The Man She'll Marry. Carole Mortimer

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The Man She'll Marry - Carole  Mortimer

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Merry’s last date, and she certainly hadn’t brought him home!

      ‘This is Zack,’ Merry introduced. ‘He just called in for a chat,’ she added meaningfully—for his benefit!

      ‘Zack,’ Dani greeted, politely shaking the hand he offered before turning to her mother. ‘I’ll just go and freshen up, and then I’ll help you with dinner. Will you be eating with us, Zack?’ she added mischievously, obviously intrigued by this male friend of her mother’s who had just dropped by for ‘a chat’.

      Zack looked briefly at Merry. ‘Er—no,’ he answered huskily. ‘As your mother said, I only called in briefly.’

      ‘Oh, well.’ Dani shrugged lightly. ‘Perhaps I’ll see you again some time.’ She left the kitchen, her movements unconsciously graceful, taking her boundless energy and effervescence with her, her footsteps soft on the stairs.

      Merry gave Zack another glance from beneath lowered lashes. If he had looked stunned before, he now looked speechless!

      He swallowed hard.

      ‘She takes after her father,’ Merry told him.

      ‘Tall, blond, and gorgeous,’ he acknowledged heavily.

      Jeff had been all of those things. He had also been a lot of other things Dani wasn’t...

      ‘Yes,’ Merry confirmed quickly. ‘But the important thing is that Dani doesn’t look to me like a young girl in the emotional throes of a secret love affair.’

      ‘Or to me either,’ Zack rejoined, obviously deeply annoyed now at the embarrassing situation he found himself in.

      Which wasn’t surprising, really. Zack Kingston gave every impression of being totally self-assured, in control of any situation he should happen to find himself in; Merry could only imagine the inner squirming he was going through at this moment!

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