Waking Up With Dr Off-Limits. Amy Andrews

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Waking Up With Dr Off-Limits - Amy Andrews

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in a Sydney hospital. He’d wanted to come home to Edwinburra but there were no beds at the hospital because there were no nurses to staff them. So he died far away from the house he’d helped his father build and the land he’d worked his entire life.’

      Jess felt the old feelings of injustice resurface and well in her chest. It was amazing how raw it still felt from time to time and she dropped her gaze back to the bowl of icing.

      ‘I grew up in that house, the only kid in a houseful of adults. I saw him every day of my life until he got sick and I didn’t get to say goodbye.’

      Adam felt the ache in her voice right down to his bones. ‘I’m sorry,’ he murmured after a moment.

      Jess sucked in a breath and blinked hard. ‘Thanks.’ She gave him a small smile. ‘Anyway,’ she said briskly, suddenly feeling foolish for confiding in him, ‘this isn’t getting the cake iced.’ She touched the biscuits, satisfied that they’d cooled enough, and stacked them in a nearby container.

      Adam guessed that the abrupt changing of topic and sudden flurry of activity was his signal to drop it. And if he wasn’t mistaken, her cheeks looked pink. He hadn’t wanted to embarrass her. So he stood and followed her lead.

      ‘Are these for tonight?’ he asked, reaching his hand into the container to snag another biscuit.

      ‘No, and just as well,’ Jess said pointedly as she removed them from his reach, pleased to be back on solid ground. ‘Anzacs are not party food. But the oven was on and they’re Cort’s favourites.’

      ‘So what are we eating tonight?’ Adam asked as he took a step towards her, angling to get closer to the biscuits.

      Jess nearly rolled her eyes. Typical man—suggested the party then left it up to everyone else to organise. She shifted the biscuits again as he closed in on them.

      ‘We’re getting in some of those Lebanese-style pizzas,’ she said.

      Coogee had some truly magnificent ethnic eateries and Jess adored the Lebanese take-away. The closest thing to ethnic in Edwinburra was imported olives at the local deli.

      Adam reached across her but Jess tugged the container out of his reach. They looked at each other for a solid moment. He, demanding to be allowed another. She, daring him to try again.

      But suddenly he realised how close they were and she smelled like chocolate and treacle and his appetite turned … carnal.

      His body moved from high alert to defcom four.

      He sighed. ‘That’s it. You leave me no choice.’ And he dipped his finger in the nearby icing bowl.

      She automatically slapped his hand but it was too late. He was bringing the icing-dipped finger back to his lips and slipping it inside his mouth.

      Jess watched as if it was playing in slow motion. The way his lips parted, the glide of his chocolate-lubricated finger as it slid inside his mouth, the soft clamp of his lips, the slow passage of a stray drip as it trekked down his chin, the way his cheeks hollowed as they created enough suction to strip the icing off, his finger reappearing a few moments later clean and moist from the ministrations of his tongue.

      ‘Mmm, mmm.’ Adam shut his eyes as layers of sweetness coated the inside of his mouth. ‘This,’ he said, opening his eyes, ‘is very, very good.’ He licked his finger again, hoping for any residual flavour.

      Jess didn’t know what to say. Or do. All she could think about was the smudge of chocolate icing on his chin. So very, very near his mouth.

      ‘You have chocolate on your chin,’ she said, hating the suddenly breathy quality of her voice.

      Adam looked down at her, at her gaze fixed just south of his mouth. The sadness that had lurked in her eyes before was well and truly gone. There was heat now—lots of heat. His body tensed even further.

      ‘I do?’ he asked.

      Jess nodded and handed him the washcloth she had handy. ‘Here.’

      Adam regarded it. Any other woman, with this much sexual tension filling the air, would have offered to lick it off. God knew, he’d lost his mind enough to let her. But that obviously wasn’t her style.

      And that should have been a turn-off.

      But there was something so sweet about her primness, especially with all that heat in her gaze, it only intrigued him further.

      ‘Thanks,’ he said, taking the proffered cloth.

      He cleaned his chin and passed it back to her. There was another moment when she just looked up at him and he gave serious thought to kissing her. Her mouth was pink and parted slightly and he knew she’d taste like chocolate icing.

      ‘Any time,’ she murmured.

      Adam stared at her lips as they moved. ‘Happy birthday, Jess.’

      Jess smiled. ‘Another year older.’

      Adam nodded, dragging his gaze from her mouth and stepping away.

       Still the same age as Ruby.

      He unhooked his jacket from the chair. ‘I have a couple of meetings to go to so I’m going to be late to the party. Start without me.’

      And then he was gone.

      Jess blinked. She could have sworn he was going to kiss her. And then she’d gone and spoilt it by reminding him of her age.


      Stupid, stupid, stupid.

      ‘I need a dress. A sexy dress. A very sexy dress.’

      Tilly looked up from blindly trying to find the hole in her ear with the hook of her dangly earrings.

      ‘Okay … I thought you were just wearing jeans.’ She looked down at her own casual attire. ‘I thought we weren’t getting dressed up.’

      ‘It doesn’t have to be dressy. Just …’


      Jess nodded. ‘Very sexy.’

      Tilly nodded towards her wardrobe. ‘Help yourself.’

      Jess clapped her hands, entering Tilly’s purple room and scooting over to what she knew to be a veritable treasure trove of girly dresses.

      ‘Is there a man you’re hoping to impress tonight?’ Tilly asked hopefully.

      Jess refused to even think of Adam as she flicked through the multitude of coat hangers. ‘Nope, just tired of being the jeans and T girl.’

      ‘Right …’

      Jess looked at her friend. ‘It’s my party,’ she said defensively. ‘I want to look like the party girl.’

      ‘Of course.’ Tilly nodded.

      Jess narrowed her eyes. ‘What?’

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