The Prince Who Charmed Her. Fiona McArthur

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The Prince Who Charmed Her - Fiona McArthur

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She sighed.

      Stefano was here and there was nothing she could do about that. It was time to move on. She’d go and see Will and ask how hard it would be for her to be replaced.

      With that thought crystallising in her mind, Kiki rose from her bed and walked to the window with new purpose.

      She’d put her notice in and leave as soon as they found someone to take her place.

      There were still the next four nights to get through, but she’d manage that if she had a plan. She’d foolishly succumbed to ridiculous attraction last time he’d entered her orbit and that would not happen again.

      Stefano woke with purpose. Today he would deal with what he should have dealt with months ago. Laying this admittedly delectable ghost was well overdue.

      He’d discovered the opening times of the ship’s hospital and by the time Theros and Marla had left for their day-trip the clinic was almost due to close, which suited him perfectly.

      He descended the stairs almost at a jog—foolish when his hip would kill him later, and he reminded himself it was not fitting to appear too eager.

      The nurse greeted him with a smile. She was the same one he’d seen yesterday, and he inclined his head at the obvious approval he read in her face. She was a handsome woman, of the type he’d used to dally with a lifetime ago, but, like a stamp on the front page of his passport, no matter where he was, Kiki had dampened any desire on his part to consort with other women.

      ‘I wish to see Dr Fender. I am Stefano Mykonides.’

      ‘Of course, Your Highness, I know who you are.’ She smiled at him coyly, fiddled excitedly with her collar, and blushed.

      Stefano smiled back blandly, curbed his impatience as the woman went on.

      ‘But Dr Fender isn’t on duty until later this morning.’

      A door across the waiting room opened and the senior doctor ushered his patient out.

      As the young boy and his mother walked past them the nurse said, ‘Perhaps Dr Hobson?’

      ‘No.’ Stefano inclined his head at the doctor, but before he could leave Hobson crossed the room and held out his hand. They shook hands briefly.

      ‘Ah, Your Highness. Good morning.’ He turned to the nurse. ‘Can you run those blood samples up to the courier, please?’

      He turned back to Stefano. ‘I hope all is well with your sister-in-law this morning?’

      Stefano tried not to show his irritation, but he was trapped. And where was his quarry if not here? ‘Yes. Thank you.’ He was over discussing Theros’s disasters.

      Hobson glanced at his watch. ‘How can we help you?’

      Stefano picked up nuances and wondered why this man felt Kiki needed protection. From him. ‘I had hoped to thank Dr Fender personally, for her timely assistance yesterday. I did not have the opportunity at the time, of course.’

      ‘Of course.’

      Hobson smiled non-committally and Stefano felt like gritting his teeth.

      ‘I could convey your appreciation?’

      Very pointed, Stefano thought, but he held his temper. ‘Thank you, but I wish to do so myself. I will return at another time.’

      Hobson didn’t shift. ‘I’ll let her know.’

      Stefano could see that the good doctor was in protection mode. He wondered just what kind of personal relationship he had with Kiki and had to admit he disliked the idea very strongly. His hand tightened on the room card in his pocket. The card bent. Disliked very strongly. He examined the doctor more closely. He was a well-muscled man, almost as tall as himself, and no doubt attractive to women.

      He tested the water. ‘Or I could surprise her.’

      Hobson’s smile appeared frozen on his face. ‘I think she has had enough surprises.’

      Stefano had to give the man respect. Loyalty was a good thing, and despite his own misgivings he could not grudge Kiki her friend’s championship. Though his cousin, who owed Stefano many favours, did own this shipping line.

      His fingers loosened. Relax. Let it go. He, too, cared that Kiki was not upset. ‘It is not my intention to distress her.’

      Hobson met his gaze head-on. ‘Good.’

      Enough. His day had soured and the pain in his hip from his reckless descent down the stairs was annoying him. ‘And good day to you, Dr Hobson.’

      Stefano pressed the button for the lift with remarkable restraint, not stupid enough to brave an ascent of twelve floors despite his sudden frustrated desire for explosive energy. The lift doors opened and, as if conjured, Kiki stood waiting to alight.

      ‘Just the person.’ Wonderful how good humour could be instantly restored. ‘One moment, please, Dr Fender.’ He could not believe his good luck—finally—and gestured for her to wait. With a relief he was careful not to show he stepped in beside her as she hesitated.

      Kiki couldn’t believe her bad luck. So close to being safe. ‘What if I was on my way to work?’

      He shrugged those shoulders that still made her weak at the knees. Damn him. It was so hard to not to stare and just remember.

      ‘I have been told you are not working for a few hours.’

      His voice always had made her mouth dry, and now was no exception. What was the scientific reason for that? She searched a little desperately for distraction as she watched him press the lift button for the sixteenth floor.

      Of course he had looked for her in the hospital. If only she hadn’t run down for a quick chat with Will.

      The doors began to close and for a moment she did consider diving out before the doors shut, like some female secret agent with a barrel roll in her repertoire—but she’d just look awkward, and probably get sandwiched by the doors.

      Or, a hundred times worse, he’d put out his hand and touch her, and she wanted to avoid that at all costs. That was what had happened the first time. He’d laid his hand on her arm to help her from the car and she’d woken up in bed with him. And stayed there for a week.

      That left the smart mouth as her only defence. ‘So where are we going?’ As if she didn’t know.

      He didn’t reply, and she remembered that. The frustrating habits of a man used to answering questions he felt inclined to and ignoring the rest. A prince with his own agenda unless it was for his family. Lucky him.

      She stared straight ahead at the doors of the lift as if they’d magically open and she could float out to safety somewhere in the stairwell. She could feel his eyes on her.

      ‘Why are you on this ship anyway, Your Highness?’

      She heard him sigh. ‘Do you call me that to annoy me?’

      Now she glanced at him. Sugared her voice.

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