A Kiss In The Moonlight. Laurie Paige

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A Kiss In The Moonlight - Laurie  Paige

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stood on the hunk of granite and contemplated several retorts. None seemed worthy.

      “Didn’t you get my letter?” she finally asked when she, too, stood on the ground by the boulders.

      He nodded without looking at her.

      In the letter she’d tried to explain why her mother had thought she was engaged and why she really hadn’t been. She tried again. “Lyle and I were at an impasse. He wanted to announce a wedding date. I wasn’t sure enough about us to do that. We weren’t engaged, not really.”

      “So you strung him along, then while he was out of town you experimented with me. You must have decided it was real. You stayed with him.”

      “Because he needed me.”

      “Yeah,” Trevor said with undisguised bitterness. “He needed you, so you stayed.”


      “The car wreck wasn’t all that serious, according to the news later that evening. It didn’t kill him or maim him or call for a life-or-death operation, did it?”

      She hesitated. “No,” she said. “It didn’t.”

      “But you stayed with him. Where’s your engagement ring?” he demanded, lifting her hand and holding it between them so they could both see her bare finger. He dropped it as if it might contaminate him with something dreadful.

      “At home.”

      “Your mother said you’d set a wedding date. In June, she said.”

      Lyric stared at him. “You called? When?” She clutched his arm at his nod. “Trevor, when?”

      “After I got the letter. Apparently you’d changed your mind about the marriage.” He pulled away from her grasp.

      “She didn’t tell me about the call.”

      “I told her not to. I didn’t figure it would make any difference.” He started toward the horses, then paused. “Would it?” he asked. “Would it have made a difference if we’d spoken? Would you have broken the engagement and come to me…if I’d asked?”

      She thought of silent, endless nights at the hospital, of days at Lyle’s bedside when he went home, him thinking he was going to be all right, that they would marry and produce an heir to the two ranches.

      We’ll have children right away, he’d said one afternoon toward the end. Would you rub my head? These damn headaches seem to be getting worse instead of better.

      His mother hadn’t wanted him to know the truth. She’d wanted his final days to be happy ones, filled with plans for the future. He didn’t seem to realize he was slipping further and further away as feeling began to leave his body.

      He hadn’t even noticed when he’d closed a car door on his hand. Lyric had been horrified but had managed to hide it as she released his hand and settled him on the terrace before running to the kitchen for a towel and ice to go on his injury.

      He’d become more and more docile as the days wore on, and then he hadn’t wanted her out of his sight during the last weeks. She’d slept on a sofa in his room. Often she’d held him propped up in her arms when his breathing became labored and weak. Then one night he’d whispered, “Thank you for loving me.”

      Those were the last words he spoke. He’d lapsed into a coma and was gone several hours later.

      Studying the strong, healthy man who glared at her as he waited for an answer, she sighed and said softly, “No, I couldn’t have come then.”

      His face hardened. “Then why the hell did you come now?”

      Chapter Three

      Later that morning, Lyric followed Trevor into town. The station wagon still handled just fine. She’d wanted to wait until she returned to Texas to have it fixed, but Trevor and his uncle wouldn’t hear of it.

      At the local garage—there was only one—Trevor and the owner examined her car and decided to replace the bumper and the used air bags and to smooth out the crinkle in the nose.

      “I’ll give you my insurance information,” she said, digging into her purse for the card.

      Trevor shook his head. “There’s no need. I caused the accident. I’ll take care of the bill.”

      “But that’s what insurance is for,” she protested.

      “It’s my responsibility,” he insisted.

      The garage owner observed their argument in amusement, then nodded when she finally shut up and let Trevor have his way, since it was clear he wasn’t giving up. While the men made the final arrangements on repairs, she stepped on the running board of Trevor’s pickup with a little groan. She seemed to be getting stiffer by the minute.

      His hands immediately settled at her waist and lifted her into the cab of the truck. Her skin burned as his heat penetrated her clothing and settled deep inside her.

      To her shock, she realized she wanted him…really wanted him. Now. This instant. Longing and need entwined all through her. She wanted passion, yes, but she also wanted comforting. She needed his strength. More than that, she needed his tender, loving care.

      Not that he would offer it, she admitted. She was foolish to think she would get another chance with him.

      “You’d better relax before your face sets that way,” he said when they were on their way.

      She frowned at him. “Your twin said you were stubborn. I didn’t realize how much.”

      Trevor shrugged. “You ran off the road because I cut you off. I take care of my mistakes.”

      “Or walk out on them,” she added.

      He gave her a warning glance that said, “Drop it.”

      “Isn’t that what you did to me? You thought of our time together as a mistake.”

      “For good reason. I never encroach on another man’s territory.”

      “I’m not a piece of property to be bought and sold. Or fenced off by some possessive male.”

      “Fine. You’re free as a bird as far as I’m concerned.”

      “Fine,” she said, and stared at the road without looking in his direction again.

      Instead of taking the road to the ranch, he turned onto another one running alongside the reservoir that formed a long, narrow recreational lake and supplied the town’s water. The water reflected the sky.

      The valley was cupped protectively in the palm of the surrounding mountains. It looked too peaceful and lovely to be real. For her it wasn’t. Sadness gripped her heart.

      Get over it, she advised, rejecting self-pity.

      Trevor pulled into the parking lot of a lodge that looked new. “I thought

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