More Than a Mistress. Ann Lethbridge

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More Than a Mistress - Ann Lethbridge

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that his hands were kept busy with the reins, since the seats were not very wide and the thought of his hands on her body was keeping her far too warm. Just feeling him alongside her sent delicious tingles over her skin.

      Not surprisingly, Caro had refused to accompany them on their jaunt and Merry had blithely said a groom would go with them. So much for decorum.

      The day was too lovely for such thoughts. She wanted to absorb the warmth of the sun in through her skin. Feast on the brilliance of a cerulean sky and rolling hills of pristine white. The vastness shrank her problems to nothing. She leaned back with the muffled thud of the horses’ hooves and the jingle of the bridles filling her ears.

      ‘The Yorkshire countryside is magnificent,’ he murmured.

      ‘Most days I’m too busy to notice,’ she admitted. Too wrapped up in business matters.

      He tipped his head back to look up into the sky, his eyes creasing at the corners as he squinted at the light. ‘An eagle,’ he said. ‘See it?’

      She looked up and saw the bird, wings outstretched to catch the wind, wheeling high above them. ‘It will be lucky to find any prey with so much snow on the ground.’

      ‘Oh, he’ll find a vole or a mouse or two. Did you know one of my ancestors was responsible for the King’s mews? Back in Tudor times?’

      ‘Mine probably cleaned up the droppings.’

      They laughed and the horses’ ears twitched.

      The tension flowed from Merry’s shoulders. He’d made her feel comfortable. She didn’t feel the need to hide the smile curving her lips or to say something blunt to keep him at a distance. She could be herself. She let go a sigh. ‘I wish every day was like this.’

      ‘Me, too.’

      He turned at the crossroads, entering the main road. No tracks marred the snow. No vehicles had passed this way since the previous evening. The wrecked phaeton soon came into view. Snow had drifted around it, but the shafts sticking straight up reminded her of a sunken wreck.

      It looked sad and lonely. ‘I hope it can be repaired,’ Merry said.

      He frowned. ‘You know, you really shouldn’t be driving around the countryside without a groom. Footpads are not unheard of in this part of the country. And there are rumours of Luddites again.’

      ‘I know everyone in the Riding.’

      He shot her a look from beneath his brows that said he thought she was a stubborn foolish woman. She glared back.

      He drew the horses to a halt and handed her the reins. ‘I’ll just be a moment.’

      ‘You surely aren’t thinking of pulling it out of the ditch?’

      ‘No. I want to look at the axle.’ His frown deepened.

      ‘Leave it to Jed.’

      He didn’t reply, just climbed down and trudged through the snow. Stubborn man.

      It was ridiculous. The snow had drifted well up the wheels. There was nothing to see. And what was the point of him getting soaked and cold? He was spoiling the afternoon.

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