Deceit Of A Pagan. Carole Mortimer

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Deceit Of A Pagan - Carole  Mortimer

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a man that I know nothing about. You claim to be Keri’s uncle, but I only have your word for that.’

      ‘Do not be hysterical!’ he snapped. ‘If it is information about myself that you want then I will gladly tell you a few facts about myself. My name you already know. I am thirty-six years of age, and unmarried. I have worldwide business interests, mainly hotels and property. I am Greek, but I live mainly in my apartment in London. Of course, if you decide to marry me, I will move you into my house in the country. I shall be taking Keri there anyway, whatever you decide to do. A nanny will be obtained for her.’

      ‘It most certainly will not!’ Templar said adamantly. ‘If, and I emphasise the if, I allow you to force me into this senseless marriage, I will continue to care for Keri myself. Goodness, I could have arranged for a nanny for her myself and carried on working to pay for her. But I don’t think that’s the way to bring up a child. It would be heartless to do that to her now, she has come to rely on me completely.’

      He gave a slight inclination of his head. ‘That is, of course, unfortunate. It seems you have little choice in the matter, then.’ He stood up.

      She stayed his departure, her face desperate. ‘Please! Look, couldn’t you just care for Keri and myself? We could—well, we could still come and live with you. But surely we don’t have to marry?’

      ‘The idea appeals to me no more than it does you. But Keri’s likeness to Alex is too noticeable for her to be other than his child—or my own. And in this case I would prefer that she was thought to be mine. Alex may have had a fleeting relationship with you, but in Greece he has a fiancée who could be hurt by your mere existence. In your country it may be accepted that women have children outside of marriage, but such a thing would not be allowed to happen in my country.’

      ‘Must I remind you that it was your brother who was responsible for Keri’s birth? The woman is not solely to blame for the situation she finds herself in.’

      His mouth set in firm lines. ‘I realise this. That is why it is only right that I should care for you and your child. It is unfortunate that this has occurred at all, but now that it has, and Alex is no longer alive to face up to his responsibilities, I will have to do so for him.’

      ‘And you think love didn’t enter into it?’

      His eyes flickered over her contemptuously. ‘You are surely not trying to tell me that you loved my brother?’

      Templar flinched from the derision in his voice. Whatever he thought, Tiffany had loved his brother, and there was no denying this fact. ‘Surely the fact that Keri was born at all is proof enough. No single woman would bring a child into the world if she didn’t love its father—or at least, she doesn’t have to. It isn’t necessary nowadays.’

      ‘Maybe not in your estimation, but in mine every child conceived with love or without it should be given the chance of life. So what you are saying is that if you hadn’t loved Alex, Keri would not have been born? And yet a few moments ago you said you were not even sure Alex was her father. Have you been in love with all the men who have shared your bed?’ he scorned.

      ‘Mr Marcose,’ she began tightly, ‘if you have such a bad opinion of me, aren’t you taking rather a risk by marrying me? After all, I might be a very disruptive influence in your life.’

      ‘You will not be allowed to be,’ he said arrogantly. ‘You will lead a very quiet life at my country house.’

      ‘Oh, yes? And just what will you be doing while I keep out of trouble in the country?’

      ‘Working. At my London apartment. I rarely visit the house you would be living in, and as soon as you move there I will endeavour to make my visits even more infrequent. I have no wish to behave as the doting husband too often.’

      ‘The—the what?’

      He looked impatient. ‘We will have to show a certain amount of affection towards one another, no matter how much we hate it. It will be expected.’

      Templar shook her head. ‘Not by me it won’t! I couldn’t possibly pretend to feel affection for someone I—–’ she broke off.

      ‘Hate?’ Leondro Marcose suggested. ‘You can be assured, Templar Newman, that the feeling is mutual. But I think my brother must have had some feelings of love for you. I do not know if he was aware of the type of person you actually are. Not even to know the father of your own child!’ his top lip curled back in a sneer. ‘I will leave you now. But arrangements will be made for our marriage of which you will be notified.’

      ‘Couldn’t I just have a little time to think it all over?’ begged Templar. ‘It’s all so—so sudden.’

      ‘Why sudden?’ he asked tartly. ‘You must have expected something of the sort when you wrote that letter.’

      She shook her head numbly. ‘I didn’t. I just thought your brother—Alex,’ she amended quickly, ‘I thought he might be able to help me.’

      ‘And why is it that you suddenly need this help? Keri is ten months old, did you not consider asking for his assistance when she was born? Ah, but I forgot—you did not know Alex was her father. So why this sudden necessity for his aid?’

      Templar thought of refusing to answer him, but knew he would only force it out of her. ‘I’ve been told I have to leave here at the end of the week, and I simply have nowhere else to go. No one wants to take in an unmarried mother, and I thought Alex might just be able to help for a couple of months until I had something sorted out.’

      ‘And now you find yourself placed in the position where you either marry someone you hate, or lose the one thing you love. It is a pity, of course, but then you were instrumental in forging your own destiny. You must have known you could never have married Alex.’

      ‘And why should I have known that?’

      ‘Because of his fiancée. A betrothal is almost as binding as a marriage in my country, and Alex was very much betrothed. He was killed only four weeks before the wedding was to have taken place. And do not think you were the first girl he had been involved with. There was another model just before his involvement with you.’

      ‘Then he couldn’t have been very much in love with his fiancée, to have behaved that way.’

      ‘Love!’ he scoffed. ‘What does love have to do with marriage? His betrothed was a quiet girl of a good family and breeding, and she would have brought a large dowry to her husband.’

      ‘Everything I’m not, apparently,’ said Templar dryly.

      ‘As you say,’ he agreed coldly. ‘But obviously your other attributes meant more to him at the time than anything Katina could give him.’ He glanced impatiently at his wrist watch. ‘I have an important appointment to go to now; you have until Friday to make up your mind. But be assured that whatever you decide to do for yourself, Keri will come to me. You are perfectly free to live your own life.’

      ‘Keri is my life,’ she repeated vehemently.

      ‘So you have said. I will call again on Friday.’

      The room felt strangely empty once he had left, the smell of his cigar lingering in the air. Templar stared blankly at the closed door. Things had seemed desperate before, but they were even worse now.

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