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began to make the coffee, as Helen Jenkins had asked, but she never had a chance to drink it because just as Helen joined her the phone rang. It was David.


      ‘Yes, of course,’ she said, furious to realise that her voice was still husky. ‘How was your patient?’

      ‘Not yet up to an op. See you at the car in two minutes!’

      She put down the phone and turned. ‘Sorry, Nell, David didn’t take as long as I’d expected. See you later tonight.’

      ‘Yes. Have a wonderful time, but don’t be late back!’ Helen said, grinning at her.

      On her way out of the ward Luisa paused for one second to look down the ward towards Zachary West. He seemed to have gone back to sleep now. She sighed and hurried away to find David.

      As they had both realised it would, their arrival together at the hospital dinner-dance in Whinbury’s best hotel made something of a stir. Everyone had known they were going out together, but for them to come to such a very important event together was seen as some sort of declaration of intent. They were now publicly an admitted pair.

      ‘When you come to choose your bridesmaids think of me!’ one of her friends said in the ladies’ cloakroom during the evening.

      Luisa pulled an impatient face at her. ‘Give us a chance, Jane! We’ve only been going out for a few months. Marriage isn’t on our minds.’

      ‘Bet I know what is!’ Jane Dorset said, giggling. ‘Well, on his, anyway! I’ve seen the way he looks at you.’

      Luisa blushed, which made everyone hoot with laughter. Not for the first time she furiously wished she didn’t colour up so easily. David might find it charmingly feminine, but it was a curse Luisa could do without.

      David drove her back to the hospital at half-past one when the dance ended. ‘Enjoy yourself?’ he asked after switching off his engine in the car park.

      Luisa nodded, eyes bright. ‘I had a wonderful time, David. Thank you, it was terrific. I only wish I didn’t have to go back to work!’

      After eating a four-course meal which included a very rich roast duck with cherries and a chocolate and orange mousse, drinking champagne, laughing and talking to friends and dancing with David to a very good band for several hours, she was in no mood to change back into her uniform and put in a six-hour shift.

      ‘So do I, believe me. If you had the rest of the night off we could get to know each other better...’ David softly said, and her maddening colour flowed up her face again, making him smile. ‘You’re so lovely, Luisa,’ he muttered, his fingers gently stroking her cheek and then sliding down to tilt her head back.

      Their lips met and Luisa closed her eyes. Yet somehow she couldn’t give herself to David’s passionate mouth. Some part of her was cool, resistant; her body arched away from him although she didn’t push him away.

      After a moment he lifted his head and looked wryly at her. ‘I picked the wrong moment, didn’t I?’

      ‘I’m sorry, David, I’m just not in that mood any more...I suppose it’s having to go back to work right away...’ she whispered guiltily.

      He gave her a comforting smile. ‘Never mind, there’ll be other times. You had better hurry in and change. Goodnight, Luisa.’

      As soon as she had changed back into uniform and Helen Jenkins had gone, Luisa went down the ward to Zachary West’s bed.

      He was asleep. She stood watching him, wishing she understood the strange, driving compulsion to see him which had possessed her all evening while she talked, laughed, ate, danced. Her body had been with David, but her mind had been here, with this strange, hostile, aggressive man towards whom she felt such complicated responses.

      After a few moments she went on around the ward to check on all her other patients, then back to her office to get on with her work there, but every so often she would pause, glance up, and stare down towards Zachary West, then sigh and look down again, bewildered by her own feelings.

      Zachary West was in her ward throughout the following week, a little better each day, waiting for David to agree that he was strong enough to make the journey to London to the specialist hospital. Luisa wished David would agree. She would feel easier if Zachary West were not around.

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