The Billionaire's Pregnant Mistress. Lucy Monroe

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The Billionaire's Pregnant Mistress - Lucy  Monroe

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broad shoulders tensed. “No. You are an independent, career-minded woman. I wanted you. You wanted me. We made no promises to one another. I never intended marriage and if you are honest with yourself you will admit you knew that.”

      “Why should I?” Maybe she hadn’t thought ahead to marriage, but she sure as heck hadn’t assumed they’d break up like this either. Not with him planning to marry someone else. “We had something incredibly special.”

      “We had great sex.”

      Her hands trembled and she put down the glass of juice she had just lifted to her lips. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

      “It is the truth.”

      “Your truth.”

      He shrugged. “My truth.”

      “Well, I have a truth I have to share with you as well.”

      “What is this truth?” he asked coolly.

      It was hard, harder than she could ever have imagined to pluck up the courage to tell a man who had just informed her what she had mistaken for love had been nothing more than great sex that she carried his child. In the end only blunt honesty would do. “I’m pregnant.”

      For several seconds his expression did not change and then his eyes filled with pity. “Xandra, do not humiliate yourself this way. I will not leave you unprovided for.”

      He thought she was worried about the payoff gift? She glared at the pile of papers and jeweler’s box near his right hand, wishing she could incinerate them with her eyes. “I’m carrying your child, Dimitri.”

      He groaned and rubbed between his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. “You’ve always been very forthright, very honest. Do not stoop to telling tales now. Surely you cannot believe it will change the outcome.”

      He thought she was lying? She felt hysterical laughter well up inside her. He thought she was lying now and had always been so forthright in the past. He believed she was Xandra Fortune, the French fashion model and orphan the world saw. And he didn’t believe she was pregnant.

      The irony almost choked her. “I am not lying.”

      His cynical smile galvanized her into action. She dug in her purse and grabbed the white stick that proved her pregnancy. She waved it in front of him. “One blue line means yes to a pregnancy.”

      She did not know exactly what reaction she had expected, but it was not the volatile, fury filled one she got.

      He grabbed her wrist, lifting the hand with the pregnancy test, his body vibrating with palpable anger. “You dare to show this to me?”

      What was wrong with him? “Yes, I dare. I won’t let you ignore the reality of your baby just because you’ve decided it’s time to marry another woman.”

      A nerve ticked in his jaw. “Do you think I am stupid? You cannot possibly be pregnant with my child.”

      “The condom broke, remember?” He should. He’d made enough of it at the time.

      “That was before your period and we did not have sex again until two days ago.” The grip on her wrist tightened painfully. “Tell me you are not pregnant. Tell me this—” he shook her hand “—is some kind of joke.”

      “You’re hurting me,” she whispered as tears clogged her throat and burned her eyes.

      A flash went off and he let her go, throwing her arm from him with disgust. She watched out of the periphery of her vision as one of Dimitri’s security men took off after the photographer. “It’s not a lie. I am pregnant.”

      If anything, he seemed to swell with more anger. “It is not my child.”

      For a moment his words paralyzed her. How could he doubt it was his child? She’d never had another lover. He knew it. “It is.”

      His face contorted with revulsion. “All this time you have been haranguing me for planning to marry Phoebe, you have known you took another man to your bed. Who is it?”

      His shouted question made her jump in fright. Dimitri never lost his cool. He hated scenes and putting on a public display was anathema to him.

      “There is no other man.”

      “The evidence is not in your favor.” His voice had dropped to freezing levels.

      “I don’t know how it can be, but it is.”

      “I had planned to be generous, give you the apartment. I thought you deserved it, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to pay for your lover’s lifestyle and support his bastard child. I am not that stupid.” He grabbed the papers off the table, but tossed the box at her. “This should be a sufficiently memorable token for services rendered.”

      She shoved the box aside. “There is no other man!”

      His face closed up and terror coursed through her. He did not believe her. “You can have the tests done.”

      He stood up. “Be assured I will demand them if you attempt to sue for any kind of support.”

      Alexandra gulped, trying to get enough air. Trying not to vomit, but the pain was so intense that she wasn’t sure she could win the battle. Her arms were wrapped tightly around her middle and she still felt like she was going to fly apart into a thousand broken little pieces.

      To have the gift of their child so brutally rejected hurt almost beyond bearing.

      She whimpered.

      Whipping her hand to her mouth, she blocked the sound with her fist. She did not want to let him see her weakness.

      “You have twenty-four hours to vacate the apartment.” He gave her one last sulfuric glare, spun on his heel and left.

      Alexandra paced from one side of the living room to the other. She’d called Dimitri’s cell phone at least a dozen times and gotten his message service every time. She’d left messages with the operator, at his Paris office, at his office in Athens, even with his grandfather’s housekeeper.

      Every message had said the same thing. Please call.

      He hadn’t. Not all day yesterday as she vacillated between tortured tears and blazing fury. Not through a sleepless night when she had tossed and turned in a bed too big for comfort without him in it. She’d tried to rest for the baby’s sake, but every time she closed her eyes images of him telling her he planned to marry intruded, or worse… his expression of revulsion when she’d told him she was pregnant.

      It was now close to one o’clock in the afternoon and she’d spent the last hour calling every contact number she had for him again. It hadn’t done any good. She couldn’t sit down. She was so strung out and edgy, she felt like she’d taken a couple of the diet pills some of her fellow models used to control their appetite.

      One thought played itself over and over again in her brain. Dimitri believed she’d taken another lover. What kind of trust was that? He really did think she was some kind of slut.


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