In The Sheikh's Marriage Bed. Sarah Morgan

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In The Sheikh's Marriage Bed - Sarah Morgan

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are no doubt an expert?’ His voice was silky soft and loaded with mockery and Emily coloured.

      ‘N-no—of course not,’ she stammered awkwardly, trying really hard to ignore the pounding of her heart and the warmth that was spreading through her body. ‘Actually I teach small children—but Peter told me that the investments have under performed and that it just happens that way sometimes.’ She curled her fingers into her palms. ‘Please give him more time. Just two months. That’s all.’

      She gave a helpless shrug that was supposed to indicate that she was asking for very little, but the expression in those ebony eyes was forbidding.

      ‘All?’ The prince continued to watch her, his sudden stillness unnerving. ‘In two months a family can starve, Miss Kingston.’

      She stared at him, her mouth drying.

      A family? What family? And why would they starve?

      They were talking about a few investments, not a fortune.

      Emily glanced around at her opulent surroundings wondering if she was missing something.

      It was perfectly obvious that the prince was unlikely to starve any day soon.

      The palace was amazing. From the first moment she’d set eyes on the golden domes and the honey-coloured stone she’d been enchanted. It was like something straight out of a fairy tale.

      ‘T-two months isn’t very long,’ she suggested hesitantly and his jaw hardened.

      ‘And yet to some it can seem like a lifetime.’

      Feeling that she was definitely missing something, Emily clasped her hands in front of her and tried one more time. ‘I know it’s inconvenient, but Peter will deliver the money,’ she said firmly and saw the prince’s eyes narrow.

      ‘Such loyalty is most commendable, Miss Kingston, but I’m afraid I don’t share your confidence in your brother’s ability to pay back that which he has taken. Your presence here is proof of his intention to default on the debt.’

      ‘No!’ Emily was quick to defend her brother. ‘Peter will pay back the money.’

      ‘So why didn’t he come here to tell me that himself?’

      Emily licked dry lips, shivering under that icy gaze. She’d asked herself that same question repeatedly. ‘He—is busy,’ she said lamely and Zak gave a wry smile.

      ‘Of course he is. Ripping people off is a full-time job.’

      Emily gave a gasp of outrage, her shyness forgotten in the face of the insult to her brother. ‘My brother is not ripping people off—he just needs more time.’

      ‘And I am not prepared to give him time, Miss Kingston.’

      ‘But that’s totally unreasonable,’ she blurted out before she could stop herself. ‘What has Peter ever done to you?’

      A dark eyebrow swooped upwards, his arrogant dark head lifted in challenge. ‘You are questioning my decision?’

      Emily flushed scarlet, realizing too late that obviously no one ever questioned Zak al-Farisi’s decisions.

      ‘Well, yes, I mean, no,’ she amended hastily. ‘It’s just that Peter will pay you eventually, and I can’t see why the money matters to you so much.’

      Evidence of his staggering wealth was all around her.

      Nothing he could say would ever convince her that he needed the money in a hurry.

      ‘Can you not?’ His tone was as hard as his gaze. ‘Then your judgment merely confirms that you are as lacking in morals as your brother. You are prepared to see people suffer as a result of your actions.’

      Emily dragged her eyes away from his handsome face, totally unable to see how he was likely to suffer.

      How could a small sum of money matter so much to him?

      How could anyone be so selfish?

      The Crown Prince was obviously totally unreasonable when it came to matters of money.

      ‘All right.’ Deciding that there was no point in arguing with someone who clearly had superior skills in the art, she lifted her chin, anxious to get away from him before she stopped remembering that personality was more important than looks. ‘So you won’t give him more time. I’ll make sure I pass on that message to Peter when I return home.’

      She made a move towards the door but lean, bronzed fingers closed around her wrist and she was held in an iron grip.

      The prince gave a grim smile. ‘You won’t be returning home, Miss Kingston. You chose to come in your brother’s place and for the time being at least I intend to keep you. As insurance.’

      There was a ghastly silence while she digested his words. ‘Keep me?’

      ‘Of course.’ His black eyes met hers, his gaze unflinching and totally devoid of sympathy. ‘I expected your brother, but you have offered yourself freely in his place. If your brother wants me to release you, then he must come here himself.’

      Emily blinked. ‘You’re asking me to stay here?’

      A ghost of a smile touched that hard mouth. ‘Not asking, Miss Kingston,’ he drawled softly, releasing her wrist and pacing around her slowly, like a predator sizing up a potential prey and deciding whether it was worth the kill. ‘It is my decision that you will stay here until such time as your brother comes in person.’

      Emily gaped at him. ‘I’m your prisoner?’

      ‘I prefer the term “guest”,’ the prince replied, his voice silky smooth. ‘For as long as it pleases me, you will remain in the palace.’

      For as long as it pleases me—

      The air throbbed with tension and Emily felt an inexplicable heat spread throughout her body.

      Just exactly what form was this pleasure going to take?

      ‘No! You can’t do that.’ Emily was so shocked that she forgot protocol for a moment and just glared at him. ‘I—I’ll contact the ambassador, or the consulate or the—the…’ Her voice tailed off as she realized that she actually didn’t have the first clue whom she should contact.

      Zak al-Farisi surveyed her with maddening indifference, totally unmoved by her outburst. ‘You have broken our laws and will stay here until your brother decides to show up and face me in person,’ he responded, his tone dry and cynical as he stroked his fingers through the length of her tumbled blonde hair. ‘In the meantime I feel sure that we will find a mutually agreeable way of relieving the boredom. Welcome to Kazban, Miss Kingston.’


      SUPERB actress, Zak thought to himself, watching as Emily’s cheeks paled and her deep blue eyes flew wide.

      Suddenly she looked lost, scared and very, very young and had he not learned long ago

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