Scrooge and the Single Girl. Christine Rimmer

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Scrooge and the Single Girl - Christine  Rimmer

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      “A little.” Jilly was already scooting down, reaching for the afghan.

      Will helped her, tucking it in around her. “Better?”

      “Mmm-hmm.” She was thinking that she could feel his body’s warmth. Then he rolled away from her and stood.

      “You’re leaving?” Jilly hoped she didn’t sound as forlorn as she felt.

      “I was just going to get another blanket. But if you want to be left alone…” Will trailed off.

      “I’d rather have company, actually.”

      Pure self-indulgence, Bravo, Will was thinking as he got the spare afghan. She was fine. So what was he doing, lying on her bed with her, rambling on about himself? Just what she needed, after having the misfortune to be snowed in with him—a chance to hear his long, sad story: Nightmare Christmases I Have Known.

      He should go, he thought, as he returned to the bed and stretched out next to her.

      But he didn’t….

      Scrooge and the Single Girl

      Christine Rimmer

      In loving memory of

      the house my mother was born in, a house we filled with our family memories, the house we always called the Old House.


      came to her profession the long way around. Before settling down to write about the magic of romance, she’d been an actress, a salesclerk, a janitor, a model, a phone sales representative, a teacher, a waitress, a playwright and an office manager. She insists she never had a problem keeping a job—she was merely gaining “life experience” for her future as a novelist. Christine is grateful not only for the joy she finds in writing, but for what waits when the day’s work is through: a man she loves, who loves her right back, and the privilege of watching their children grow and change day to day. She lives with her family in Oklahoma.




      —Cash Bravo and Abby Heller


      —Nate Bravo and Megan Kane


      —Zach Bravo and Tess DeMarley


      —Melinda Bravo and Cole Yuma


      —Jenna Bravo and Mack McGarrity

      THE M.D. SHE HAD TO MARRY (SSE #1345)

      —Lacey Bravo and Logan Severance


      —Marsh Bravo and Tory Winningham

      THE BRAVO BILLIONAIRE (single title)

      —Jonas Bravo and Emma Hewitt


      —Gwen Bravo McMillan and Rafe McMillan

       (Weekly Serial at


      —Dekker (Smith) Bravo and Joleen Tilly


      —Aaron Bravo and Celia Tuttle

      MERCURY RISING (SSE #1496)

      —Cade Bravo and Jane Elliott


      —Will Bravo and Jilly (Jillian) Diamond


      Chapter One

      Chapter Two

      Chapter Three

      Chapter Four

      Chapter Five

      Chapter Six

      Chapter Seven

      Chapter Eight

      Chapter Nine

      Chapter Ten

      Chapter Eleven

      Chapter Twelve

      Chapter Thirteen

      Chapter Fourteen

      Chapter Fifteen

      Chapter Sixteen

      Chapter Seventeen


      Chapter One

      Jillian Diamond left Sacramento at a little after two on that cold, clear Sunday afternoon in late December. She was barely out of town before the sky began to darken.

      In the foothills, a light snow was falling. The fluffy flakes blew down, swirling in the gray sky, melting the instant they hit the windshield.

      Jilly cast a quick glance at the seat beside her. “Voilà, Missy. Snow.”

      Miss Demeanor, a small calico cat with one mangled ear and an ordinarily pleasant disposition, glared at her mistress through the screened door of the carrier that held her prisoner. Missy did not enjoy traveling.

      Jilly faced the road again and continued, as if Missy cared, “Snow is good, you know that. Snow is part of the plan.”

      The plan was this: Take one creative, contented single woman, add Christmas in an idyllic setting, mix well and come up with…a column. Or maybe an article, something suitable for the slicks. Options, at this point, were wide open.

      And no, this was not to be your usual desperate, club-hopping singleton’s Christmas, not your ho-hum lonely career girl wandering aimlessly in a coupled-up world, with humor. Not your predictable tale of meaningless sexual encounters with guys who have it

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