ‘My room—–! You can show me where I’ll be changing,’ she corrected. ‘But it certainly won’t be my room.’

      ‘I’m not going to argue with you—yet. I’ll take you to the room now. I only have someone come in to keep the place free of dust and stock up the refrigerator, I manage everything else on my own,’ he continued conversationally, taking her down a short corridor and into a bedroom on the left-hand side. ‘I’m not in one place long enough to keep permanent staff.’

      Kate could well believe it; he always seemed to be reported to be moving to one location or another. She liked the bedroom, the huge four-poster bed, the Queen Anne furniture. What extraordinarily good taste this man had, quite surprisingly so.

      ‘This is lovely,’ she told him appreciatively.

      ‘Changed your mind about staying?’

      ‘No! Definitely not.’

      He shrugged. ‘I’ll leave you to sort out your clothing while I fix us something to eat.’

      She couldn’t imagine the worldly, sophisticated Damien Savage doing that and she protested loudly. ‘I’m not hungry,’ she lied.

      ‘Rubbish. I’m pretty good at cooking omelettes, light and fluffy as they should be,’ he added temptingly. ‘And I can have it ready in about five minutes.’

      She ignored the rumblings of her stomach. ‘Why should you want to get me a meal?’

      Damien Savage sighed. ‘I happen to be hungry myself. It’s quite some time since I last ate.’

      ‘Oh well.’ Kate turned away to begin taking out her gown for the evening. ‘In that case I might as well join you. I’d love an omelette.’

      ‘With salad?’

      ‘With salad,’ she agreed.

      She didn’t need to turn to know he had left the room, she just sensed it. This was the strangest day she had spent since the day she had suddenly been introduced to James’ unusual but interesting life. Strange, because a few hours ago she hadn’t even met Damien Savage; she had had the usual girlhood dreams about him a few years ago, but now she was actually in the bedroom of his apartment. Her immature daydreams had never taken her this far.

      She hung up her dress on a hanger she found in the closet. It was a black silk gown, so it hadn’t creased too much in the case. An hour or so on a hanger should ensure that it had no creases at all.

      Dinner was ready for her when she came into the kitchen a few minutes later. A place was set for her at the breakfast bar and she sat down without a word. Damien sat next to her and they ate in silence.

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