Tempestuous Affair. Carole Mortimer

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Tempestuous Affair - Carole  Mortimer

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all over again.

      Joel had been escorting one of his models for several weeks when she first went to work for him, a beautiful redhead who had lasted only two more weeks before she was replaced by an even more beautiful brunette.

      After that Lindsay had watched a stream of lovely women enter and leave his life, none of them touching him emotionally, although several of them claimed to have fallen in love with him, a couple of them crying on Lindsay’s shoulder when she told them she had strict instructions from Joel not to let them into his studio or put their calls through. Their replacement would usually shortly be replaced herself, with the same emotional result.

      At first Lindsay had watched this succession of beautiful women with amusement, and then with dismay as she realised she had joined their ranks and fallen in love with Joel herself. She had panicked then, handing in her notice, sure she would get over him if she didn’t have to see him every day, knowing that she would mean no more to him than just being his secretary. But Joel had other ideas; he invited her out to dinner with the supposed intention of talking her into changing her mind about leaving. Dinner had progressed to a quiet club Joel knew, the two of them talking as they had never talked before, Joel kissing her goodnight after taking her home, a light promising kiss that made her ache for more. When he had invited her out the next evening neither of them had mentioned the fact that she had intended leaving his employment. Joel’s goodnight kiss was more demanding this time; the two of them being completely alone in her apartment, although he took it no further than a kiss.

      Over the next week their relationship developed rapidly from that of employer and employee, although once he realised she was still a virgin Joel refrained from forcing a conclusion to the rapidly spiralling sexual tension that now existed between them. Lindsay kept waiting for the axe to fall on their relationship, knowing that Joel had never settled for less than a full physical commitment before. But he had brought to an end the tense frustration in a way she had never expected, by asking her to move into his apartment with him on a trial basis.

      She knew he had never done anything like that before, preferring to remain at his apartment while his women stayed in theirs. A living together arrangement was far from what she wanted, but the mere fact that Joel had never lived with anyone before gave her hope that they would eventually have a permanent future together.

      She should have known better! Joel always treated her well, never demanded anything of her, respected her independence from him at all times. And of course that was part of the trouble. A man in love would have wanted her to be a little more dependent on him than she had been.

      Maybe she was back to where she had been six months ago, after all. Despite what she had told Joel she couldn’t continue to work for him. She only wished now that she hadn’t let herself be persuaded out of that decision last time!


      ‘GREAT,’ snapped Joel with sarcasm, waving Lindsay’s letter of resignation about in his hand. ‘Just great! Your loyalty when I’m tied up in this contract for Reader is incredible!’ He glared down at her.

      Joel had been in his studio when she arrived at work half an hour ago, and the first thing she had done after checking the post had been to type out her letter of resignation, putting it in with the letters she had taken in to him a short time ago. His reaction was to be expected.

      ‘I thought you went to America to complete that contract,’ she frowned.

      ‘I did,’ he scowled, looking as if last night hadn’t agreed with him either, whether he had slept alone or not. ‘He liked the photographs so much he wants me to do the promotional shots on the new cosmetic range they have coming out,’ he told her grudgingly. ‘I’ve spent most of the last month trying to find the right model.’

      Lindsay felt a flash of jealousy for all the beautiful women he would have seen the last month.

      ‘None of them were right for the cosmetics,’ he added mockingly as he saw her pensive expression.

      ‘Did you test them all personally?’ she heard herself ask waspishly.

      ‘Photographically?’ he drawled tauntingly, his eyebrows raised mockingly. ‘Yes.’

      She mentally berated herself for showing her jealousy so plainly, knowing Joel was aware of exactly how she felt, that he was elated by it. Damn!

      ‘Regretting your decision, Lindsay?’ He sat on the edge of her desk, dangerously close, his tangy aftershave discernible to her. ‘It isn’t too late to change your mind, you know,’ he encouraged throatily.

      ‘My notice stands, thank you.’ She was deliberately obtuse, knowing that wasn’t the decision he was talking about.

      His eyes darkened to tawny slits, and he stood up, pushing her letter into the hip pocket of his trousers. ‘Bring me in the file on all the models I’ve used the last five years,’ he instructed her curtly.

      Her brows rose. ‘All of them?’

      ‘That’s what I said, didn’t I?’ he snapped.

      ‘Yes …’

      ‘Then do it,’ he rasped rudely. ‘And don’t keep me waiting all day!’ The door slammed after him as he went back into his studio.

      ‘Was that the bastard I know and love?’ drawled an amused voice from the doorway.

      ‘Cally!’ Lindsay cried excitedly, getting up to hug the newcomer enthusiastically. ‘When did you get back to town?’

      ‘Over the weekend,’ the other woman smiled. ‘I thought I’d look in on my tormentor of the last four years. How is he?’ she asked lightly.

      Lindsay gave a rueful grimace at the firmly closed studio door. ‘As charming as usual!’ she said dryly. ‘But don’t let’s talk about Joel,’ she dismissed abruptly. ‘Tell me how you like married life.’

      Cally Robin had been Joel’s top model until two months ago when she had met, and as quickly married, an up-and-coming Member of Parliament, much to the surprise of her friends, and much to the annoyance of Joel when she informed him she was giving up modelling to help her husband in his career. Joel and Cally had had an affair once, years ago, and Cally was one of the few women he now called friend. Lindsay had been a little jealous of their relationship to begin with, but as the warmth and friendliness of Cally soon overflowed to her too she had no reason to do so.

      ‘I love it,’ Cally answered, her blue eyes sparkling, her red hair a glowing cloud about her shoulders. ‘David has to be the most wonderful man in the world,’ she added dreamily.

      ‘I thought he was rather handsome when I met him at the wedding,’ Lindsay smiled teasingly.

      ‘Keep your hands off,’ Cally warned jokingly. ‘I have enough trouble fighting off all his female constituents, without having to worry about you too! So what’s wong with Joel?’ she sobered. ‘He sounded as if he was being a bear.’

      Lindsay shrugged. ‘He’s no worse than usual,’ she prevaricated, knowing that Joel hadn’t been like this with her since before she moved in with him.

      ‘And heaven knows that’s bad enough!’ Cally grimaced. ‘What—or

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