Elusive Lover. Carole Mortimer

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Elusive Lover - Carole  Mortimer

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Frances had just witnessed her life wouldn’t be worth living around here anyway.

      Once she reached the privacy of her room she threw all her belongings into her battered suitcase, tears streaming down her face. Josh was probably reaping the benefit of Frances’ experience at this moment. He would certainly find she had a lot more to offer than Erin had.

      God, she hated him, hated them both. How could she have let Josh kiss her like that, have actually kissed him back! It wouldn’t have happened normally, not if she weren’t feeling so miserably alone. She wasn’t usually susceptible to the lazy charm Josh had seduced her with, she was just homesick, needed to get back to England, to——

      Who was she kidding? The man had enough charm and sexual attraction to make her fall for the same thing all over again. He had probably recognised her need for some kind of human warmth, and had decided to take advantage of it.

      She was such a fool, such a complete and utter idiot. A man like that wouldn’t seriously be interested in someone like her. He was in town looking for fun—and she was supposed to be it. Frances would be a willing stand-in, and Joshua Hawke would probably enjoy it more with her.

      The door to her room was suddenly flung open, and Mike Johnston came inside and closed the door. ‘Well, well, well,’ he taunted, his gaze insolently undressing her. ‘And just where do you think you’re going?’ he looked pointedly at her half packed suitcase.

      She threw some more clothes inside, not caring that they would all be creased and unwearable when next she opened it. ‘I’m leaving,’ she threw some more things in the case. ‘Right now.’

      ‘Oh yeah?’ he sneered, his arms folded challengingly across his chest.

      ‘Yes,’ she nodded, going into the bathroom to collect her few cosmetics.

      Mike followed her, swinging her round to face him. ‘You can’t just walk out on me.’

      ‘I’m going!’ She tried to pry his fingers from her arm, but they refused to be dislodged. ‘Let me go, Mike.’

      ‘Not until you’ve given me what I want, what you gave that guy in room twenty-six last night.’ His wet lips came down on hers, forcing her head back, her arms twisted painfully behind her back.

      ‘No!’ She wrenched her mouth away, struggling to be free.

      ‘Yes!’ he hissed, pulling her so hard against him that he knocked the breath from her body, momentarily dazing her. He pushed her over to the bed and forced her down, his weight pressing down on her.

      After Josh this man was grotesque, everything about him nauseating her, so much so that she couldn’t even fight him as he pulled her shirt out of her denims and roughly undid the buttons.

      ‘I told you I was the first in line when you started coming across,’ he breathed heavily as he looked down at her nakedness. ‘Frances told me you stayed with that guy Hawke last night,’ he snarled.

      That brought her out of her daze. ‘Frances told you…?’

      ‘Just now,’ he nodded, his mouth plundering the hollow between her breasts.

      Just now? That meant Frances must have left Josh almost immediately, and from the way she had made a play for him Erin didn’t think the other woman had been the one to call a halt. Josh must have rejected her, he must have done!

      She began to struggle now, to fight back, although she didn’t give herself time to wonder why Josh’s lack of interest in Frances should cause this reaction. ‘Let me go, Mike,’ she ordered firmly. ‘Let me go!’ she panicked as he refused to be pushed off, his weight heavy on top of her.

      Suddenly he was pulled off her and slammed against the wall. ‘You heard the lady,’ Josh told him, dangerously soft, his eyes glittering like green pebbles as he held the other man pinned to the wall. ‘She doesn’t like you touching her.’

      Erin was too busy rebuttoning her shirt to care about the damage Josh might do to Mike; the former was obviously the stronger and fitter of the two.

      Mike gave a taunting smile, holding up his hands defensively. ‘She’s all yours, if you want her badly enough to fight over her. Personally I’ve never found her that good.’

      She gasped. ‘Why, you——’

      ‘Keep your dirty comments to yourself,’ Josh rasped, his grasp tightening about the other man’s throat. ‘Or would you like me to make you?’


      ‘You can get out,’ Mike turned on her savagely. ‘Just take your things and get out.’

      ‘Don’t worry,’ Josh’s mouth twisted, ‘I don’t intend leaving her here with you.’ He thrust the other man away from him, wiping his hands down his denim-clad thighs, as if the touch of the other man had contaminated him.

      ‘Why, you——!’ Mike raised a fist and swung it at Josh, missing by inches as the latter ducked, his own fist landing painfully in Mike’s flabby stomach. ‘Hell!’ Mike groaned, bent over double.

      ‘Get out,’ Josh ordered coldly.

      Mike looked up with jaundiced eyes. ‘You can’t tell me to get out of my own property!’

      ‘I just did.’


      ‘Out!’ Josh snapped tautly.

      Mike staggered to the door. ‘I meant it about your going,’ he snarled at Erin’s bent head.

      ‘Neither of us will be staying,’ Josh answered for her. ‘As soon as Erin has her things together we’ll both be leaving.’

      ‘That will save me the trouble of throwing you out!’ Even Mike must have realised that was a purely defensive threat, because he made a hasty exit.

      Erin slumped back down on to the rumpled bed. ‘Oh, God!’ she shuddered, burying her face in her hands.

      Josh’s arm came about her shoulders as he sat down next to her. ‘It’s all over now, sweetheart,’ he comforted gently.

      She stiffened, moving away from him. ‘Until the next time,’ she mumbled, standing up to fasten her packed suitcase.

      His eyes narrowed to steely green slits. ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

      She shrugged, feeling cold inside, numb. ‘Men are all the same—they take, they don’t give.’

      Amusement lightened his expression. ‘And where did you learn that little gem?’

      Her eyes sparkled as she glared at him. ‘From men like you, like Mike, like—like——’

      ‘Like?’ he suddenly towered over her.

      ‘Like my father, like Bob,’ she told him vehemently. ‘My father only had me in the first place to try and keep his marriage together, and when it didn’t he couldn’t give a damn about me. And as for Bob, he never wanted me in the first place. He couldn’t wait to throw me out either.’

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