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to Domenico about it.

      ‘But of course there hasn’t been time,’ Jamie added. ‘As we’re only here for two weeks, we only just had time for a few days in Venice before we went back, I told him.’ He gave her an excited smile. ‘And then guess what? Signor Alessandros told me that he actually owned a sixteenth-century villa on the Brenta canal, Saskia!’

      Saskia was startled into a gasp, her eyes widening. Domenico actually lived just outside Venice now? Had he sold the house near Milan? When had he moved here?

      Their eyes met. ‘I haven’t owned it for long,’ he said, watching her remorselessly, reading her thoughts and answering them. ‘I inherited it from a great-uncle a year ago.’

      ‘And guess who designed it?’ Jamie burst out eagerly; he didn’t wait for her to guess, which was just as well as she wasn’t even capable of thinking about it, let alone remembering the names of Venetian architects. ‘Palladio!’ he said, his face lit up.

      During their exploration of Venice he had become a big fan of the Italian architect whose neo-classical styles had influenced architecture all over Europe, including some of the most famous buildings in England. Nothing they had ever seen at home, though, she had decided, could match the beauty of the churches of Venice which Palladio had designed. The grave classical style he used was given an extra dimension of beauty by the water running beside the churches day and night, reflecting the white stone, the pediments and columns, the measured elegance of proportion, by sun or moonlight.

      Saskia was startled. ‘Palladio!’ The villa must be worth a fortune, then, although that in itself did not surprise her.

      Domenico’s family were incredibly wealthy; they headed a conglomerate which owned various companies: food-manufacturing, paper-milling, a drug company, a hotel chain. They were hard-working, ambitious, clever men, the men of the Alessandros clan, but they had not got rich suddenly—the family was a very old one; you could trace the name back to the fifteenth century and beyond. They had begun as merchants, acquired land and castles, married the daughters of the nobility. Domenico’s father was the head of the clan, and intended that Domenico should take his place in time.

      Old Giovanni Alessandros had been obsessed with his family’s pedigree, their place in Italian history, their future influence; it was his driving passion. Arrogant, proud, domineering, he had had his own ideas of the sort of woman his son should marry, and when Domenico had first brought her home his father had made it clear that he disapproved of her, resented her, despised her. She simply wasn’t good enough for his son. In time he had come to hate her. In fact, he had been one of the main reasons why she had fled two years ago.

      Coolly, Domenico said, ‘It’s a national treasure, one of the few private commissions Palladio fulfilled, but the house is in a bad way. My uncle was a miser, obsessed with not spending money. He hadn’t had any work done on the place in half a century; he didn’t so much live in it as squat in it, with a couple of old servants who barely did a stroke of work. There’s a lot to be done, including work on the gardens, which are a mess, but which I plan to restore to their original design.’

      ‘And he’s thinking of adding a classic English-style rose-garden, he loves roses,’ Jamie said in a rush. ‘Even more exciting, he might consider letting us design it for him, and supply all the roses, Saskia, if you can come up with a design he likes!’

      Stiffening, she looked at Domenico. What was all this? What lies had he been telling Jamie? What was he up to?

      He smiled at her lazily, narrow-eyed, watchful. ‘I gather your tour ends in two days so there isn’t much time if you are to come and look round my gardens; you’ll have to come tomorrow,’ he drawled, and watched her face tighten with comprehension.

      So that was it. He was using Jamie to get her to visit his new house? He could think again; she wasn’t going within miles of the place.

      ‘There’s nothing important on the schedule for tomorrow, is there, Saskia?’ burbled Jamie. ‘Just a trip out to Murano—we can skip that.’

      ‘I want to see Murano, actually; I was looking forward to that visit,’ she stubbornly said, without taking her eyes from Domenico’s face, sending him the message she wanted him to get. He might have waited until they had had that talk over coffee at Florian’s, he might have given her a chance to explain why she had gone, why she wasn’t coming back.

      Jamie looked amazed, frowning at her. ‘Oh, we can fit in a trip to Murano as well before we go, on our own—we don’t have to go with the group—and this is such a wonderful opportunity, Saskia, something we couldn’t have hoped for, a visit to one of the private villas along the Brenta, especially one designed by Palladio. It’s manna from heaven, as far as I’m concerned. I can’t wait. But you must come too; you’re the rose expert; we’ll need you there.’

      Domenico smiled drily at her. ‘Yes, you must come, Saskia; I insist that you do,’ he murmured, and she tried to read his secret thoughts, to penetrate the bland exterior he was showing her and find out what he was really planning, but she couldn’t.

      She had never been able to read his mind at will, of course; she never knew when she would pick up his thoughts or feelings; the flashes only came in moments of stress or intense emotion. But this time she sensed something different, something new. Domenico was shutting her out deliberately; his mind was like the blank screen of a computer; she felt no impulses at all coming from him and she had never met that before.

      Until now, even when she couldn’t read his mind she had always felt the energy of his thoughts, like the hum of an electric machine.

      Now there was nothing, no buzz of activity at all, as if his mind had been switched off.

      That wasn’t possible, of course. His mind was operating all the time. She looked into his hard grey eyes and saw amusement, mockery there, and was startled by that, too. This mood of his was puzzling; at the opera last night she had sensed rage, hostility; this was very different.

      It hadn’t occurred to her until now that Domenico might have changed inwardly as well as outwardly, but she saw now that he had. His mind as well as his body was different, and not in some small way—he had changed radically; he was not the same man she had left two years ago.

      ‘The easiest way to get there is for me to pick you up in my motorboat,’ he said to Jamie. ‘What time do you get up? Can you get up early, have breakfast at seven-thirty? Would eight-thirty be too early for me to pick you up?’

      ‘No, that’s fine,’ Jamie quickly said before Saskia could argue any more, and Domenico gave a satisfied nod.

      ‘Good. Then until tomorrow—I’ll see you both on the quay, outside the hotel. Oh, and bring raincoats—the weather forecast is for spring showers—and some strong walking shoes, if you haven’t got boots with you—the gardens are large and some of the older paths are overgrown with grass, and can be muddy.’

      Jamie gave him a complacent look. ‘We did bring boots, actually, because we thought we might need them for some of the bigger gardens, and the tour people warned us that Venice gets lots of rain and some parts of it flood.’

      ‘That’s very true—the Piazza San Marco is often under water; that’s why the duckboards are often out in the square, and even San Marco itself can be flooded, unfortunately, at certain times. You’ve been very lucky with the weather so far—we’ve had fine weather for the past week—but it is about to change, I’m afraid. Spring is always unsettled here.’


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