The Italian Single Dad. Jennie Adams

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The Italian Single Dad - Jennie  Adams

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He had no patience for faithless women and their untrustworthy ways.

      So why the sudden flare of interest in Arabella after all this time? He had more important things to focus on.

      Luc released his hold on Arabella’s arm and instead fingered the photo of his daughter that he carried against his heart. Familiar guilt rose up, followed by fierce determination. He would make things right for his daughter somehow. He had to.

      ‘I went to Italy for another modelling shoot five years ago.’ She looked as though she wished he would go back to Italy this instant and stay there, too. ‘Someone talked about you. I didn’t go looking for the information, trust me.’

      ‘Unfortunately, Bella mia, I no longer trust anyone, and certainly not you.’ In truth the ability to trust had been stripped irrevocably from Luc, stolen away by unexpected betrayal not once, but thrice.

      Bella. His brother. His ex-wife. They had all played their part.

      Tendrils of ash-blonde hair caressed Bella’s neck where they had escaped the knot of hair there. Eyes the colour of rich coffee shone as she seemed to gather herself.

      Her anger arced, like light refracted from the planes of a sharp-cut diamond. He shouldn’t care, shouldn’t picture her with his own Montichelli jewellery designs gracing the long, slender neck. It was the appeal of her physical looks, nothing more. His mouth tightened.

      Was it worth it, Arabella? What did the show manager give you in exchange for the use of your body? Money? Help to climb the ladder to greater modelling success?

      Perhaps Bella simply felt no remorse. After all, his ex-wife had felt none. In the face of Luc’s agonised questions, his brother had shown none.

      No more. No thoughts of the past to interfere with the present. No bitterness in this new life.

      Australia was a deliberate choice. For…his daughter. For Grace. For a fresh start where betrayal could be if not forgotten, at least pushed back into its harsh, dark corner. And Luc had chosen Melbourne because he wanted to get to know the elusive aunt the family had spoken of always in whispers.

      ‘My car is parked a couple of blocks over. The proof of Maria’s situation is in it.’ Luc snarled the words out as he fought his memories, fought memories of Arabella that still had the ability to move him, even though he knew them to be utterly false. He strode towards the front of the shop. ‘Let’s go.’

      ‘I’m more than ready to see this so-called proof.’ Her hips moved provocatively beneath the silk dress as she collected a matching bag, stalked to the door and flipped the panel of light switches to leave only the night lights burning.

      Luc burned, too, in anger, yes, but still with a hint of that old attraction and he didn’t want that.

      Bella punched a button to arm the alarm system, and waited to hear the series of dull clunks as everything locked behind them. ‘The sooner we get to the end of this, the better.’

      ‘I agree.’ He took her arm, steered her along the busy footpath. His fingers burned where they connected with soft bare skin. Memories. Unfulfilled desire from six years ago. That was all. ‘Except this is only the beginning.’

      Was he mad to choose this path? He had already made sure Maria couldn’t actually go bankrupt. Why not leave it at that and forget about Arabella?

      Because you don’t want her to get one cent out of your aunt that she hasn’t worked for.

      Let her squirm under his scrutiny while she worked to set things to rights. She deserved that, and he could easily control this physical awareness, even if it had taken him by surprise.

      ‘It’s just ahead.’ Luc produced a set of keys from his pocket and pressed the button to disable the central locking system of the top-of-the-range sedan.

      Bella’s gaze followed his to look at the car. As she did so, she removed her arm from his grip. ‘Good. Show me the papers.’

      Controlled, instructive, as though she had any say in this.

      He opened the rear door and retrieved his briefcase. ‘Brique’s restaurant should be quiet. It’s only another block. We’ll look at the papers together.’

      ‘Why not here? And what if I want to check that the papers are authentic?’ Bella angled one hip and waited.

      ‘If you need to check once you’ve looked, you can keep the papers.’ Then in case she thought he would be so foolish, he said, ‘Naturally, I have copies.’

      He waved a hand towards his car, challenged her. ‘If it suits you better to sit in the middle of this busy street…’

      Bella glanced at the tinted windows of his car, seemed to size up her options. Her mouth firmed. ‘I suppose Brique’s will do.’

      When they entered the restaurant, Luc ordered drinks and a platter of cheese, fruit and crackers. He considered it recompense for the use of the table, and he hadn’t eaten since lunch.

      ‘OK, so now we’re in civilised surroundings.’ Bella sipped her mineral water, and spread a portion of brie onto a cracker. The tremble in her hand was barely noticeable. ‘If you want me to admit that you do “civilised” quite nicely, I suppose it’s true. And I am hungry.’

      As he was. Bella had a fiery spirit that called to something in his make-up. Luc forced himself to admit that. But he could and would control his awareness.

      ‘I like good things.’ He said it mildly enough and helped himself to brie and a cracker, too. ‘I’m not ashamed of that.’

      Bella ate a morsel of the food. She closed her eyes. ‘Mmm. It may not be Pont l’Eveque, but it’s nice, just the same.’

      Luc snapped his briefcase open and tried not to watch the movement of her mouth, the soft lips. He spread the relevant documents out for her to view.

      Bella read for a couple of minutes in silence. Then looked up, gaze narrowed. ‘You say your finance manager obtained these?’

      ‘They’re the real thing, Arabella.’ As real as the woman seated across the table from him, her mouth, lush, lovely, deceptive, pursed in a combination of suspicion, and dread.

      Luc welcomed the reaction, wanted her to realise she had no control in this any more, would have to cede it to him. ‘The information comes from a reputable investigative firm. As you can see, Maria’s purchase of your stock was beyond risky for her.’

      He indicated the cover page attached to the report. Thought about the other papers tucked safely away at home. ‘You can ring the firm right now if you want. They’ll confirm everything you see there.’ They would once he gave them the go-ahead to reveal a certain level of information to her.

      ‘It just can’t be true.’ Bella whispered the words, and bent her head again. This time she didn’t come up for air until she had pored over every page. Her fingers trembled as she stacked the papers together and passed them back across the table to him.

      Only then did she meet his gaze. ‘But it is true, isn’t it? Maria has extended herself too far to hope to climb back, and she’s taken my gowns and the beginnings of my reputation as a designer with her.’ Her breath faltered. ‘I

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