Lady Surrender. Carole Mortimer

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Lady Surrender - Carole  Mortimer

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mouth twisted scornfully. ‘I’m not interested in the so-called jet-set,’ she dismissed. ‘I like my men intelligent as well as interesting; Matt is both of those things,’ she added pointedly.

      ‘Implying I’m not?’

      Her brows rose coolly. ‘I thought the idea was for me not to find you attractive?’ she mocked.

      He drew in a ragged breath. ‘It is!’

      She looked at him with derision. ‘And I can assure you I don’t.’

      ‘I’ll make your excuses to Molly and Matt tomorrow,’ he ground out. ‘You just make sure you’re gone from here before Matt comes up to town again.’

      ‘And if I’m not?’

      ‘You don’t have the diamond bracelet yet, Charly,’ he reminded harshly. ‘Something Matt, for all his ability as a doctor, isn’t able to buy for you.’

      Something snapped inside her, a rage towards him and other arrogant men like him. ‘I don’t want your bracelet, Mr Grantley,’ she bit out tautly. ‘I helped you out tonight because—because I know how Molly must be feeling at this moment.’

      ‘Been replaced a few times yourself, have you?’ he derided contemptuously.

      She flushed fiery red in her anger. ‘As a matter of fact, yes!’

      He nodded. ‘Small, chubby blondes aren’t exactly in fashion at the moment, are they?’

      ‘I may be small and blonde, but I am certainly not chubby,’ Charly snapped.

      ‘Well-endowed?’ he taunted.

      ‘Curvaceous,’ she bit out, thinking how ridiculous this conversation had become. ‘I don’t have the time for this,’ she claimed grimly. ‘I had an appointment half an hour ago; I’d like to get there soon.’

      ‘I don’t have the time to waste either,’ he rasped. ‘Some rich bitch is trying to buy my deal from under me, and I consider that a hell of a lot more important than arguing with you!’

      She raised light brown brows with practised calm. ‘Aren’t you rich yourself, Mr Grantley?’ she drawled mockingly.

      ‘I worked for what I have,’ he said harshly. ‘I didn’t have it handed to me with my gold spoon.’

      ‘I believe the saying is “silver spoon”,’ she corrected softly.

      ‘Not in this case,’ he scorned grimly. ‘It’s been gold for Rocharlle Hart from day one. She was born into money, married money, and now she’s trying to use some of that money to ruin a property deal I badly want.’

      ‘Maybe Mrs Hart wants it as badly,’ Charly derided his arrogance.

      ‘Women like her don’t have wants or needs,’ he dismissed roughly. ‘Only a quest for power.’

      ‘You don’t sound as if you’ve ever met her, so how can you know—–’

      ‘I know,’ he cut in firmly. ‘Just as I know you aren’t going to see Matt again.’

      ‘That might be a little difficult—–’

      ‘I could make things very unpleasant for you if you don’t agree to this.’

      His threat only angered her more. ‘Mr Grantley, perhaps there’s something you should know—–’

      ‘About you?’ he scorned. ‘I don’t think so.’

      ‘You might regret not listening to me,’ she suggested with soft emphasis.

      ‘I doubt that.’

      She shrugged. ‘It’s important.’

      ‘Just as making sure you have varnish on your toenails is important to you, no doubt!’ he looked contemptuously at the offending toenails, the varnish the same deep shade as her fingernails. ‘You look like a damned slave-girl!’

      ‘Is it a crime to want to look nice?’ she snapped defensively, sick of his criticism.

      ‘I suppose not, when it’s all you have to do all day,’ he dismissed harshly.

      ‘It isn’t!’

      ‘I’m sure it isn’t,’ he derided with a humourless smile. ‘Now let’s get this over with,’ he added decisively. ‘I’ll throw in a necklace to match the bracelet, arrange for you to stay at a hotel until you can find—somewhere else to live,’ his mouth twisted. ‘As long as you move out tomorrow and don’t bother Matt again.’

      ‘And if I don’t?’ she challenged.

      His mouth thinned. ‘As I said, I could make things very unpleasant for you.’

      She smiled, confident that this man could do nothing to hurt her. ‘You’re going to feel extremely foolish when you realise what a mistake you’ve made,’ she assured him.

      His eyes narrowed. ‘You’re staying in Matt’s apartment, there’s no mistake about that.’

      Charly could sense he was becoming uneasy about her cool control, her smile widening. ‘No, there’s no mistake about that,’ she agreed.

      ‘And that story about the fire is pure fiction,’ he accused.

      ‘Is it?’

      ‘Oh to hell with this!’ he moved restlessly. ‘The jewellery will be delivered to you here tomorrow morning, make sure you leave then.’

      ‘Don’t you think you should talk to Matt before doing this?’ she reasoned.

      ‘No, I don’t!’ He slammed out of the apartment.

      Charly’s breath was expelled in a tense sigh, shaking her head to suddenly look down at her watch; she was going to be over an hour late for her dinner date.

      But she couldn’t help wondering, as she drove to the restaurant, what Aaron Grantley’s reaction was going to be once he had spoken to Matt tomorrow.


      THE office building of Hartall Industries was one of the most attractive and luxurious in London. Charly’s father had always maintained that to be someone you had to look like someone. Fortunately his business partner had agreed with him, and from simply looking someone the two men had become someone.

      She greeted most of the employees by name as she made her way across the reception, to the private lift, and up to the top floor. Another of her father’s sayings, when you were someone, it was pure stupidity to forget the people who helped you stay someone. He had been on a first-name basis with everyone who worked for him, from the errand boy to his highest executive. Charly couldn’t

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