Scent of a Woman. Jo Leigh

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Scent of a Woman - Jo Leigh

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being very weird. Is there something you want to tell me?”

      “Weird? Moi? I don’t think so.”

      Peter turned to Andy. Although she couldn’t see him, she knew he’d rolled his eyes again. Peter was quite fond of that gesture. When he turned back to her, his gaze went straight to her, no rolling, no mocking. Maybe a little bit of worry.

      “I’m fine. Preoccupied, but fine.”

      “Preoccupied about what?”

      “Nothing important.”

      Peter sat up straighter. “A man. This is about a guy, isn’t it?”

      “No,” she said. Perhaps too loudly, as the couple in the seats in front of her turned to give her the evil-theater stare. “No,” she said again, whispering this time. Wondering why she was lying. Peter would understand. All her friends would. Maybe. If she told them.

      “I don’t believe you, sweetheart.” Peter took her hand in his. “So I’ll just pretend you said yes. I hope he’s good enough for you. And that he doesn’t give one damn about, you know.”

      She nodded. Leaned toward telling him all. Asking his opinion. But then the house lights dimmed and her decision was put off for the next couple of hours.

      By the time the play had ended and the three of them headed backstage, she’d changed her mind. For now, at least. David was hers. She didn’t want opinions, or cautions, or even raised eyebrows.

      She didn’t even want encouragement, which was confusing but true.

      As they waited their turn to congratulate the playwright, she watched Peter and Andy. They’d been together over a year. Peter, who was a marvelous actor himself, had fallen for the man after getting reacquainted at a friend’s wedding. The two of them had first met in college, but things hadn’t worked out then.

      Now, they seemed blissful. Truly content with each other. Andy wasn’t glamorous, or the best-looking guy on the block. But he was kind, and funny, and the way he treated Peter made her want—

      Yes. Okay. Despite her hedonistic attitude toward the stranger named David, she did want to be part of a couple. And who knows? Maybe, one day, she’d find her other half.

      In the meantime, there was no reason she couldn’t have a good time. Many good times.

      She closed her eyes and pictured David. Particularly his luscious lower lip. It was only Friday. Many, many days to go before Wednesday. Thank God she had to work on Monday. That would help. Tuesday, however, would be completely focused on wardrobe selection, hair removal, facial and fantasy selection.

      A tremor shot down her back as heat filled her cheeks. Luckily for her, Nicky Silver turned to her just then, and she could pretend her flushed demeanor was because of the play.

      When she’d finished their brief talk, she found Peter staring at her. “This is someone different,” he said. “Isn’t it?”

      She opened her mouth to deny it, but even she couldn’t tell that bold a lie. “Yeah.”

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