Best Friend...Future Wife. Claire Baxter

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Best Friend...Future Wife - Claire  Baxter

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had to pull herself together. It was lucky she was wearing one of her best business suits and had some makeup in her bag. She’d be presentable, at least. And it wasn’t as though Luke had any inkling how she felt about him. She’d never made a fool of herself in front of him before and she wouldn’t today.

      She reached for the ignition, then hesitated, biting her lip. She couldn’t do this. A fluttering sensation rose from her chest to her throat.

      No. She wouldn’t give in to anxiety.

      She could do this. She was a crisis expert—the one her firm counted on to bring composure to chaos. She simply had to put on her work face, her mask.

      Just like she had when he’d been over on his occasional visits during the last decade or so.

      Just like she had when he’d brought his new bride home to meet the family a few years ago. She’d smiled and congratulated him as if she really had felt nothing more than a sisterly affection for him.

      She’d fooled them then, she could do it again.

      If only she’d had more time to get used to the idea of seeing the two of them together, living here.

      Turning the car, she headed east. Lyn’s parents lived in the same impressive house in the same leafy street in the same prestigious suburb where Lyn and Luke had grown up. A far cry from Della’s own childhood home—not quite a slum, but only one step up.

      Her own parents were blue-collar working class. Occasionally. Most of the time they were lazy slobs, and Della could hardly believe she possessed any of their genes. They’d hated her friendship with Lyn and the ‘big ideas’ it had given her. What was so crazy about going to university and getting a well-paid job? She’d shown them, hadn’t she?

      She sighed. Even now, when they’d gone from her life for good, she still felt she had something to prove—she just didn’t know what.

      As a teenager, she’d spent every spare minute at Lyn’s house. She loved it. It was a happy home. Not just because the Brayfords had money, but because Dawn and Frank Brayford had a genuine interest in their children. And they’d treated her like one of them. She’d had more support and encouragement from the Brayfords than she’d ever had from her folks.

      After parking in the street outside the Brayford family home, Della sat for a moment, gathering her defences. Luke wouldn’t be there yet, so she had nothing to fear. Not that she feared Luke. It was her own emotions that frightened her.

      Thirteen years. Had it really been so long since he’d left Adelaide to take up his dream job? Why hadn’t her feelings diminished in all that time? She’d expected to get over him. She’d intended to. But here she was, thirteen years later, feeling her stomach swish at the prospect of seeing him again.

      It was hard to believe he was coming home to live. Settling down wasn’t in his nature or, at least, it never had been. Maybe this was his wife’s doing, although she hadn’t seemed the type to want Luke’s parents involved in her life.

      Della wondered whether Lyn had got the wrong end of the stick. Or maybe Dawn, in her excitement, had read too much into his words. This was just another visit, surely?

      But then it crossed Della’s mind that he and his wife might be starting a family. The thought twisted her insides. Her stomach tried to squeeze its way into her throat.

      She breathed. Deep, slow breaths.

      In that case, the move was not so difficult to understand. Adelaide was the perfect place to raise a family. And, if it turned out she was right, she’d just have to get on with her life. She could do it, even if it tore her apart inside.

      Calmer, she climbed out of the Mercedes sports car, locking the door, though in this locality it didn’t stand out. Luxury cars were the norm rather than the exception.

      Not prone to whims, she prided herself on carefully considering a financial commitment—any kind of commitment—but the car had taken her by surprise. In an unguarded moment, she’d fallen hopelessly in love. One look, one touch and she’d been hooked.

      With a rueful smile she admitted it had been just the same with Luke, then she straightened her shoulders and turned into the front garden.

      Lyn opened the front door. ‘You should see the kitchen,’ she said with a shake of her head. ‘Mum’s trying to make every one of Luke’s favourite dishes. I know it’ll be great to see him, but honestly…’

      As Della entered the house, Lyn jerked a thumb towards a door off the spacious foyer. ‘Come into the lounge. I’ve made you a drink like I promised.’

      ‘Perhaps I should offer to help Dawn?’ Della flicked an uncertain glance towards the kitchen door.

      ‘Uh-uh.’ Lyn tugged at her arm. ‘She wants to spoil her favourite son, and the best thing we can do is leave her to it.’

      Della allowed Lyn to drag her into the comfortable lounge. As she sat on a sofa, Lyn handed her the biggest margarita she’d ever seen.

      ‘Where did you find this glass? Are you sure it’s not a vase?’

      Lyn shrugged. ‘If it is, it’s one of a matching pair.’ She picked up its mate and took a sip. ‘Mmm. I make a mean margarita.’

      Della sipped and had to agree. Just enough lime to make her tongue curl, and plenty of tequila.

      ‘I know you don’t want to talk about the doc now,’ Lyn said, lowering herself cautiously onto the low sofa opposite, drink in hand. ‘But I want you to know, I’m here for you when you’re ready. Any time. Day or night. I’m usually up with Cassie anyway.’

      ‘I know, and I will talk to you, but I need time to take it in first. What about a night out this week? We can talk and eat.’

      ‘Excellent idea. I’ll check when Patrick can watch the kids. I’ll try for tomorrow night.’ Her face creased with concern. ‘Will that be too soon?’

      Della shook her head. Hopefully, she’d have a few minutes to herself in the next twenty-four hours. Quiet time to think. To accept.

      A wail reached them. ‘Bummer,’ Lyn said with a sigh. ‘Cassie’s awake and right on cue. I hoped she’d sleep through dinner.’

      ‘Where’s Jamie?’

      ‘With Dad in his den, looking at model planes. I’d better go and see to Cassie.’

      Della watched her leave, before placing her drink on an end table and taking the opportunity to nip into the nearest bathroom. Fixing her make-up, she thought for the millionth time that she was lucky to have Lyn as her friend. She’d always felt that way. Ever since the day at the beach when they’d been fourteen and Lyn had come to her rescue, paying for the fish and chips Della had ordered before finding she didn’t have enough money for them. Rigid with embarrassment, she’d stood by while Lyn had stepped in, paid for her order, insisted on buying her a cold drink, and stayed by her side for the rest of the day.

      Della shook her head. That day was as clear to her as if it had happened yesterday. Lyn probably didn’t even remember it.

      Before parting from her new friend, Della had made

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