Coming Soon. Jo Leigh

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Coming Soon - Jo Leigh

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stepped off the elevator. The hotel’s décor was art deco, the pictures were all nudes of the period and the air felt rarified, as if a bad smell wouldn’t dare.

      There were people here, most of them on the young side, the men in expensive suits, the women dressed in designer clothes with impossible heels.

      He looked down at his brown jacket, his brown pants, his brown shoes. The only thing not brown about him was his shirt, which was beige. He hadn’t been home to change since yesterday and it showed.

      Screw it. It had been one hell of a frustrating day, full of sound and fury, signifying squat. There were so many fingerprints on the scene as to render them useless. Motives had clearly been on sale for a nickel, because everyone he talked to seemed to have more than one. At least he’d managed to keep the basement nightclub a crime scene despite some extraordinary pressure from the producer.

      Bax thought about his interview with Geiger’s wife. He’d seen her at five this morning and it had been a real slice. Sheila Geiger had fallen apart when she heard about her husband’s death. The two of them had been married eight years, and according to her, he was a model husband. Sure, he spent about twelve hours a day chasing down any scandal he could find, but she was adamant that he was a good man, and that the stars were all backstabbing liars who needed him more than he needed them.

      She wanted action. She wanted arrests. She wanted his camera back.

      “Detective Milligan?”

      Bax jumped at the voice behind him. Her voice. Mia Traverse’s voice.

      He turned to find her in her uniform, a black tuxedo jacket and skirt, white blouse, pink silk tie, and yep, she was just as pretty as he remembered. She came over, reminding him again how small she was. And that she smelled damn good.

      “Is there something I can help you with?” she asked.

      “Maybe. I understand the rooms all come with a video recorder.”

      She nodded. “Walk with me?”

      He did as she headed for the reception area where the concierge services were conducted behind a curved, black lacquered desk. He waited as she went to her station. She checked to make sure there had been no calls, then put on one of those Bluetooth ear deals which always made him think of Uhuru from Star Trek.

      “Each room has a small video recorder,” she said, her attention squarely on him, “and each guest is given several blank tape cartridges. It’s all part of the Hush amenities package.”

      “It’s actually the tapes I’m interested in.”

      Her eyebrows rose. “Those are of a private nature. Meant for couples.”

      “I figured. On the other hand, someone might have taped something of a murderous nature.”

      She nodded solemnly. “Yes, it’s possible. But I’m not sure how you’d ever find out.”

      “I was thinking that maybe together we could come up with a solution to that little problem.”

      “I’d love to help in any way I can, Detective, but those tapes are private. They become the property of the guest the moment they check in.”

      “What would a maid do if she found a tape that was open in a room where the guests have checked out?”

      “Turn it in to lost and found.”

      “Okay. Would you check that out please? If there were any tapes left, I’ll need to see them.”

      “I’ll be happy to, but wouldn’t the killer, if he taped himself murdering Geiger, have made a point to take the evidence with him?”

      “I doubt very much the killer would have filmed that session. That’s not what I’m after. I think it’s possible that one of the guests might have taped something that could give us a direction.”

      “Oh, I see.”

      He knew it was a long shot, but he had to try. “What about security cameras?”

      “We do have cameras, although not in Exhibit A, or even that hallway.”

      “Where are they?”

      “I can put you in touch with security. They know a lot more about it than I—” A chirping sound had come from a cell phone on her desk. She flipped it open and brought it to her ear.

      “Concierge, Mia speaking. How may I help you?”

      Bax watched and listened as Mia talked to her guest. She was calm, pleasant, and as she talked, she also typed, looking something up on the computer. The conversation was evidently about a pharmacy that delivered.

      He checked out her work space, which was as tidy as she was. A large Rolodex, telephone books, three-ring binders. Just what he’d expect to see. He paused, however, when he saw what looked like a camera case. Taking a couple of steps to his right to get a better look, he was surprised to see the initials GG in gold script on the top.

      When he looked back at Mia, it was clear from her blush she knew what he’d found. Bax sighed. He’d been right about her. Eager, enthusiastic. Nosy. A perfect informant. Ideal. Only, as an informant, he had to be damn careful with her. Not just so he wouldn’t scare her off, either. He had to make sure that she remained a credible witness. Which meant she was completely hands-off. Which should have been no issue at all.

      She finished with her phone call. “I was going to tell you about that.”


      “Don’t be mad. There’s a story with it and—” The phone chirped again. She flicked her earpiece this time instead of picking up the cell and immediately put the caller on hold. “Tell you what,” she said. “I get off work in fifteen minutes. It’ll take me ten to change out of my uniform. Why don’t you go to the bar and relax. I’ll come get you and we can go to dinner. My treat.”

      “Twenty-five minutes?”

      “And I’ll be all yours.”

      He knew exactly what she meant but that didn’t stop a momentary flash of a completely unprofessional nature.

      She returned her attention to the guest as he walked toward the bar, wondering if his attraction to her was about hormones or homicide?

      SHE HAD THE CAMERA CASE in her purse as they went to Maxwell’s, a coffee shop she and most of the Hush crew frequented. It was no Amuse Bouche, but they had decent food and for Madison Avenue, they were reasonable.

      Mia could tell he wanted answers, but he waited patiently as they were seated and placed their orders.

      She brought out the bag as soon as the waitress left. “It’s just a lens,” she said. “No film, no camera.”

      “But it did belong to Geiger?”

      “It did, yes. But that’s not the interesting part.”

      The waitress came back with coffee for him, an iced tea for her. When they were alone again, Mia leaned in. “It was found in Peter Eccles’s

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