A Rogue And A Pirate. Carole Mortimer

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A Rogue And A Pirate - Carole  Mortimer

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frowned, looking about him intently. ‘I’m sure we’ve already been past here once tonight.’

      She was glad of the darkness to hide her guilty blush. ‘Don’t be silly,’ she dismissed briskly. ‘Just park in front of the house,’ she directed. ‘It’s a loop driveway so you can drive straight out again,’ she added with satisfaction.

      He parked the car in front of the huge oak doors, glancing up at the elegant Georgian-style house. ‘Are you sure you aren’t married?’ he drawled. ‘I’m sure you can’t live here all alone.’

      ‘I don’t,’ she confirmed. ‘I live here with my parents. I’d love to invite you in,’ she added with obvious insincerity, ‘but it is late.’ Because of all the detours they had taken! ‘And I wouldn’t like to disturb Mummy and Daddy.’

      Rogan looked at the house again. ‘I should think you could lose a person for a month in there and not hear their cries for help!’

      ‘Mummy and Daddy are very light sleepers,’ she taunted.

      ‘Both of them?’ he said drily.

      ‘Yes.’ She smiled her triumph. ‘Thank you so much for driving me home, it was very kind of you.’

      He turned in his seat, his arm coming to rest behind her shoulders. ‘Kindness didn’t come into it,’ he drawled.

      ‘I know,’ she taunted, turning to open the door.

      ‘Not so fast.’ Rogan caught hold of her arm, pulling her towards him.

      ‘What——?’ Her question was never finished as his taunting mouth came down on hers.

      Her head rested back on his arm as he leant over her, lost in the confines of his arms—and the magic of his lips. His shoulders felt smoothly powerful beneath her hands, his mouth moving against hers with insistent passion. He smelt of spicy soap and limes, his body warm as his shirt-covered chest pressed against her throbbing breasts.

      His mouth became gently probing as he sensed her confused acquiescence, his lips moving moistly across her cheek as he told her how beautiful she was, how desirable, how much she excited him. Caitlin could feel herself being seduced by his verbal lovemaking, his green eyes piercing in the illumination from the lights beside the house doors, holding her captive as his mouth lowered to hers again.

      They tasted, licked, nibbled, finally coming together with fierce passion, Rogan’s hands restless on her body, at last lingering on the up-thrust of her breast.

      Caitlin gasped as he sought, and found, the pointed tip, caressing softly, until the nipple firmed and throbbed for closer contact.

      ‘I want to see you naked, Caity,’ he told her gruffly as one of his hands moved to the zip on her gown. ‘Naked and wanton!’

      She felt hot, feverish—she was making love with a complete stranger!

      ‘No!’ She pulled out of his arms, her expression one of panic as he reached for her again. ‘Let me go,’ she instructed coldly.

      Puzzlement darkened his eyes at her vehemence, but he sat back in his own seat, his hands held up defensively. ‘I’ve never tried to force a woman,’ he assured her raggedly.

      She knew he had never needed to, that his brand of lovemaking could become addictive. ‘I know that,’ she conceded shakily, shaking back the fiery swathe of her hair. ‘I—it was a mistake, that’s all.’

      Rogan shook his head, his eyes steely. ‘I don’t make mistakes, Caity. I want you. And a minute ago you wanted me too——’

      ‘No,’ she denied heatedly.’ I told you, it was a mistake. I have to go in now.’ She swallowed hard, wishing she had found the strength to go in earlier, much earlier.

      He gave an abrupt inclination of his head. ‘I’ll be seeing you——’

      ‘No,’ she told him sharply, haltingly turning to look at him, realising how wrong she had been to let him know where her home was. He could cause so much trouble for her if he chose to! ‘I don’t want to see you again.’

      ‘I’m afraid that’s impossible.’ He shook his head. ‘You see, I——’

      ‘You aren’t listening to me! Can’t you take no for an answer?’ she snapped impatiently.

      ‘You weren’t saying no to me a few minutes ago,’ he shrugged.

      ‘Well, I’m saying it now,’ Caitlin rasped. ‘I don’t want to see you ever again, Mr McCord. Do I make myself clear?’

      ‘Very,’ he drawled, very relaxed as he sat back in his seat watching her.

      ‘Good.’ Her eyes flashed before she stepped out on to the gravel driveway. ‘Once again, thank you for the lift home.’

      ‘Believe me, it was my pleasure,’ he mocked. ‘All of it.’

      She slammed the door in his face, standing on the top step to watch the car—and Rogan McCord!—go out of the driveway before turning to enter the house.

      As she had known they would be, her parents were still in the lounge, both of them night people, enjoying a game of chess together as she entered the room. They looked so endearingly familiar, her father so big and strong, her mother so small and feminine, that for a moment she was able to banish the madness she had known in Rogan McCord’s arms as she returned their warm smiles.

      When her mother smiled she didn’t look much older than Caitlin, her hair as red as her daughter’s despite her fifty years, her face beautiful and unlined. ‘Did you have a nice evening, darling?’

      ‘Not particularly.’ She went on to tell them of the disappointing time she had had—omitting the part about Rogan McCord. That had been disturbing, not disappointing!

      ‘What a shame,’ her mother sympathised.

      ‘Damned thoughtless, I call it,’ her father bit out, he was a big bluff man of fifty-five, his hair having been iron-grey for as long as Caitlin could remember. Her brother Brian was hoping his brown hair would go the same colour so that he could look as distinguished as their father. ‘Gayle could have called you,’ he added with a frown.

      Exactly what she had thought! ‘I think I’ll get off to bed now; I have a hectic day tomorrow.’

      ‘Of course, dear.’ Her mother smiled her sweetly serene smile.

      The conversation with her parents had helped calm her a little, and she held off thoughts of Rogan McCord while she showered and changed for bed, although once she lay in the darkness he wouldn’t be banished as easily; warm green eyes haunting her mind, that firmly sensuous mouth that could wreak such havoc with her senses, making her behave in a way she hadn’t believed she was capable of.

      She turned over with a sob, her breathing coming to a ragged halt as the moonlight gleamed on the white dress that hung outside her wardrobe. A wedding-dress. Her wedding-dress.


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